Freezing Monday

on 1/5/14 10:27 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

Hope everyone is bundled up and staying warm today!  It is verra verra cold here.  I'll be glad when the sun comes back and warms everything up again.

So one month ago today I went into the surgical center for a "routine" hysterectomy.  Ha!  30 days later and I'm still recovering from complications from my surgery.  But I AM recovering, and that's what is important, right?  At least I feel like I have my brain back again.  I feel like myself, even if my body is very slow to jump on board the recovery train.  I shuffle around here like an old woman, holding onto my belly for fear that my intestines will fall out or something!  LOL!  I can't seem to help it.  Sometimes I even hold onto my belly lying flat on my back in bed.  I just want this big hole in my tummy to close up!  Seems like if I hold it together it will happen faster.

So, I can definitely feel a small hard lump under my skin just to the side of the puncture wound where the drain was inserted.  It hurts and I'm pretty sure it is another abscess.  Not a massive one this time like before.  That thing was HUGE.  But I'm sure it will have to be drained.  Golly, the fun just never ends.  We'll see what the ultrasound shows today.

Butch, thank God, is better today.  Poor darling was pretty miserable all day yesterday with the stomach bug, but just like Benny and Chris, 24 hours later and it's gone.  He's moving kinda slow this morning (so am I), so we're a pair today. 

Today will be Budder's first day in day care.  Chris goes to work at 1 p.m., so she'll take him in with her when she leaves for work.  I'm sure I will cry.  I'm sure she will cry.  This will be the first baby in our immediate family to ever have to go to day care.  I know he will be okay, but I just hate to see it happen.  I believe very strongly in stay-at-home moms and grandmas with new babies for the first couple of years.  Budder will be just 4 months old this week.  So little to be separated from us!  I've just got to get used to it.  I know I'm being overly protective.  I just want to take care of him at home.

Anyway, Butch and I will pick Mike up from work at 5 p.m., and then we'll go to Prodigy (the day care/preschool) and pick up both boys and come home.  Mike will care for the boys tonight, so Butch and I don't have to.  So far, it's working out okay.  Chris and Mike are both trying hard to work their schedules out so that one of them is always available to care for the boys in the evenings.

Butch has my egg ready, so I'd better close now.  Love you all!



Patricia R.
on 1/5/14 11:06 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Vickie, and OFF Family to Follow,

I'm so glad you are feeling on the mend, Vickie.  I hope the ultrasound shows something, other than an abscess today.  I'm praying for you, as I do everyday.

We got at least 15 inches of snow in the past two days.  I shoveled my driveway yesterday, and then last night, a neighbor used his snow blower to dig me out again.  Now, I'm trying to get the courage to go back out, clean off my car, and dig out again. 

I was supposed to have an appointment with the hand specialist today.  I've been waiting since Halloween for this appointment.  But, the office canceled my appointment because of the storm.  I did just get a confirmation call for my appointment with the rheumatologist for tomorrow.  Hopefully, I can get some relief for the pain in my hands, or at least a working plan for what is causing this pain.

Well, I've put off going outside long enough.  I have my CuddleDuds on, and will brave the cold for a little while.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 1/5/14 11:25 pm

Trish....WOW 15 inches of snow in two days!!! So sorry you have to do the snow removal and such. No wonder your hands are hurting. So sorry you are in so much pain. Good luck with your rheumatologist appointment tomorrow. Hope you can get into the hand specialist soon! Please dress warm and keep safe outside.

My hands hurt a lot but it is just arthritis. I have a hot wax system that I soak my hands in. It feels wonderful. I also have a hand heating pad, that helps a lot too.

Have a good day! 

Love and more hugs....connie d

Connie D.
on 1/5/14 11:17 pm

Good morning Vickie and everyone.......

Vickie....I think it is wonderful that Chris and Mike are working hard to get the little ones taken care of at night. Mike sure seems like a good daddy to Benny and Reese. At least he cares about the children. I know Chris loves them very much too! Reese will do well at daycare.  I know how much you wish you and Butch could help with Reese. It is very evident in the love you have for him and Benny. God obviously has other plans concerning that.  Happy to hear Butch is feeling better today. Everything will work out. I am sure you feel like your insides will fall out. That must be awful to deal with. I pray it keeps healing and the gap is closed up soon. You have gone through so much with this surgery. I am glad that at least you are recovering and feeling a bit better each day. Good luck at your appointment today. Know how much I care. My prayers continue for you! 

As for me....BRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!! indecision I am so glad I don't have to pay for heat. I just keep raising the thermostat as needed. I usually have it turned way down as it is so warm in here. Not these last few days!! 8:45 AM...-22 and feels like -50. It is supposed to get worse as the day goes by. I will be sure to get out and get my car started again a couple times today. Sorry to whine....this is just so miserable!

I don't have much planned . Kyleigh will be here for a couple days. She is going to help me do laundry, changing sheets on my bed, and some vacuuming. It is good to have her around! Plus, I like her company. She asked if she could help me make some Chicken Alfredo for dinner tonight. I swear she is addicted to that stuff. She wants it almost every time she is here!!! 

Wishing you all a great day. All of you in the cold and storm areas, please keep warm and safe. 

Prayers for many of our OFF family. God Bless!

Much love and many hugs....connie d 

Mary Gee
on 1/5/14 11:26 pm

Morning all!  

Lots of rain here, washing all the snow away.  But tomorrow temperatures are supposed to drop way down again.  

No big plans for today other than laundry.  

Vickie - I'm sure Budda will be fine.  My granddaughter is 3-1/2 and has been in daycare since she was just a few months old too, as was my daughter when she was young.  It's hard at first - lots of feelings of guilt.  But it is a good thing in many ways.  They learn to socialize better, and believe me when Budder is a little older, he will be kept busy and entertained.  Here in MA daycare providers have a "plan" they have to follow and it included play time, "educational" time where they learn shapes, numbers, letters, etc., nap time, etc.  and they have to provide parents with weekly reports.  My granddaughter loves "Miss Heather".

Trish - too bad your appointment was canceled; hopefully tomorrow's appointment will go well and you'll make some progress in resolving your pain issues.  Hope clearing your car off, etc. doesn't cause more pain.

Hope everyone has a good day.




      Still learning.  Currently in pre-op stage.


Connie D.
on 1/6/14 1:58 am

Good morning Mary....stay in and keep warm!!

Laundry I swear it multipies....except the socks....they divide!!

I agree with you about Budder/Reese....he will be just fine. It is always harder on the adults then the children. 

Have a nice and hugs.....connie d 

Debbie A.
on 1/6/14 1:03 am - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

Morning all!

Vickie, prayers being sent your way for you and your family. I'm glad too hear your feeling better, I just hope you can get to 100% here soon. Nice to see Butch is feeling better also.

Judy, so glad to hear about your mom!! Will continue to pray for her and I hope they get the ulcers under control quickly.

Trish, I do so hope that the doctor can help you with your hands, I can't even imagine how hard it is for you. It must be so hard to manage anything on a daily basis.

Connie, stay warm and take care of yourself.


If I missed anyone I apologize,

Have a great day everyone, thoughts and prayers for all,



      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

Connie D.
on 1/6/14 1:59 am

Hello and good morning Debbie!!

Wishing you a beautiful day!!

Love and hugs...connie d 

on 1/6/14 6:45 am - Cibolo, TX

Today's funny:  so after I had my CT scan this morning (more later), Butch and I decided we would stop at the store for a few things.  OMG.  Y'all would have laughed and laughed at us.  We BOTH got in one of those electric shopping carts and away we went, like a little caravan.  We zipped and buzzed all around that store, playing leap frog with one another.  Sometimes I would be in the lead and sometimes he would.  Oh we were a pair all right!  But we got everything we wanted between the two of us.  When we finally got back in the car, I said, "I can't believe we just did that!"  It was a definite first for us.

So, not much news to tell from the CT scan yet, except the tech kept saying, "Now what am I looking for?", which I took as a good sign.  At least there's not some big abscess lying in wait under my skin again.  She took lots and lots of images, hoping that she was capturing whatever the doctor wanted to see.  She could feel the knot under my skin, but she couldn't find anything significant to take a picture of, so GOOD.  Maybe it will turn out to be next to nothing.

It hasn't gotten above freezing here all day.  Stayed in the 20's, which is almost unheard of for south Texas.  I can't wait for the end of this week, when we're predicted to be back in the low 70's again.  Wish you all could come south for the weekend and warm up with us!

Butch has gone to pick up Mike, and then together, they are going to pick up the boys.  I'm ready to see my Benny Bop and my Budder Bean!  Butch says he's making pork chops for supper tonight.  I said I would make the mashed potatoes.  I'm feeling pretty good today and I had a nap after our shopping adventure, so I think I can handle a little KP duty tonight.

Oh! and I had the damnedest thing happen to me today.  We were driving home and the phone rang and this little foreign sounding dude told me that he was with Publishers Clearing House and that I had been randomly selected from among millions of phone numbers as a Grand Prize Winner of $85,000 in U.S. currency!  I said, "whaaat?"  I let him ramble on and on for awhile, pretty damn sure it was a scam of some kind.  He just couldn't believe my attitude.  He kept saying, "Do you understand me, madam?  You have won $US85,000!"  Told me that a TV crew was coming to my house tomorrow and that I would be on "international" television.  And all he needed from me was 3 things:  my ID, proof that I was the owner of the cell phone number, and oh, yes, a little bit of TAX money up front.  Ha!  I'm afraid I said something not very Christian to him at that point and hung up!  Do you really think there are people out there that fall for such things? 

So tomorrow I go back to see Dr. Reddy (GYN), and on Friday I go back to the Wound Care Center, and then next week, I go back to see Dr. Wood (infectious disease specialist), and then please God, I hope that's it for awhile!  I am racking up medical bills left and right, and I am afraid to find out how much we will owe.  At this rate, my husband will refuse to retire and will go back to work again!

Well, I need to call my mom and see how she's doing today and then get ready for my boys to come home.  It's so good to "see" everybody on the board today.  I do so appreciate each and every one of you!  It is a privilege to share your lives.  Please be ever so careful up there in the snow and ice!  Love you all!


Connie D.
on 1/6/14 11:14 am

Vickie....ROFLMAO....I can just see the two of you...races!!!! Oh what I would love to have given to see that!! Sad to say more times then not I have to use those darn carts. Well, that is what they are there for....handicap people!! I am sure you both just laughed and laughed!

I hope you got lots of love and hugs and kisses from Benny Bop and Budder Bean!! I am sure they miss playing with you! How did day one of day care go for Budder on his first day?? 

I am praying that that scan shows nothing of any significance. I just want you healing....healing....and healing some more!!

Keeping warm up North...all schools are closed in MN again tomorrow. It is just brutal out there! I almost froze to death just walking across the parking lot to warm up my car. It took forever to get the heat flowing. The engine was just too cold!!

Those idiot scam artists...what a lousy life to lead!!! I agree how can anyone in this day and age fall for that stuff!  It is the saddest when they pick the elderly. God will have a special place for them one day!

I am hoping that all your upcoming appointments go well. More prayers every day!!

I also pray Butch never goes back to work. You are at the age that you really need each other now. Remind him of how things went for you when he was gone. Now is your time together!!!

Hope all was good with your mom. I keep praying that she will come and live near you soon.

We ALL appreciate you and hugs....connie d indecision


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