Peaceful Thursday morning
Good morning sistas!
It's a rare peaceful morning here at our house. There's nobody here but Butch and I, for a little while anyway. Chris has taken Mike to work and Benny to school and we have the house to ourselves for about an hour. All we can talk about is how soon can we get these kiddos Out Of Here!
I am still sore from all the poking and prodding that Dr. Reddy did on Tuesday, but it's getting better. I know she is a good doctor and she's just trying to take care of me, but she is ruthless! I wonder if she's ever had anyone poke around inside of HER belly before?
Well, our trip to Sams was only semi-successful yesterday. We did get our shopping done, but we did not get Butch's hearing aids adjusted. I knew we were screwed when we first zoomed up to the hearing aid center (on our matching carts!) and the guy was just starting his spiel with a new customer. Uh oh. He spent 2 hours with Butch when we first went there. Sure enough, even after doing all of our shopping and checking out and everything, he said it would still be another 40 minutes. We just couldn't wait that long. We will have to go back another time. This time I will call and make an appointment. I didn't know we could do that before, or I would have set that up in advance.
Today, thank God, I don't have to go anywhere. So no shower and no stress for me today. I can stay in my pjs all day and rest whenever I want to. I do have to do some bookkeeping today. I still haven't dealt with my first of the month bills and tomorrow is the 10th. I have several things that are due by the 10th. I at least have to do enough today to make sure everyone is paid, even if I don't get everything all balanced and squared away like I usually do.
Hope everyone is doing well today. Is it getting any warmer yet up north? We are inching up the thermometer today. It's chilly this morning, but warming up nicely this afternoon. I'm ready for some sunshine! I'm tired of all these cold gray days.
Love you all!
Good Morning Ladies!!
Positive news today. My hospital charges a $350 "program fee" for the Weight Center-- and I managed to get the fee waived by the Financial Office. (One good thing about having a low income!) I had my first of four "informational meetings" this morning. Slept late, but managed to make it there with five minutes to spare. "Whew" - I was afraid if I was late, I'd have to wait another month to start. Tomorrow is my "stress-echo" test, and I got my sleep apnea appt. pushed up to the beginning of February, rather than the end as originally scheduled. So things are moving along nicely.
The Informational Meeting really didn't cover anything I didn't already learn here. Today they talked about the different surgeries - they do the Sleeve and RNY; they still do the Band but they say that has just about fallen by the wayside because most people keep their bad eating habits - said it was an exceptional few who have the will-power and the right mind-set to be successful with the Band. (So if anyone here has had the Band - consider yourself a special lady!)
Stopped at the grocery store on the way home and got "my" food - chicken, fish and veggies. It's ME time.
Have a great day everyone!
P.S. -- Got my picture uploaded again -- it disappeared a week or so ago when the site went "wacko"
Still learning. Currently in pre-op stage.
Hi Mary....I do like your picture....nice to see who we are talking to!!
So glad you got the fee waved for the meetings. That was a lot of money...well to me anyway! When I had my RNY everything was all included in the surgery price. I didn't have to pay for anything.
Eating healthy...good for you!!
Love and hugs.....connie d
Morning all!
Not much going on! Steve has gotten a terrible cold and has been of of it for the last few days. He needs to get better he leaves on Monday for a business trip. I'm leaving on Wednesday to go to Carmel to see my girlfriend, her husband is also going on a business trip next week. Both men are in the same business and every year at this time they go to Las Vegas for a show. Steve is a multi-line manufactures rep he sales high end logo merchandise.
I have promised myself to not spend a lot of money on this trip. I do need some stuff, moisturizer, body soap,ect...but I will be keeping it to that. I talked to my girlfriend and she has offered to help me while I'm there, so I don't do any thing stupid. Vickie and Connie thank you both so much for your kind and warm words it meant a lot!
Steve is going to help me take pictures of my quilts so I can post some pictures. Can't wait to show off some of my work to you ladies.
Hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,
Vickie....we posted at the same time aagin...LOL!!
Vickie....sorry you are still hurting. No your Dr probably never had that done to her. Glad she is a good doctor to you.
Sorry Butch couldn't get his hearing aids adjusted. Hope he can get an appointment soon.
Don't you just love PJ days? I love to do that sometimes myself!
Both my daughters and all my grandchildren but, Amanda, in Oregon are coming the weekend after next for Christmas with their dad's side of the family. I will get to see them as they are stopping here. Sometimes I go there but, I don't want to this time. Gracie will probably spend the night with me as well. I can't wait. I have been praying hard for this.
More prayers...much love and hugs....connie d
Good Evening Vickie and OFF Family,
i had another insanely busy day today. To make it more exhausting, I got a killer sinus headache, all day long.
First thing this morning, I was at Colleen's for a yummy breakfast. She made eggs, and sauteed zucchini, mushrooms, and onions to go with them. I took over some croissants to go with it. Frankie like them. Then, I got to babysit him for an hour. We played with the bowling set I got him for Christmas. Then, he took rides on his new rocking pony from Santa. Plus, I pushed him around on a Fisher Price toy that his Daddy played with when he was a kid. We also read a bunch of books. He had me read "Go Dog Go" at least five times. He also had me read a Spiderman book about three times. He loves books, just like Isabel and Lincoln. Since his Mommy is a Reading Specialist, books are a huge part of their lives, as they were in my house.
From there I went to the hand specialist. He played with my thumbs, which hurt now as a result. He also had more x-rays done, to take a closer look at just the thumbs, and the wrists. He then prescribed hand therapy, and a splint from the hand therapists. I have an appointment there first thing Monday morning. After that, I went to Joann's, where I got some crochet hooks. It seems I was about to finish knitting a baby blanket, and found some many mistakes in it, I ripped the whole thing out, and started crocheting the thing. I took it with me to the iron infusion yesterday, and now I can't find it. It's a huge ball of blue yarn, with the beginnings of a baby blanket and a crochet hook. So, I bought new hooks today. From there, I had to go to the pain specialists and get a new prescription.
When I got back to town, I dropped of the prescription, and went to the bank. I got a new debit card, and had to activate it at their ATM. I also had to drop off a check. Well,, as I was leaving, I realized that I left my new card in the machine, and it got taken by the machine when I forgot it. So, the lady at the bank had to go into the back room, and retrieve my card. From there, I went to the IGA, but forgot the no sugar added hot cocoa mix. When I got home, I put together a baked mac and cheese casserole, which I burnt a little. After dinner, I had to go back to the pharmacy to pick up the prescription.
My house is a disaster area, and i have no energy to clean anything tonight. I'll start working on it in the morning, before I go over to Colleen's to watch Frankie. I'll try to finish when I get home. I'm busy Saturday morning, and I plan to take down my Christmas tree on Saturday afternoon.
Must scoot.
Trish, with love and hugs.
Albert Schweitzer

Hello again Trish....sounds like you had a very delicious and healthy breakfast!! That was sweet of Colleen to include you.
I hope the pain in your thumbs can be treated with the new med. Sorry you had to do so much running around. Glad you got your card back. I went into CVS and bought a few things. I left and remembered the cashier didn't give me my debt card back. I was across the street. The manager said no card was found. The cashier was very quiet and not on the ball. No one was behind me in line. I think she kept the card. I immediately went a little ways to my bank and canceled my card. Now I am waiting for a new one. I have never had this happen before. I hardly ever go to that CVS. People are just not friendly there. It just opened about a year ago. I hardly ever see customers there. I will only go there now to get something on sale if I really want it. Then I will use cash only!! Back to Walgreens for me and several of my family and friends agree too.
I am going to bed soon....good and hugs...connie d