Hi Vic!! Gosh I hope you don't get sick now!! But IF you do, hold a pillow next to you to help...prayers for you all continue...get better soon!!!
I was also wondering if Trish was trying to drive back to Michigan! One of my friends there has been posting all kinds of accidents there!!! Hope she will stay put at her sons!!!
Stew was ok had way to much pepper in hope it helps Rick feel better!!!! ;-)
Thanks again for the prayers for my mom...she has been moved to another room so hope she got it because the other one was chilly she said...she was next to the window...BRRRRR
Keep getting better and Prayers continue!!!
Good Afternoon Judy, and OFF Family,
I am finally home, and hooked up to Cable and Internet. When I got home on Friday, I had no Cable or Internet, but I had a wire down in my front yard. The Cable company got me hooked up yesterday, and I got to watch my football games, where both teams lost.
Today, I got the car all cleaned off, but couldn't get offf my driveway. So, I didn't get to church today. I dug out my driveway, and it's covered now, and so is my car.
I am so glad I am home. I did have a good visit with Sean and his girlfriend. When I arrived in Pittsburgh, Sean took me to his therapy appointment. His therapist helped me see how Sean has grown, and matured. It opened my eyes to some stuff I'd never considered about him before.
Tuesday night, we went to the Cultural District, and walked around. When it got close to midnight, we stood near a band, and at midnight fireworks went off over the bandstand. The next day, we went to the aviary. It was fun seeing the birds in habitats that had been set up there. In the tropical rainforest, we got to take a worm, and stand with our hands flat. The birds flew by and grabbed the worms out of our hands. We also got to sit in on a demonstration of how birds use their beaks. Then, to see the penguins being fed, while a woman educated us on them.
My plans to return on Thursday got postponed because of a snowstorm. Now, we are getting walloped with another.
Evening church has been cancelled, and the kids don't have school tomorrow.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish....I have been concerned about you. I am glad you posted today. You must be having a lot of snow to have everything closed. Keep warm. So glad you made it home safely!! Sorry you have to shovel snow. I sure couldn't do it anymore. Schools here are closed tomorrow and possibly Tuesday as well. Wind chills -60 to -70 below! I will be staying in!! I went out a little while ago to start my car and let it run for a little while. This weather is so hard on cars.
I am sure your Munchkins have missed you!! Have fun with them tomorrow.
Your visit in Pittsburg sounded like a great time. So glad you got to enjoy more time with your son.
Have a nice and hugs....connnie d