Judy, any type of medical procedure is expensive. I'm amazed when I get my insurance statements where they show what bills they received. Lab work alone can cost $1,200!! When I was going to a pain clinic every month, they always did urine screenings. Between the MD visit and the urine screening, the bill would be in excess of $2,000 sometimes. Unbelievable. I'd wait two hours every visit, then see the doctor for about two minutes. What a rip-off. Guy was making money hand over fist. Place was shut down without notice and everyone had to fend for themselves. Doctor ended up "surrendering his license" - but I'm sure he's living a very comfortable life off the money he was raking in. Ugh!
Sounds like you really have your hands full with tenants. I've been a landlord too - not an easy job at all and I don't envy you. Lots of headaches.
Trying to prepare for surgery. I ordered sample protein packets from two different companies - got one sample package yesterday, waiting for the second. Don't know whether to try them not or wait till after because I've read that your tastes change and sometimes you don't like things post-op that you liked pre-op. Any experience this? Think I'll hold onto the samples for now. My nutritionist recommended the sugar-free Carnation Instant Breakfast for protein. I don't think it has as much protein as the actual protein powders, but at least it's cheap. Also will be ordering mini muffin and loaf pans. I read the recipes on Eggface's site - they look really good. Very anxious now---
Gotta get back to Taylor now. Hope everyone has a good day!
Hi Mary...yes it all expensive now days but still $5.000???? come on!!! I am not a sick person at all!!! I will find my birth certificate and go see about Medicaid and go from there.
Now for your protein powder...get unflavored ANY WHEY PROTEIN you can get it at WALMART or GNC you can use it in cooking also and there is no taste to it. I think it comes in flavors? Vanilla and Chocolate?? Can't been so long since I used it. But YES Carnation Instant sugar free breakfast IS good!!!! You can also add more protein powder to it if you like. I used to use it a lot when I was fresh out of surgery. Just remember after your surgery...SIP SIP SIP AND WALK WALK WALK...VERY IMPORTANT!!!! Hang on its a wild ride!!!!!!! LOL
Tenant that is moving out this weekend her mom called a little bit ago...she forgot her is in Massachusettes...I know I spelled that state anyhow she is almost here can we let them in about noon? GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR now this is REALLY messing up my day!!!!!!!! Bad enough we have to do the walk through when they are DONE getting things out tomorrow now this!!! Sighs...never ending...LOL
Good Evening Judy, and OFF Sisters,
I'm finally able to sit down for a moment. I spent all day at the zoo. First, we handled several animals. Our first was a Blue Tongued Skink, a type of lizard. Then, a Spotted Turtle. Finally, a European Ferret. Then, we had a lesson on the mammals, particularly the ones at this zoo. After lunch, our lesson was on birds, and then we went over to the bird and reptile house.
After I got home from the zoo, I made a crockpot of turkey chili, and took it over to church, to put in the fridge. Tomorrow, when I get to church, I'll set it up, and turn it on. In a few minutes, I'm going to make a cake.
Judy, the site is up and running now. The Affordable Care Act is identical to what Governor Romney passed in Massachusetts. I do not understand why something that was passed by a Republican governor is now despised because President Obama signed it into law. Anyway, if you do not qualify for Medicaid, your insurance premiums should be much more affordable for you. However, if your governor allowed it, Medicaid enrollment should have expanded, once the Affordable Care Act became effective. Unfortunately, some governors are biting off their nose, to spite their face, by refusing the Medicaid expansion, which is part of the Affordable Care Act.
Good luck.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish from what I was told last time I tried applying for Medicaid I was qualified...I just needed my birth certificate....had to get that from Michigan. Then my mom got sick while waiting for my appointment date to get here and I had to go to Michigan and I called them to let them know I had to change the date and they told me to call when I got back to set up and new date. Well according to them I was a NO SHOW!!!!!! WTH????? So long story I never went back...I was I will try again and see if I can get it now.
That's great that you qualify. I hope the paperwork goes smoothly.
God Bless.
Love and Hugs,
Albert Schweitzer

P.S. I just played with the site, and it is extremely user friendly. If you can use the Obesity Help website, there should be no problem using
Albert Schweitzer

Hello sistas!
So I sat down this morning to post, even before Judy, and got interrupted. 12 hours late, and I'm back. Crazy day today.
The good news is that I got my website transferred to the new hosting site! Hooray!!! I swear, they were calling me from California last night at 12:30 a.m. my time and we were still trying to get it all moved. But it happened and now I can relax about it again. My data was all saved.
(If you want to look at my website, it's You have to be a member to see all the personal family information, but you can see the home page. Just FYI, since I've been *****ing about it all week.)
Butch and I had a lovely afternoon. Chris and Mike hired the babysitter to watch the boys today, so we didn't have to babysit today. We went to Gruene for the afternoon. The weather was perfect for walking around today. They were having a chili cookoff and for just $5 we could wander around and sample all the chilis. Pretty cheap lunch! Then we went antiqueing, which we love to do. It was lots of fun.
And yes, we're getting pretty serious about visiting Belize in May. I think we are going to do that rather than do the cross country RV trip. I can rent us a house for a WHOLE month for just $500. That's less than $20 a day! Believe me, we would spend triple or maybe even quadruple that in gasoline alone pulling the RV with our current truck.
Anyway, we're going to rent a house and spend a month there and see what we really truly think about it there. So much to think about and so many details to consider. So this will just be a vacation and an exploring trip. I can't wait! Belize is beautiful. We've never had the luxury of time to take such a long vacation before.
Tomorrow we have to babysit the boys while Chris and Mike work on a Sunday at Hobby Lobby. It's crazy. The store is closed, but the employees all have to come in a clean for the VIP visit next week. I'll bet he doesn't stay 15 minutes before he's off to the next Hobby Lobby down the road in San Antonio.
Oh, and we finally heard back from the seller and she's agreed to make all the repairs we specified. Now, this is good, but she also has to make them to our satisfaction, so I'm not quite ready to declare victory yet. I mean, she can't just hire some local yokel to go in there and do a half-ass job and call it done, you know? But we might, just might, be getting closer to closing. (And by that, I mean getting Christie,, OUT OF HERE!!!)
Well, it's past my bedtime, especially since I was up so late last night messing around with my website. Love you all!
Vic WOOOHOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! What and exciting day you have had!!!!! CONGRATS!!!! But I really hope you are not going to move and leave us all....I would miss you!!! But you do what you feel is best for you...I am not family after all. Glad that you got your website all changed over in time!!!!