Saturday! What ya Doing?

on 2/14/14 10:27 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hi there!

What ya doing?

Me Im just starting to get up and moving. 

Tomorrow I need to go to Ft Lauderdale and get my car. Im going to stay overnight and play.

Our trip home was uneventful! We got home before all that weather in Atlanta hit on Tuesday! Im missing my baby!

Ill see her again at the end of March. We r going to Denver for a week.

I think im going to go and take some pictures today. I think I can breathe somewhat better! I got a cold somewhere!

Talk on! Ill check back later!



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on 2/14/14 11:36 pm - Cibolo, TX

Morning Carla and my sistas!

Carla! Girl, don't you ever stay home???  Be safe and have fun playing!

I think I have a date with my checkbook this morning.  Got to play catch up from being gone most of the last two weeks.  Ugh!  Time to pay the piper.

Went to the Wound Care Center yesterday.  My "hole" continues to close, so they decided not to do the debridement yesterday.  Instead the doctor numbed it up a bit and then "stirred things around in there".  Meaning he roughed up the inside of the wound to stimulate healing.  But I was numb and it didn't hurt.  And I don't have to go back for two weeks!  According to their computer, I am 98% healed. 

I tried wearing "normal" clothes yesterday instead of sweats or stretchy pants, but it like to have drove me crazy.  I wore a pair of capris with the usual zipper fly and button waist.  Oh, I could hardly stand the pressure on my abdomen.  I wonder if I will ever be able to wear my jeans again?

Speaking of capris, we broke a temperature record here yesterday.  I hate to tell this, since so many of y'all are still buried in snow, but we hit a high of 92 degrees yesterday in San Antonio.  I wore a tee shirt, capris and flip flops all day! 

I am excited about going to see the house tomorrow.  Butch is feeling a bit more optimistic about our chances of negotiating some repairs with the owner, which I guess we will tackle next week.  But mostly we are excited over the prospect of moving the kids out of here.  Chris has 3 days off in a row and she is going to start "the purge": getting rid of all the stuff she doesn't want to have to pack and move.  I saved all of my moving boxes we bought from Uhaul, so we have plenty of packing materials for her to use.  Ask me if I can't wait!!!

I have a special event happening next week.  A very good friend of mine and her husband are coming to San Antonio for their anniversary.  Lisa and I have been "internet friends" for over 10 years, but we have never had the chance to meet face-to-face.  We have held each other's hands as our kids have grown up, cried together, laughed together, *****ed together, prayed for one another, and lost weight together.  We met on Weigh****chers on-line.  (She had more success with that than I did!)  I can't wait to actually see her in person and give her a big ol' hug!!!  I imagine we will meet them on the SA Riverwalk for drinks and dinner.

Oh and we hit a milestone this morning!  Budder is cutting his first tooth!  He is 5 months old now and I think a 5 month old baby is the sweetest thing God ever put on this earth!  I just love them at this age!

Jo, I don't know yet where we will be going in our travels in May/June.  We are afraid to plan anything until the kids get moved out!  (What if I jinx it???  LOL!)  We are talking tentatively about heading along the Gulf Coast over towards Alabama and Georgia, then cutting up north towards Tennesse.  I cancelled a vacation we had planned for Pigeon Ford and Dollywood two years ago when I moved here to take care of Chris and Benny.  I still want to go there!  And we might slide over to Virginia.  I want to do some of my genealogy research as we travel across the South.  My people mostly came through the port of Charleston and migrated across the southern states on their way to Texas, but I have a few who came in through Philadelphia and wandered down through Virginia/Tennessee on their way to Texas.  It's going to be such fun!!!

We need to buy a bigger, better laptop before we go on our trip.  And my husband is STILL talking about a new truck! 

Well, what did everyone do for Valentine's Day?  I cooked a really good supper last night: fried chicken, purple hull peas, greens, mashed potatoes, rolls and special dessert.  I stopped in at Nana's cupcakes and bought two of her small pies (like tarts)--pecan and apple--and 4 cupcakes and 6 chocolate covered strawberries.  We never have much dessert around here anymore, so it was fun having so many choices.  And Budder had applesauce!  He's eating just a bit of solid food now and he loves applesauce.

I guess I'd better get to work on my day.  Hope everyone is doing well.  Connie, I hope you are feeling better and stronger today.  Jennifer, I hope you are doing well, too. 

Hugs to everyone and love you all!




Jo W.
on 2/15/14 1:15 am - Owosso, MI

Vickie that was a tongue in cheek remark!   just being a smart aleck here !     While it would be great to meet more of you ladies   planning it  in 6 weeks?  impossible!  we still haven't decided if we dare trust a baby sitter with the terrorist tots of if we are gonna buy hooks to hang the kids on and take with us!



on 2/15/14 4:39 am - Cibolo, TX

Well, actually in medieval times, it was not uncommon to "hang" infants in a thing like a cradle board from a hook on the wall!  The floors back then were covered with rushes (i.e. herbs and grasses), but were commonly infested with rodents and fleas and probably ****roaches, not to mention half-wild hunting dogs roaming the great halls, etc.  The safest place for Baby was hanging above all of that on the wall!  Also, the infant mortality rate was quite high due to very common occurences such a diarrhea, and diapers were in rare supply.  Babies could "go" and the mess would just slide down the wall!  Ugh, huh? Sometimes babies were kept in a cradle, but not always.  Sometimes babies were carried in a cloth sling around the mother's body, too.  Poor little things.  It was quite common for infants and toddlers to die before their 2nd birthday, and often the parents did not name the child for those first two years until they were relatively certain the child would survive its infancy. 

There's your history lesson for the day! 


on 2/15/14 8:32 am

When I was in the Middle East, they were all wearing coats and it was like 70 degrees, which was wonderful of me, since it had snowed before I flew out. It was nice and warm here today, like near 70.   I took my 15 year old grandson and my 6 year old granddaughter shopping.  I took the boy to Cabelas so he could get a duck call and a new pocket knife and took the girl to the toy store for her to get a new barbie doll and two outfits for her barbie. LOL.   She is such a girly girl.  She carries around a ton of dolls and little pets and all of that and just sits and plays for hours with those unlike my daughter was when she was that age. Now we are watching zombie movies.   Gross. 

Judy G.
on 2/15/14 1:13 am - Galion, OH

Morning OFF family!!!

Well our new guy is working out great!!!! WOOOOOOHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He said he would be here today if there was snow to clean or if we needed h to put salt down!!!! WOW!!!!!!!!!!! Now Jason we would have had to call him in!!!!!!!!!! Speaking of Jason...he FINALLY showed up last night to turn in his keys!!!! Rick checked them to make sure they were ALL there before giving him his paycheck. He then told him he had to get his car off the property or it would be towed. He said he would get it Sunday. So come Monday morning if it is still sitting here...I will call a tow truck. I am no longer playing his games. His excuse for not coming in this week...his cousin fired his crew and needed what about us? Oh well!!! Yeah. He ever needs a job not call me. I tell the truth.

Bandit has been having some potty problems last couple nights...waking up in the morning his bottom all full of poop. YUCK!!!!!!!! Not sure if its because the ground has so much snow and he can't find his "favorite" spot or what his problem is. This morning when I was drying him off and then went to put him on the floor, he bit me!!!!! He hates me trying to do any type of grooming on him at all...Monday he goes to get a bath and haircut and after this bite today I sure won't feel sorry for him if its cold outside...yes I will...just right now my hand hurts like hell!!!! He sure needs a bath and haircut that's for sure!!!! His hair has never been this long and snarly before!!! My hands hurt so bad and his temperament with me trying to brush him...omg!!!!! But its been so dam cold....

My nephew is home and doing well...the count down is on...2 months to heal up good!!! Keep prayers going for him if you would please. Thankyou so much!!!!

Well looks like Rick wants me for something need to get going...Carla why do you keep going where its so cold when you live where its warmer???????? Dam!!!!!!!! Vic...92?????? WOW!!!!!!!!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!


on 2/15/14 4:31 am - Bradenton, FL

Judy my grandaughter keeps me coming up there!

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Judy G.
on 2/15/14 9:13 am - Galion, OH

ok but she isn't in and that is also COLD...BRRRRRRRR

Jo W.
on 2/15/14 1:25 am - Owosso, MI

Ok ladies!  all of us living in the frozen tundra part of the US.    We all need to " get Vickie"  for all her bragging bout her warm temps!    Lets all boycott her posts!  Nobody read or reply to vickies post for 2 whole minutes!   that's 120 seconds ladies !!


I am giggling so hard trying to post this I have typed it 4 times to get it partly right!!!

on 2/15/14 4:26 am - Cibolo, TX

Oh, Jo!    Nanner, nanner, nanner! 


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