Good Morning OFF Sisters,
I canceled my hand therapy appointment this morning, because I couldn't scrape myself out of bed. I'm so tired. I can't wait till I feel better.
This afternoon, I have an appointment at the hematologist's office, to check my PT/INR.
I'm also going to stop at the YMCA to get a brochure, and possibly a tour, coz I'm thinking of joining on the 1st. Can't join now. No money till then.
Must scoot. Hugs, Trish
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and all my OFF sistas!
Oh, Trish, I wish I could send you some energy! And I wish we could go to the Y together. I am looking forward to being able to go back there myself, hopefully in a few weeks. I am down to (and holding steady) at 182. I would really, really like to lose another 10 pounds. Then I would be a solid size L and not an XL. At my height, I could be very happy with that!
Butch and I slept and slept last night. We were both exhausted from our trip to Waco. But I think we needed to go and I think we helped Carrie get over the hump. When we arrived on Tuesday, all she could really do was lay around on the couch and cry. (SO unlike her!) But by Thursday, she was up and trying again. She went to the Baylor Health Center and asked for an antidepressant. She got referrals to 3 different counselors in Waco that accept her BCBS insurance. She had talked to her major professor and he told her to document her medical/health problems for the past several months and he would see if he could get her oral exams pushed back to the end of this semester. And she had passed her kidney stone. So things were looking up for her. I think she will fight her way back.
As for her dryer--OMG. The practically brand new dryer we bought her 2-3 years ago quit working. She called Lowe's. They sent out a repair man who charged her $80 to tell her that the dryer wasn't repairable and she needed to buy a new one. Butch and I go Tuesday evening and buy another dryer. On Wednesday, Butch with his crippled foot and Carrie with her kidney stone maneuver the old dryer out of the space and shove the new dryer in. Butch hooks it up, plugs it in, and guess what??? It doesn't work! Turns out it was a BAD PLUG! Butch replaced the plug and presto, the new dryer works! What do you want to bet there's NOTHING wrong with her old dryer??? But we had already loaded it on the trailer, so we brought it home with us. Butch says he's going to raise hell with Lowes if it turns out that the old dryer is just fine.
Today I go back to the Wound Care Center to see how I am progressing. Butch says my "hole" is quite a bit smaller. Last week I was 67% healed. Maybe this week I'm closer to 80%! Cross your fingers for me! And Judy, I do have a binder/corset thing they gave me for after my hysterectomy, but I can't wear it yet. Can't have anything binding like that across my open wound. I just have to be patient a while longer.
So, sistas, I have a question about adhesions. I know DebbieJean suffered with them, but I'm not sure about anyone else here. The doctor told me after my hysterectomy that my uterus was adhered to my intestines and they had quite a difficult time prying them apart. Then after the exploratory surgery (to stop the internal bleeding), that surgeon told me that I had numerous adhesions in my colon. Well, I don't know much about adhesions, but I do know how I feel. Having a BM is quite an uncomfortable experience, despite me taking stool softeners twice a day, plus using a tablespoon of Benefiber in my daily protein drink. I mean, everything is working just fine, only it hurts to have a BM. Is this what adhesions do to you? I never have understood what exactly is so painful about having adhesions. Any comments or advice?
Today we are starting the great house hunt in earnest. We have just GOT to get these kids moved out into a place of their own. I'm calling another Realtor today and we have a list of foreclosures to drive by. I hope we can find something soon.
Hoping everyone is doing okay today. I've been keeping up with the posts, but I can't remember what I wanted to say to everyone. Suffice it to say that I love you all!
Hi Vickie,
I know nothing about adhesions. I would ask the doctors who operated on you about them. They know where the uterus was attached to your intestine. And, they would be able to explain why you're having so much pain. I don't know how often you're supposed to take the Benefiber. I know I can take Metamucil three times a day. But, I think that's assuming I'm not taking stool softeners.
I'm sorry it appears Carrie wasted money on the dryer. I hope it works out with Lowes. I also hope she starts doing better with the depression, and health. When I was in graduate school, I had some health problems, and had to delay some paperwork to one professor. I was juggling so many things, teaching full time, a part time internship, and two classes a week. I was an exhausted basket case at the end of my third year, and pushed my way through nine credits of independent study the following summer, so I could graduate.
Stress, and relationships, make anyone depressed. I've been there. I hope she feels better soon.
Love, Trish
Albert Schweitzer

Hi Vickie: when I had my RnY in 2008 surgeon found I had lots of adhesions, he thought probably from my years of Diverticulitis and IBS, and my open hysterectomy 11 years before. He spent 20 minutes of my surgery taking down (lasering through) the adhesions in order to open up space to do his surgery. Basically things get attached and stick together, and can hurt as things pull and tug inside when you twist and move, or get inflamed, but some people have adhesions and no symptoms. Any surgery in lower areas tends to cause some adhesions, and if you have more surgery later on in that area, such as intestinal, the adhesions may have to be cut through releasing the bits of intestine or tissue stuck together because of previous trauma...
Be patient, don't push yourself, you have an open wound and you don't want a hernia as well.....
hugs, jennifer
PS Still waiting until next week for California lab results, will know more then...
This weekend in Denver will be crazy! The Broncos will be playing to see if they will be in the superbowl! If they win im going to get Vinnie a shirt!!!!!
Im waiting for my surgeons office to call. My labs came back crazy! I cant get into see him so they r going to do a phone appointment.
Well I need to go and get dressed. Im going to go snd see a friend of mine for a bit.
Good morning Trish and everyone....
I am in so much pain today. I guess those 5 loads of laundry yesterday was way too much. My eyelids even hurt. I will do minimal cleaning and then take a pain med and get some rest before the kids get here around 6 PM. We are then going out to dinner. I told them I would cook. They said no, they were taking me out!! Now I am glad I don't have to cook!!!
I will try to check in later...if not you know I am thinking of you all.
Wishing you all a good day!!! So happy to hear from Jennifer today.
Prayers for many of our wonderful OFF family. Special prayers for Annette!! Prayers too for Judy at the loss of her good friend.
Love and bunches of hugs to all...connie d
Hi OFF family...just a quick stop in to say Hello...and Thanks for the thoughts and prayers...we are getting some snow pretty heavy at times...some say 1-3 inches not sure if more yet...right now I don't care.
The tenant that died back on the 6th or should I say was FOUND dad on the 6th...we caught her cat finally!! Her aid came by asking if she could go in and get her things. I asked if she could maybe catch that cat because the cat knew her...she said she would try. BINGO!!!!!!!! She got it!!! She took it home and will keep it until the family calls for that will happen!!! I am STILL waiting for them to call about the items inside the apartment!!!!! Her daughter also knew about the cat!!! Has she called me back?????? NO!!!!!!!! I got ahold of the dead womans BIL today and he got the womans daughter and told her she HAD to call me NOW!!! She told him she would...that was at 11:30am...still waiting for her to call me. So I called my boss told her the cat was gone. She said soon as the electric was cut off we take possession!!!! So see what happens now...Rick and Jason said the couch is nasty with human decomposed yuck all over it...I feel so bad for them having to go in it and get rid of things if that so called family doesn't do it!!!!
Anyhow I am so worn out my eyes hurt...going to lay down see if I can take a nap...yeah right...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!