

Cindy P.
on 1/23/14 9:09 pm

Hi, everyone.  What do you have planned for this weekend?

We are going to see our son and his family.  We have four grandchildren ages 2 1/2 to 8.  It should be fun. 

Hubby is finally feeling better after his kidney stone surgery.  He sure has had a lot to deal with these past couple of years.  The hardest thing for him is that he is tired a lot of the time.  I'm wondering if his iron is low.  Time for some blood work I think.

I hope that you have a good weekend. 


Cindy P.

on 1/23/14 11:01 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Cindy and all my OFF sistas!

Oh, enjoy your grandbabies this weekend, Cindy!  They are a wonderful "tonic" for the winter blahs!  I'm glad to hear your husband is doing better.  I sure can relate to him feeling tired all the time.  Hopefully he will be feeling better soon.

Oh, my, this house hunting is an adventure.  So, the Realtor called and said that she couldn't bid on the foreclosure house YET.  I told y'all it was an odd deal.  Seems this house had a contract on it a short while ago and the deal fell apart, so the house isn't officially back up for auction yet.  The realtor said she has to watch for it on some website and when it comes back to the website THEN she can put in our bid in.  Grrrrr.  No idea how long a time we are looking at either.  Might be a couple of days, might be a couple of weeks!

So we will keep looking at other houses in the meantime.  But not today.  We are covered in snow and ice this morning.  Now, when I say "snow", I don't mean drifts of stuff like Connie and Judy and all my northern state sistas are dealing with!  I mean a light white coating all over everything.  But it's enough to make traffic come to a standstill in South Texas!  LOL!  Chris couldn't get her car out of the driveway this morning.  Y'all remember we named this place Hilltop?  Our driveway is on an incline and her car just wouldn't back up!  Kept slipping.  She and Mike called into Hobby Lobby and only FOUR employees made it into work this morning.  It's a South Texas Snow Day!  Ha!

Butch is doing a little better this morning.  Like Mike, he got the bug, but only threw up once.  Me?  I threw up 20 times!  Not that I'm sorry he had a lighter case of it.  I'm glad no one else was as sick as I was.  He's feeling a bit shaky this morning, but no where near as sick as he was last night.  We will spend today tucked up inside and watch movies and play with the grandbabies today.  All 6 of us.  This little lakehouse is bursting at the seams, but I try to think of it as being filled with love! 

Anyway, today will be an excellent day for me to continue trying to clear my desk off, deal with checkbook issues, and such.  I sure would like to go get a haircut this afternoon.  I may call and see if Stacey will be in this afternoon.  I very much doubt she's there this morning. 

My weight is holding steady at around 175.  When I got out of the hospital on Dec 10th, I weighed 220 on my scales (from all the excess IV fluids and such).  That's 45 lbs in 6 weeks!  I was weighing right around 198 before my surgery, so I really have lost a lot of weight in a hurry.  I'm trying hard to hold steady until I can get back to exercising at the YMCA again.  I would really, really like to get under 170 lbs.  I am a borderline size L or XL right now.  Size L on top, size XL on bottom.  I would like to be a solid size L everywhere!

(And yes, Connie, I am eating.  Just not very much.  Just like after WLS, my pouch is very very small again.)

Well, that's all the news for today.  I hope everyone is safe and well and warm today.  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 1/24/14 1:48 am

Hello Vickie!!!

Sorry about the house hold up. Remember all happens in God's time. It will work out!!

I am glad Butch is feeling better today. Glad you are both taking it easy today! 

Sorry Chris couldn't make it to work. I am sure even a bit of snow there is hard on everyone. We have snow tires here. We load our car trucks with sand bags for more traction. I always have an emergency bag in my car. Warmer clothes, flashlight, candles,snacks like high protein items. Also extra blankets and such. I also carry a coffee can with Toilet paper!! We have to be prepared. It lasts for many months!! When I go to my daughters I have to have this. I have been in ditches or stuck behind clusters of car accidents. We can sit there and wait for hours. Oh the joys of Minnesota!!! 

I am glad you are eating. Yes, I do worry. Hope you can get to your goal it that is what you want. HUGS!!

Happy House Hunting!! 

Love and oodles of hugs...connie d


on 1/24/14 2:51 am - Cibolo, TX


My jaw drops.  I could NEVER live up north like you do.  I would rather deal with the heat.  I know how to do that.  YOU BE CAREFUL!!!

Love you oodles, too!


Connie D.
on 1/24/14 11:28 am

Vickie....I so love the heat too....I really do hate the cold! I am sure this frigid cold is why my pain is so much worse all the time. The weather has a lot to do with those problems!! I wish I would have moved south long ago. I stayed because of my daughters...look where that got me!!! Now I stay because of my grandchildren. On it goes!!!

I love temps in the 80s and 90s....I would love that all year long!!! That is with low humidity. Is there such a place???

Love and hugs again.....connie d


Debbie A.
on 1/23/14 11:27 pm - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

Morning all!

Had a great anniversary yesterday! 32 years, I have know idea where the time has gone. Had a lovely dinner at a place called BJ's, I had grilled shrimp tacos and they were so good. Then we went to the Chocolate Factory and I got sugar free chocolate caramels...OMG they are so good you can't tell there sugar free. Steve got us tickets to go and see George Strait in concert next Thursday we both love him and his song I Cross My Heart is our song. Not much going on this weekend, were maybe going to Caramel for the night to see our friends but not much else.

Hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,



      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

on 1/23/14 11:53 pm, edited 1/23/14 11:54 pm - Cibolo, TX

CONGRATULATIONS!!!  32 years is a wonderful testimony to the power of love and commitment, Debbie!

We went to see George last summer at his final tour stop in San Antonio.  That was what we did for our 32nd anniversary, too! It was fabulous!  You are going to have SUCH a WONDERFUL time!  I'm so glad you're getting to go.  George is my absolute favorite music artist ever in any genre! I could just listen to nothing but George all day long.

Have a great weekend!


Connie D.
on 1/24/14 1:33 am

Debbie...it sounds like you and your Hubby had a really wonderful anniversary!! I am so happy for you both!! 32 years...WOW!!  I can't even imagine!! I was never that lucky!!

I love George Straight...he is a wonderful man and a great artist!! I am sad he will be retiring soon. Enjoy the concert....I know you will!!!

Love and hugs....connie d

Mary Gee
on 1/24/14 1:21 am

Happy Friday Everyone!!  

I'm so tired of this cold weather.  It has been a long winter so far - I'm hoping for an early Spring!  

Will have my granddaughter this weekend, so I'm looking forward to that.  Plan on taking her to the store to do some special shopping.

Congratulations on your 32nd Anniversary!!  You're right - time does fly by fast.  Seems like a year can go by in a blink of an eye as we get older.

Gotta run - another medical appointment..........  {{sigh}}  Did say I wanted to get out more, but seems like I'm always off to see a doctor!  Oh well, at least I'm actively doing something to make my life better -- that's a big plus!  Wish SO would see a doctor; he has medical issues and just tries to ignore them.  I keep telling him that won't make them go away - things will just get worse.  He makes appointments, then cancels them.  Stubborn!  

Hope you all have a great day!



      Still learning.  Currently in pre-op stage.


Connie D.
on 1/24/14 1:37 am

Hello Mary!! I am glad you are remaining active even if it is getting out to appointments.

Happy to hear you will be having your granddaughter again this weekend. That is great!!

I thought your SO was on his way out?? He sounds like more of a burden then he is work!!

Have a great day....love and hugs....connie d

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