Monday and it is 5 Below!!!!
Hello and Good Morning Carla and everyone....
Carla ......I hate these brutal temp too. I can't even remember when I was warm last!! I don't blame you leaving before the storm. I will be praying for your safe travels. I know it is hard to leave grandbabies. Sometime we just have too. Thanks for sharing such sweet pics with us!!
As for me....I ended up keeping Lucas home from school again. His eyes were all glassy and he has the sinus and runny nose that goes with this flu. He is just drained. He needs to rest yet one more day. Carrie checks in everyday and she agreed he should stay home. Lucas and I had gone shopping when I got here to get things to make his favorite lasagna. He asked me last night if I would make it for him and then I could freeze it. That is just what I finished making. It is in the oven now. He will be so happy.
I waited all day yesterday for "The Walking Dead" to come on. Then I found out they don't get that channel...grrrrr!! They get everything else you can imagine!! I will watch it "On Demand" when I get home. What a let down!! We were both in bed sound asleep by 8:30 PM!!! Carrie and Greg come home tonight about 9:30 or so. I am sure we will both be asleep by then! I head back home tomorrow after all the rush hour traffic dies down. That is the bad part of driving in Minneapolis, St Paul area. I choose to not get in it if I don't have too.
God Bless you all. Keeping you in my prayers. I love all my OFF friends who feel more like family to me!!
Wishing you all a beautiful day....that includes you Vickie on your fun trip!!
Much love and bunches of hugs....connie d
Good Afternoon Carla and OFF,
Colleen called me early this morning to ask for my help today, so I rescheduled Utley's Vet appointment and my hand therapy appointment.
So I spent the morning keeping Frankie occupied, and now I'm doing laundry.
Trent's cousin is driving in from Maine, to do the funeral service. He married Toby and Jessie. Another couple who used to be at our church is also driving in from Maine. Both men are ministers at the church Trent's uncle was pastor of.
Please say special prayers for Toby now. He hasn't showered, or changed his clothes since Jessi died. He's staying with his parents for now.
Thanks for all your love and support.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish: best condolences and hope you get Toby out of his deep Funk.
Went out today to recover my handicap permit left in friend's car yesterday, then to UPS to get my summer sandals ordered online and they tried delivering last week just once to my bldg so final as they do everytime, but store is under construction since I went last Thursday no mention on website, so rescheduled a delivery, have to be home all day between 9 am and 7 pm discovered fan not working in car so have no heating....need that to be fixed as will be driving daily for my much for nice easy week sleeping in late and enjoying life before cancer treatments next week, and doing slow cooker recipes and early income tax calculations....always something else to fill relax time!!!!!
hugs to those needing them,
Sounds like my life last week, Jennifer. Did slow cooker chili, have lots left, and did my income taxes, got them filed. Unfortunately, since I still owed Uncle Sam from last year, I won't get that back.
I'm have a fibro flare ... using my TENS unit today. Has helped somewhat but I'm extremely fatigued. Getting by.
Take it easy, Jen.