Tuesday in Michigan

Patricia R.
on 2/17/14 8:39 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Sisters,

I woke up early, because of the steroids and headache, because of my lousy sinuses.  The steroids help clear things up faster than just the antibiotic alone.  It makes me hyper/manic, which does give me energy.  I would love to go a solid year without a sinus infection.  At this point, a month would be nice.  I've had one off and on since Christmas.

Today, I see the new dentist.  I am dreading that.  Then, later this afternoon, I take Utley for his shots.  He's due this week, and I have to get his dog license from the city.

For the first time, in a long time, I sarcastically whined about the snow, on Facebook last night.  My sweet son, Chris, jokingly compared me to Eliza Doolittle, in "My Fair Lady," by posting a clip of Rex Harrison singing, "Why Can't a Woman Be Like a Man?"  Love that kid.  He had the lead in "My Fair Lady" in high school Summer Stock.

I need to call my hematologist, first thing this morning.  Must try to change my iron infusion this week.

Must scoot.  Love and Prayers to all.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 2/17/14 10:41 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish and all my OFF sistas!

Trish, I sure hope you start feeling better soon.  Much sympathy about the dentist visit.  I hate to go to the dentist, too.  How is Utley adjusting to his new home? 

I am feeling a bit frustrated this morning.  I have a website that I use for my genealogy research.  I created it so that I could both share my research with other family members, but more importantly, so that I can carry all my research around with me on my laptop.  I was using a web host that was free for genealogy websites and it worked great.  But then they notified me that Feb 22nd is their last day.  So I have to move my website to another host.  I found one I liked, and could afford, but I need a backup file from the original hosting website and I can't get them to send it to me!  Time is running out. 

I spent a LOT of time building that website and inputting all those dates and notes and old family photos, etc.  I just can't lose it all!  I would have to literally start all over again from scratch and I don't have all my research notes and binders with me.  They're in storage.  With the backup file, the whole website would just transfer in its entirety--easy peasy.  Without it, I am in big trouble!

Got to go to see Dr. Reddy (OB) today.  Should be my last visit to her until I need another exam.  Do you have yearly "well woman" exams when you've had a hysterectomy?  I don't know.

Today I am making pulled pork in the crock pot for our dinner.  SO easy! 

Benny has just been adorably cute this past week.  He and I have developed a new routine.  He winks at me and then gives me a kiss.  Oh, he's my little boyfriend all right!  I'm going to miss him.  And Budder rolled over for the first time last night!  He's such a big baby!  I call him my little "sumo baby".  The child weighs almost 20 pounds!  I'm going to miss him, too.  His little smiles and grins just light up the whole room.

(I know, I know, I've complained non-stop about all these people living in my house, and now I'm whining about missing my babies.  Never satisfied, am I?)

We still haven't heard back from the buyer since we sent our list of "must be repaired" to her yesterday.  (Well, we didn't send it, the realtor did.)  I'm just assuming the deal is still on.  I hope so, because Chris went out and bought a bunch of furniture yesterday.  Ashley was having a sale and she got 12 months no interest financing.  She bought "big boy" furniture for Benny.  He'll be changing from his toddler bed to a twin sized bed at the new house.  And she found a headboard and dresser for her room too.  I don't think Mike has anything much in the way of furniture at his apartment except for a bed.  He's a guy.  He does have an X-Box!  LOL!

Well, I'd better go.  Lots going on here this morning, as usual.  Hope we hear from Connie and Jennifer today.  Prayers for healing for both of you!  Love you all!


on 2/18/14 11:05 am - Canada


Here I am, went to cancer centre today, met again with medical oncologist who was impressed with my bone density scan...I am so dense I am off the meter, but I knew that from my 2 previous scans...So she gave me scrip for Femara, to start 2 weeks after radiation ends, so mid April, around Easter. On Friday will be at radiation same time a colleague will be at chemo at same hospital:  everytime I go to Cancer Center am demoralized about huge crowds of patients, including new ones filling out newbie forms. Too many people are getting cancer and need treatments, when will we find a cure!  


Hugs to all!


Connie D.
on 2/18/14 10:26 pm

Jennifer...always on my mind....always in my heart.....always in my prayers. Hang in there. So glad your bone density turned out so great!! Hope the med helps after radiation.

You are right...cancer effects all ages. My grandson. Nic was diagnosed at age 3....there is no cure.....he has had many relapses but has been doing great these last few years. He is now 20...21 in April. The cancer is there but isn't changing so YAY!! He lives life fully and is a happy and wonderful young man. He works 3 jobs and carry's 15 credits at college. They had a school fund for Nic but had to use it to keep him alive. He never complains. He says...well you have to do what you have to do. He is so determined and a very hard worker. Can you tell how much I love him? Sorry to go on and on!!

Have a beautiful day....love and hugs....connie d


Connie D.
on 2/17/14 11:32 pm

Good morning Trish and everyone.....

Trish.....I sure hope those sinus headaches end for you soon. They sound so painful. I don't know how you can do all you do with headaches like that! Good luck at your new dentist appointment. I don't mind going to the dentist. I guess I have always had really nice ones and enjoy visiting with them. I hope you can manage to get into your hematologist this week. I know how much you need that infusion.

Vickie....I hope and pray you don't lose all that information on your genealogy site. That would be horrible. It sounds like today should be your last visit for a while with your OB doctor. I have "lady wellness exams" as I had my hysterectomy when I was 28 years old. I have never had any issues. Benny is so darn cute. He must be an awesome Big Brother!! I love the wink and smile. My great nephew, always did that to me since he was a small boy. He is in his 20s and still does it when he see's me. It is just our thing!! Your sweet little Budder is growing in leaps and bounds. twenty pounds already! He is going to be a big guy one day!! You will see those little ones often and then that will be a treat!!

As for me....I am exhausted today as I knew I would be after all I did yesterday. Oh well, I can sleep all I want the next couple days!! 

Wishing you all a beautiful day! Not sure if I will be checking back in today or not. 

Prayers for many of our wonderful OFF family.

Much love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d

Patricia R.
on 2/18/14 1:08 am - Perry, MI

Hi Connie,

I ended up not keeping the dentist appointment.  My headache, and fever would not leave.  I don't mind dentists.  I mind the bill.  My mouth is a mess, and crowns and bridges fall out.  I have a cracked tooth, and need partials.  I may just end up having him rip out my upper teeth, and give me a plate, and then partials on the bottom.  I can't afford to repair, and all that.

Besides, I make sure I get a dentist who uses the gas, as well as shots.  



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 2/18/14 10:31 pm

Trish....so sorry you have to pay for dental work. I wouldn't like going then either. I have pretty good coverage and for that I am grateful. Gas is more expensive for sure. I have never had that at a dentist, but then I never needed that extensive work done.

I am still keeping you and your family in my prayers.

Hope you have a good day.

Love you....hugs....connie d 

Debbie A.
on 2/18/14 12:44 am - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

Morning all!

Well were the break up house, Krissy broke up with her boyfriend yesterday. she found out he had cheated on her. She said no girl should put up with that crap. I hate it when my kids are hurting.

Trish, I hope you get that sinus infection under control and make sure you get the infusion taken care of.

Connie, I pray your procedure goes well for you today and you have a speedy recovery.

Vickie, Kids and family are a lot like men can't live with them and can't live without them!! LOL

I hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,



      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

Connie D.
on 2/18/14 10:39 pm

Debbie...it sure is true...we do feel our childrens pain. We never want them to hurt in anyway. We also know that is how they learn about life.

Sorry Krissy broke up with her boyfriend.Then also glad she did as she sounds like a strong young woman. She doesn't take being treated badly. Good for her!!! Hope she still goes to prom!!

Hope Michael is doing as well too. Poor guy!

Much love and many hugs....connie d

Judy G.
on 2/18/14 1:28 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...quick stop in today...Had some NASTY weather last night here!!! Sleet and then snow n top of it all!!! Had some doors frozen shut also!!! OMG talk about frustrating!!!!!!! Went to a level 3 about 6 am and talk about worry if Jerry would make It in to help out or not...YES!!!!!! He did!!!! Only thing is he thought he should make coffee first instead of doing snow...WRONG!!!!!!!! Get tat snow taken care of!!! OK!!!! Had to cancel my eye dr appointment due to being level 3 here...now we are level 2...wooohooo sun is trying to stay out and it is supposed to go into the mid 30's also!!!! Think we are almost there already!!!!

Connie prayers for you today that all turns out ok on your thumbs...Trish....you need to try a chiro and see if that helps all your illnesses!!! I am serious!!! I still do not have your home address!! My email addy is [email protected] please send it to me!!! Vic hope that you hear soon on the house!!! Debbie good to see you back again!!! OK CR**** me...sorry....not sure who else posted now darn it!!! Sighs......

Need to get back to work, have a RECERT to do soon and need to get ready for that...have a great day everyone!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


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