Tuesday Tuesday!

on 2/4/14 12:45 am - Bradenton, FL

Hey there it is almost noon here down here in the South! Im just getting my act together! Packing and getting readt to go and get my baby fix from Vinnie and Raizy!

I went to see The Book Theif the other day. It was very intense. It was about the Haulacaust. 

Today I need to go shopping for pet needs while I go to the North Land! 

Talk on ill check lzter after I charge up the Ipad!

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Connie D.
on 2/4/14 2:27 am

Good afternoon Carla and everyone...

Carla...I get tired just reading about all you do!! 

As for me...I am taking my granddaughter to the bank. She is opening another account. Then she is taking me to the pain clinic.

I will try to check in later if I can. Hope everyone is doing okay!!

Wishing you all a good day!

Prayers for those OFF friends in need.

Love and hugs to all....connie d

Judy G.
on 2/4/14 6:08 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family...well the ****ty white stuff is now falling here...AGAIN!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR 8-12 inches now expected......GRRRRRRRRRRRRR WTH did we do to deserve this?????????????????????????????????????????? South of us are going to get freezing rain so guess we are lucky???? Yeah I guess...

 My horse rescue got the horse yesterday...we named her Journey...they found out she was attacked by pit bulls...and abandoned...left in a make shift pen made out of wood pallets. Large enough for her to barely turn around in!!!! Her upper lip and part of her nostrils are missing and also part of her ear is also missing. She is also way under weight!!! She will be seeing the vet...not sure if she went today or not haven't been on FB yet to see. I cry each time I see this poor horse but happy knowing that we are now taking care of her and she has a chance of getting better!!!! If you want to help let me know and I will get you the address. Every little bit does help!!!

So that is about it for me. Exciting huh?

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 2/4/14 10:50 pm

Hello Judy...I am so sorry you are being bombed with all that snow...AGAIN!!!!!  I agree...I hate freezing rain too. Keep warm and safe....that is the most important for you and Rick!

Wish I could help with the rescue...just can't right now. I will be sending prayers as that helps too.

Love you much...HUGS.....connie d 

Eileen Briesch
on 2/4/14 7:01 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

I had a busy morning; got up at 7 a.m. for an 8:30 appt. with my knee doc. My left knee has been buckling. All he said was my quads are weak and to do exercises and lose weight. I do my exercises all the time. I guess I need to find my ankle weight. It's somewhere in this mess. Then I had an eye doc appointment in the mall. I haven't been to the mall here (I try to avoid the mall ... no money and too many stores I don't want to go to). But I decided it was time to check it out. I got there too early so I walked around with the mall walkers; checked out the shoe stores because I do need to buy shoes but they didn't have New Balance at either of the stores I saw. 

The eye doc was kind of neat ... they did retinal photography and then the guy explained what my eye would look like if it was diseased (my eye is just fine). The digital photo was interesting. I have good eyes, but unique because my left eye is much weaker than my right. That's unusual. It explains why I feel dizzy when I'm working on the computer at work. So I got my prescription, picked out new frames and with the new vision insurance we have, my total was below $200. And this is all because of the Affordable Care Act (popularly known as Obamacare). So yes, I like this ... I have much better insurance because of it. We didn't have vision insurance before this. Plus, I paid for it with my dental/vision FSA. 

I got home before 1 p.m. and it started snowing around 2:30 p.m. Now it's turned to freezing rain/sleet. I don't have to work, so I'm staying home where it's warm and safe. At work, they have early deadlines. School kids were sent home early. We're not getting much snow. 

So that was my day. 

Judy, my grandnephew Alexander in Texas, who is mildly autistic, gets therapy through a horse rescue group. Can't think of the name, but I guess he loves riding the horses. It's supposed to be very good for the kids. He loves it. Alexander, my brother tells me, is very social and friendly, just doesn't like loud noises ... well, who does? Plus, he had problems eating at first. It's a very rare syndrome on the autistic spectrum ... don't know the exact name ... not Asperger's. He's doing well with all the therapies he gets, and he got therapy quite young (he's 3).

Hope everyone is good. My body is miserable from too little sleep last night and the weather. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 2/4/14 8:26 am - Galion, OH

Eileen...years ago I applied for a job with HORSES...and working with KIDS doing therapy...and guess what...the woman that hired me was arrested for animal abuse!!!!!!!! GREAT!!!!!!! So no job working with the horses or the kids...that was my dream job!!! Nothing ever came up around like that for me again...sighs...I see there is a therapeutic horse place over in Mansfield...but I have no clue what it is all about. I did finally see a couple horses out eating grass one day...lol but that tells me nothing. Seeing kids with health issues on a horse does them wonders!!! It opens them up to a whole new world!!! It is amazing!!!! Brings tears to my eyes!!!

I go get my eyes tested on the 18th. I never did get last years script filled and my eyes can't see good with old glasses anymore...been since Michigan last time I had new script filled...wow!!! Did your eye dr tell you to cover one eye up to make other one stronger?

We are getting snow now...still talking about maybe 10 plus inches for us...YIKES!!!!

Take care and be careful in this weather....:-)


Eileen Briesch
on 2/5/14 2:18 am - Evansville, IN

Too bad you didn't get the job with horses, sounds like you would have been perfect. 

No, he didn't tell me to wear a patch; he just adjusted my prescription. When I told him I had felt dizzy when working, he said that was why, because my left eye was so much weaker. 


Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 2/4/14 10:46 pm

Hello Eileen.....I so sorry about your knee problems. Ankle weights might help. I hope so. Prayers that your pain is better soon!!

I am so glad you found a good eye doctor. He sounds amazing! I agree with Judy....maybe a patch over the week eye will strenghten the weaker eye. My friend had to do that and it helped her. Good luck with that!!

Sounds like you are having some nasty weather too. We are lucky we aren't getting hit as hard as Judy...OMGosh!!

It sounds like you have a wonderful grandnephew!! You are right....all children love horses....a lot of us grown ups too!!! Glad the horse rides are helping him. I remember when he was born and how excited you were. You have a special heart around children! 

Love and hugs sweetie....connie d

on 2/4/14 10:16 am - Davison, MI

Boy is this winter aweful!  I was diagnoised with Light Deprivation Depression, now called SAD.  I just want to crawl in a hole for the rest of the winter.  I haven't been getting up till 12/1 and don't sleep well at all.

It is so hard being back from two weeks in the sun.  I was zip lining, cave tubing snorkling and just going, going all the time.  Now I can't get my butt in gear to do ANYTHING.  I really need to move south.


BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Connie D.
on 2/4/14 10:34 pm

Hi Pine....sorry you were diagnosed with SAD. Hope you are finding some relief!!

I have had it for about 22 years...back then they didn't know as much about it as now.I have a special light I use and that does help a lot. I will be getting a newer one soon. Waiting for insurance approval of course!! The sun by far is the greatest help!!

Sounds like you had plenty of fun and SUN while you were on vacation. I agree....we need to move to the sunny states!!

Have a great day....hugs....connie d

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