Hi Mary,
So sorry I neglected to greet you when I posted earlier. I, like you and Carla, love buying stuff for the kids. I try not to overdo, but it's so hard. Colleen's mother-in-law never hesitates to tell Colleen how much she hates that I buy the kids so much. I used to feel that way about my ex, because he can afford to buy more than I do. I only have three Munchkins to buy for. Colleen's mother-in-law has 12, soon to be 14. She has six kids, and all of them have kids. I have three kids, and only Colleen has kids. Huge difference. She needs to get over it. I spend much more time with the kids, and when I do, I play, or do crafts and puzzles with them. When she babysits, which she charges for, she sits at her computer, and doesn't do anything with them. I'm much closer to them than she is, as a result.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi OFF family:
Am waiting to be picked by a friend at 4 pm for a late-lunch *** early dinner because I have a coupon which needs to be used by Feb 12 latest, got a good deal on Amex, and restaurant is not crowded at this time.
Told my cleaner to stay away, he phoned to check if today his day (it is) but heard on phone he sounded as though had a cold. He said, yes, just a little headcold started today, I told him not to come as I have cancer and if I get sick can be life threatening as they wont give me treatments and I have orders to stay away from sick people. He wanted to come anyway, saying just a little in his nose, I refused, dont need his drippy nose germs as just got over a bad 10 day cold or whatever it was, sore throat and all, and want my radiation treatments to start...they do cause fatigue and less resistance to colds and flu, so no crowd events once I start and any visitors have to be healthy, leave shoes outside and wash their hands when they come in. I am going to be obsessive about it!
Vickie : great about the house, hope Chrissie likes it!
Judy: well, you've found a replacement, what good luck.
Connie: thanks for remembering me every day, you're a sweetie.
Neighbour-from-hell above redoing another powder room above mine, started demolishing on Friday, hear worker(s) nowon sunday afternoon above, means he is away for the duration, supposed to end in 2 weeks but his workmen have been running over and causing leaks or other damage in my unit over the last 12 years, and he is still at it. He's the one with more money than he knows what to do with other than constantly upgrading his unit over and over and causing me noise and grief...and no manners as he never apologizes.Hope I get no leaks or ceiling cracks from his latest reno.
Hugs to everyone, hope Monday starts the week off well for all of us! See you here tomorrow!
Jennifer...I think of you often just forget to are in my prayers everyday...that idiot that lives above you needs his head examined!!! Why doesn't he move out and get a home where he doesn't bother anyone when the need to remodel at his every whim hits him?????? The nerve of them jerk!!!!!!!! Hope his day comes when HE is sick or some other thing and you or another tenant pays him back well!!!!!!!
Good Evening Judy and OFF Sisters,
I am late, again. Congrats on finding someone to take Jason's place. That's awesome. Hope he works out.
Connie, I hope Lucas is feeling better.
Vickie, Congrats on the house. That's awesome.
Carla, enjoy your baby snuggling. I did some today.
Jennifer, good that you didn't let your cleaner come over. Enjoy your dinner.
I was at church all morning. I wasn't supposed to be in the nursery, but only man the desk outside it. However, when Frankie and his cousin, Livie, went in, both were crying. They don't usually cry, but given what's happening right now, they're reacting to it. So, I went in, and took them from the woman who had them on their lap, and hugged, and rocked, and kissed their heads. Eventually, they played a little. Then, one of them would start crying, and were back on my lap.
Trent, and his brothers, went to the funeral home, with Toby and his in-laws. Then, he came over to the church, and he, Colleen, his sister, and two sis-in-laws that were there discussed the arrangements with the Deaconess who handles the funeral meals.
I gave hugs to everyone. Spoke with some women, and cried. Colleen said that everyone, except Toby, was going to Trent's parents, to discuss all the details. Meals are being arranged for Toby's family, and Jessie's parents. Toby is spending the day, with the baby, at his in-laws'.
I came home, had a quick lunch, started a slew of laundry, and did my dishes. Now, I have to tidy, and start putting laundry away. I'll be heading to church, to man the nursery desk, and then come home. I don't plan on staying for the service.
Colleen posted the obituary on Facebook, so I'm just sharing it here, so you can see how gorgeous she was.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish - Went to Facebook and saw the obituary for Jessie - she was indeed a beautiful young woman. What a loss. Keeping you and the family in my prayers.
Jennifer - Sorry you're going thru so much. Bad enough to deal with your health issues, but your upstairs neighbor sounds like a ignorant, selfish dog. Like you need that! Thinking of you and keeping you in my prayers too.
Hi Mary....yes Neighbour-From-Hell is something else, have noticed workmen do not stay all day, so not as bad as most previous times. He is a rich boy, now in his 40´s, unmarried and a cafe au lait skinned gentleman now become a cardiologist, drives a Ferrari and has parties galore above me....not that I want to sound racist, but he is from India or Pakistan, and money means privilege and not having to apologize no matter what. As someone on the condo board told me, .my neighbour above figures everyone owes him an apology and he owes no one anything, but as he has the largest apt and pays the biggest condo fee, guess who has more pull at condo board sessions? Not me. If you check previous posts you will see he has spent more than a million in renos on an apt only worth a million. Mine is worth a lot less and has no renos!! He is not about to go into a house with lawn, roof and snow clearance costs.