Thursday - SNOW AGAIN!
Snow again! No doctor's appt. so I don't have to go out today - MRI tomorrow, but I should be plowed out by then.
Tough morning - woke up from bad dream - all stressed out. My dream was about being back working in a law office as a paralegal - all sorts of mail belonging to several attorneys and I had to figure out what to do with it, and every piece of mail had an immediate deadline. I kept going from one piece of mail to another, and back again, trying to figure out what to do. S-T-R-E-S-S, just like the old days. Had to take a Xanax because I woke and felt like I was having a panic attack. Been having lots of crazy dreams lately. Usually, I'm searching for a bathroom stall, and they're all occupied (I did say crazy). I wake up stressed. Don't know what's causing them - no new medications.
But I'm having my morning tea now and feeling better.
Hope you all have a good day!
Good morning Mary and everyone....
Mary....sorry you are having scary dreams. I hope the tea helps! Good idea to stay home and keep warm. Hope your driveway is plowed by tomorrow.
As for fever broke during the night. I am still feeling very fatigued and just not quite myself. Although, I am much better then yesterday. I spoke with my daughter, Jamie yesterday. My sweet little Gracie has pneumonia. Poor little sweetheart. She was staying home with her dad yesterday and today. I spoke with Gracie for a little while yesterday. I also spoke with Travis about coming down some weekend or whenever to see Grace. My daughter is not very forgiving. He said he will be glad to let me see her anytime!! So after I get back from Oregon I am going down there. I need more time with Nic and Grace.
Wishing everyone a great day!! prayers continue for our OFF family.
Much love and many hugs....connie d
Good Morning Mary and Connie, and OFF Family,
Mary, my sister in the Philadelphia area has about 10 inches of snow right now, and my son in Manhattan has about 7 inches. So, I'm sure you are snowed in also.
Connie, I hope you're feeling 100% really soon. I also hope you get to see Gracie and Nic soon too. Sorry your daughter is so unforgiving. I have that problem with my Mom.
Me, I did something totally insane last night. I bought a 2012 Toyota Camry. I traded in my 2003 Honda Civic, with 154,700+ miles, that needed work on it. Got an extended warranty on it. I'm exhausted because I was at the dealer for over five hours last night. I needed a bigger car, with better safety features. Since my ex and Chris got concussions from hitting a side window in accidents, I knew my next car needed side curtain air bags.
I'll post a pic on Facebook, when I take it outside. It's in my garage right now.
Thanks for the prayers. I'm still exhausted, but starting to make a dent in the chaos in my house. This afternoon, I'm heading to Colleen's to watch the boys, so she can go to Izzy's class for their Valentine's party. The kids don't have school tomorrow, because of Presidents Day weekend. Mid-winter break.
Hugs and love,
Albert Schweitzer

Afternoon OFF family...sorry to be missing for so long but life gets in the way I guess...we hired a new guy already and he is working out great!!! As for Jason...he still has our keys and not returning our calls...payday is tomorrow and hopefully he brings the keys back when he comes for his check. No check!! Simple as that. Jerry is learning fast and we all get along great...hope he stays a long time!!
My nephew comes home today!!!!!!!!! Happy day today!!!! And thankyou all again for the thoughts and prayers for him!!!
Nothing else happening except I am so worn out doing work...have Bandit to get a haircut come Monday afternoon, Tuesday morning I get my eyes checked...not sure what is happening with them I can't see good anymore. Getting old is possible...haha.
Well back to work and see what I can get into...Lots of RECERTS happening. Need to finish a move in for a lady...I am stuck on that so need to get ahold of Holly in the office. Tried that the other day and she was busy and never called me usual.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Good evening sistas!
We are finally back home again. It sure is a LONG drive up from the southern tip of Texas! I'm beat.
Mary, I used to be a paralegal, too, long ago when I was single. I remember the pressure! I have strange and unusual and sometimes disturbing dreams too. Sometimes they stick around in my head for a day or two and I hate that kind. I prefer to forget them when I wake up. I took some coursework in dream interpretation and it's really very interesting. Usually our dreams are symbolic of what's going on in our lives. You have been going from "one piece to another piece" trying to get ready to have your WLS and you have been meeting lots of deadlines lately, yes? And just like your old bosses had "power" over you, all of these people (doctors, psychologists, etc.) have power over you and what is going to happen in your life. At least that's how it sounds to me. I don't really know enough details about your life to make a correct interpretation, but that would be my guess.
Connie, I'm so sorry you got sick again! Geez, girlfriend. I want you to get well and STAY well for a change. I'm sorry about Carrie. I understand difficult daughters. You love her, but she makes things so difficult for you. And my goodness, you have been nothing but supportive of her and her lifestyle! Someone needs an attitude adjustment! I do hope you get to see more Gracie and Nic. That would be so good for you.
Trish, know you are having a difficult week. Praying for you and your whole family. I hope things will begin to get better soon.
Judy, you live in a soap opera at that crazy place! I hope you don't have to have a showdown with Jason tomorrow. That would be too bad after how good you were to him.
So, Butch and I had an interesting trip home. He did most of the driving for the whole trip because we were pulling the RV and he just didn't feel comfortable with me driving. But I told him today that I needed to at least practice driving a little bit. What if we get miles from home and he gets sick or something? This discussion goes on for a little while, but then okay, he relents and we take an exit off the highway so we can stop and change places. This little Mexican fella drives by right as we stop and says, "Hey, lady, you have a flat tire." WHAT!!??
Sure enough, our front right tire on the truck was going flat. Oh, God was surely looking out for us! We were right across from a tire place! We had picked up a nail. They fixed the tire with a plug and aired it back up and we were on our way again. But you have no idea how many miles and miles and miles of nothing there are in South Texas. You can drive and drive and there's nothing--no gas stations, no stores, no people! It would have been awful to have broken down in the literal middle of nowhere. We were so lucky!!!
It's late and I'm too tired to think tonight. I'll write more tomorrow.
Love you all! is Jamie that lives in Iowa. She is Nic and Gracie's mom. She has the issues.
Carrie lives in Bloomington, MN not too far from me. She is Kyleigh, Amanda and Lucas's mom.
Glad your trip went well....really happy that the tire was noticed in a place that you could get help!!
I am going to bed soon and praying tomorrow is a better day. My fever broke last night. Today I was just way overtired.
Love and oodles of hugs...connie d
Oh, of course, I know that. Told you I was tired last night. Anyway, I understand about having a difficult relationship with your daughter. Boy, do I understand! Jamie just doesn't understand how lucky she is to have such a loving and supportive mom. From what I can see, you love her unconditionally, even though SHE often puts conditions on YOU. (We moms are supposed to be perfect, you know! No human foibles at all.) I hope things will ease up for you both. As Trish has taught us, life is too short as it is. We all need to love and forgive one another.