Happy Monday!

on 2/16/14 9:10 pm - Bradenton, FL


I am at my friends house in Ft Lauderdale. I came yesterday to get my car. It has been here since I flew to Chicago.

Im driving home sometime today!

So last night my cousin called me who is staying with my sister and was yelling at me why I didnt pick her up and take her with me, I said cause I was staying over night and maybe not coming back till Tuesday. Plus I was staying with my friend and not in a hotel!

I could of brought her her daughter lives about 50 minutes east of here but her daughter wouldnt return my calls! So Carl and I decided to go by ourselves! He dropped me off and came back hime with Bentley!

Today im playing with my cousin!Then driving hime.

What is in your agenda?????? 



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Debbie A.
on 2/16/14 11:39 pm - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

YAY!!!! I can post again!

It seems tech supports fixed their problem. I've missed talking to you all!

Let's see...Krissy and I went shopping and found her prom dress for senior ball. I'll post pictures of her in may with her hair make-up and dress on.

Made a German Chocolate Cake for a friends 60th birthday it turned out great...picture on my photos in OH

Took a quilting class on heirloom quilting and will be signing up this week for a 3 day retreat in May for another class on quilting. I like to finish my quilts myself.

Michael's girlfriend broke up with him again I pray he keeps on walking this time she is bad news this one...not sure what he sees in her, but sadly he is the only one that likes her. Of course I would never let him know that it would crush him and he has to make these choices on his own since he is 21 and a big boy. 

Well that's it for now, I hope all is well with everyone, Thoughts and prayers!

Big, Big, Hugs,



      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

on 2/16/14 11:44 pm - Cibolo, TX

Hi Debbie!  You have been missed.  So glad you are back!


Connie D.
on 2/17/14 6:25 am

Good afternoon Carla and everyone....

Carla....I am glad you are having a chance to spend time with your friend. Have a safe drive home. I think it was nice that you didn't bring anyone else along on your trip. You and Carl need your time together too.

Debbie...so wonderful to have you back. It sounds like you have a lot of fun things coming up with your quilting. Good for you!! I am sure Krissy will look just beautiful for her upcoming prom. I will look forward to seeing pictures. I feel bad for Michael and I hope he can end that relationship. You are right by not stepping in unless he asks your opinion. He is old enough to figure it out on his own. I know it is hard to let them go and not try to help them. He will be okay. All we can do is be there for them when they need us to be.

As for me....I had a long hot shower. Then I changed the bedding on my bed, put new bedding on. I washed clothes, put the laundry away. I filled my pill dispenser and emptied the trash receptacles. Then I had to go out and clean six inches of snow off my car and move it. I helped the ladies here finish the puzzle we had been working on the last few days. Now I am so tired I could drop!! Early to bed for me!

We had cable/internet out for most of the morning. They are setting the building up to go digital. As of August 1st my old TV's won't get service any longer. I guess I will have to go digital/ flat screen whether I can afford it or not. I hate being FORCED to do things like that. Oh well!!

Tomorrow is the day I have those procedures on my thumbs. I pray that this works as they sure are painful now. Kyleigh will take me and bring me home. She will stay with me as long as I need her. I have problems with waking up after any kind of anesthesia no matter how little or how much. I will be out of it for a couple days. My appointment isn't until afternoon. I will do my best to get on here in the morning to check in with everyone.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!!

Prayers for many of our OFF family.

Much love and many hugs....connie d  

Patricia R.
on 2/17/14 7:14 am - Perry, MI

Good Evening Carla, and OFF Family,

It's good to see Debbie on here again.  

Connie, I hope your hand procedure goes well.  I'm praying.

I just got home, and am crashing big time.  I've been to the hematologist, my last hand therapy appointment, the urgent care, and Rite Aid.  I started feeling sinusy yesterday, and by noon today, I was sick as a dog with a sinus infection.  I don't see my ENT doc till Friday.  

I made a huge crock-pot of beef stew today, and  made the dumplings right after I dropped the Rx.  Then, I took most of it to Colleen's, so she wouldn't have to cook tonight.  She's behind in her school work, for the college class she teaches, and needs to focus on that this week.

I screwed up and accidentally scheduled an iron infusion for when I'm supposed to watch Frankie on Friday.  Colleen seems stuck, so I'm going to have to reschedule it again.  It was originally supposed to be last Wednesday, when the funeral took place.

I feel like crap tonight.  I need to eat supper, and then get to work on my Bible study, and gluing Box Tops for Izzy.  

Before I go, I called the dealership where I bought my car, and complained that my new car's wipers suck, when the car I traded in has wipers that work.  Unfortunately, while on my way home from Lansing this afternoon, Winter Storm Rex arrived, and my wipers are useless.  So, the used car manager will give me new blades tomorrow.  

Must scoot.  Please pray this blasted sinus infection departs quickly.  I am absolutely miserable tonight.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/17/14 9:29 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello sistas!

Bringing up the rear again.  Long, long day and I'm pooped!  I'm going to bed in a few minutes.  Sincerely hope Connie's thumb injections work and that she's not under the weather for too long.  So glad Kyleigh is there with here.  Trish, I'm sorry you're sick again with the sinus.  I hope you recover quickly. 

As for me, I'm doing fine, just really tired of doctor appointments.  It was Butch's turn today.  We went back to see the foot doctor.  His foot is still swollen from surgery, but the doctor said it would take a full 3 months for that to go away.  It's been 9 weeks, so he's past the halfway point.  He had a stitch that just would not heal, so the doctor cut it out today and then had to put 2 new stitches in to hold the little incision closed.  We go back next week for him to remove the new stitches. 

I go to see my OB tomorrow and hopefully she will finally release me.  It's been 10 weeks since my hysterectomy.  Can you all believe that???  10 weeks and my body is still not back to normal.  Wow.  Of course, not from the hysterectomy.  That part is fine, I think.  But that staph infection surely did kick my butt!

Well, I can't think of anything else and my eyes are drooping.  Love you all!


Mary Gee
on 2/17/14 11:17 am - AZ
VSG on 05/14/14

Better late than never......

Connie, hope your procedures go well tomorrow.  Glad Kyleigh will be there to help you.

Trish, you've been busy with medical appts. too.  Hope you get some rest.

Vickie too - You and Butch must be worn out.  Hopefully the two of you will be feeling better soon.  I'm keeping my fingers crossed that you'll have some peace and quiet at home soon and you can both recover more quickly.

Carla, hope you had a safe trip drive home today - at least you don't have to worry about icy roads!

Debbie, sounds like Krissy and Michael are keeping you on your toes.  Your quilting classes sound like fun - they'll keep you busy.

On the homefront -- More snow coming tomorrow.  So what else is new?  Had Taylor overnight, so she wore me out.  She is go, go, go - and then go some more!  Having her around makes me feel young again, because she's just like her mother and it brings back such happy memories -- but she makes me feel old too because I can't keep up with her.  Sure hoping I have more energy post-op.

Prayers for all, wishing you good health!


 HW: 380 SW: 324 GW: 175  








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