

Judy G.
on 2/21/14 9:23 pm - Galion, OH

Morning OFF Family!!! Coffee needs warming be right back...

Judy G.
on 2/21/14 9:37 pm - Galion, OH

OK I am back...well we dodged a flood here thankyou GOD!!!! Came close though!!! Now we are back for more cold weather and that ****ty white stuff!! GRRRRRRRR come on mother nature stop all ready!!!!!!! Sighs!!!!!!!!!!

Got a new tenant moving in come Monday morning and I hope she is not a pain in our neck!!! She has called me several times already wanting to know this and that and there is nothing I can do until I hear from her case worker and I have told her this over and over again. (pull hair out here) Also lost another tenant to death. And again her family never called to let me know. Heard through one of the other tenants she died. Atleast she was in the nursing home and not in apartment. Her live in boyfriend never came to let us know either!!! Far as we know he split!!! All this womans family has not been seen yet or heard from!!! All her things are in the apartment yet. Her cat????? Never knew she had one!!! Told Rick he had to go in and see f there was one and if so get it out or see that it had food and water!!! Just wonderful what I find out after the fact isn't it? (deeeeep breaths)

Went to eye dr Thursday. He said I need to have cateract surgery soon as I can get medical insurance. Nice. So for now I get new glasses. Wonderful. Soooooo Now I need to figure out how I can afford medical insurance with all my bills. Dr said even a $5,000 deductible wouldn't be bad. HUH???????????? How does he figure that one??????? Is cateract surgery that expensive???? I have no clue!!! I do not make that kind of money at al!! Nor do I have that kind of money!!!! Maybe check back into Medicaid??? I am so lost when it comes to this stuff.

Well not much else to say so guess I will check out FB and see what games I can play this morning.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


on 2/21/14 10:42 pm - Bradenton, FL

Healthcare.gov. Obamacare you have to sign up or they are going to take it out of your income tax return. I heard that somewhere if u dont have insurance. 

Doesnt your job offer insurance?


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Judy G.
on 2/22/14 12:14 am - Galion, OH

Morning Carla...Nope all we get here is dental and vision...sucks!!!!! I tried calling a few insurance places and so far one told me to get hit by a car and my deductible would be taken care of right away...WTH????? Plus it would cost me about $500.00 a month!!!!! Now where do I get that kind of money?? Going to see about Medicaid next...what I make I fit in the bracket yet...just have to find my birth certificate again...sighs.....


on 2/21/14 10:49 pm

Sign up for Obamacare.  The rates are based on your income and if you are not making a ton of money, you should be able to get it for a few dollars a month.   Most people who sign up are actually eligible for medicaid but instead of the ways that medicaid was ran before where if you get sick, you can jump through enough hoops to get covered for one or two things, this time, your coverage will be all the time and you will not run out of benefits.  For the first time in twelve years, my daughter has insurance.  She and her husband are farmers and they barely make minimum wage and the guy who owns the farm doesn't have to provide them with insurance or pay overtime because he fits into that really nice government program started by Reagan that protects farmers--that trickle down thing where we help corporations and large farms and they will naturally take care of their workers...doesn't work.   Anyway, go to the website that Carla posted...you need insurance all the time.

Judy G.
on 2/22/14 12:17 am - Galion, OH

Hi Jeannie...not going with that screwball...from what I have heard from others I can't afford his "plan" either. And I am not smart enough to use the computer to figure out how to do it...soon as I find my birth certificate I am going to see about Medicaid. I still fit in the poor people area to get it...


on 2/22/14 3:21 am - Bradenton, FL

After a certain time u will get fined if u dont sign up. I heard that too. U need to go to Healthcare.gov. And call the number listed. They will walk u thru it. My kids saved a ton of money.

I dont need to do it. I already have insurance thru the government. I tried and it wont save me any money.

Just letting u know.

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Judy G.
on 2/22/14 4:16 am - Galion, OH

I still have time...all the problems they have been having they extended the dead line...so come Monday I will call and ask when is a good time to come in and apply for Medicaid...see what happens. If I can't get it...then I call a number the dr gave me.

Connie D.
on 2/22/14 1:20 am

Good morning Judy and everyone....

Judy....I have to agree with the others. You need to sign up for Obamacare. If your income is low you shouldn't have to pay such a high premium. Like Jeanne said....you need insurance all the time!! Good Luck sweetie!! Sorry about the tenant that died. That boyfriend sounds like a real winner too!! I pray the new tenant is just anxious to get moved in! Sorry about your needed surgery for cataracts. You sure will see better afterwards! Hope your weekend gets better. One plus thing is NO FLOODING!

Vickie....WOW....that really would be a move!! Good luck with the research. You know what is best for you!! I am glad the Hematologist is checking things out very thoroughly. You don't ever want that happening again! 

As for me....I am going out for my walk soon as I am done catching up here. I do love to walk. I run into so many new people. Especially in the other building. I am so glad our buildings are connected. I even sit and do puzzles with the ladies on the other floors. They are always inviting me to join them. You know me...I am so shy....LOL! I don't have much else planned today. Just a lazy kind of day!!

Wishing you all a gorgeous day today. The sun is shining so brightly here today!! The temp is only 7 with a high of 14 today. It sure does look a lot warmer out there! Just think Tuesday and Wednesday it was warm and in the 40s. Remember I had all my windows open!! Oh well....we take it as we can get it!

Praying daily for all my wonderful OFF family. Some special prayers as well.

Much love and many hugs to all.....connie d 

Judy G.
on 2/22/14 1:46 am - Galion, OH

Connie the horror stories I am still hearing about people still trying to get through to the obamacare no thanks...I will try the Medicaid first thankyou very much!!! If I can get that fine if not I will seek other help...

Weather here is nice today again but the darn cold will be back again and more ****ty white stuff!!!!!!!

Enjoy your walks...:-)


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