Judy G.
on 1/4/14 10:28 pm - Galion, OH

Need to warm my coffee so I will be right back...

Judy G.
on 1/4/14 10:40 pm - Galion, OH

Morning OFF family!!!

Well it looks like this is the calm before the storm here...32* and snow is now in Ohio...With the temp being where it is we could also se freezing rain and wet snow...LOTS of sow!!!! Then the temps will fall to dangerous levels along with wind chills. Nothing like Connie is having but still dangerous!!!! Keep warm and be safe!!!!

Put the blanket on my bed last night and turned up the heated mattress pad...ahhhhhhhh slept GOOD and toasty warm!!!!

Had my "training" for PC yesterday for about an hour...this part LOOKED easy enough...LOL finally something EASY to remember how to do!!!! More to come yet Wednesday she said...ok. STILL need my new desk assembled!!! GRRRR Always something happening to delay that job!!! So MAYBE Tuesday the guys can do it depending on snow...sighs...

Will be calling mom in a little bit...she likes to watch Mass on tv on Sundays so will wait til that is over with.

Rick is still miserable with his cold. Got him some whiskey, honey and sleepy time tea and he is out good!!! Hopefully it works again like it did last year!!

Making Beef Stew today. Rick said he was hungry for it so I will make it and maybe he will eat a lot...he hardly eats anything right now...he is drinking liquids so that is good!

OK he is moving around maybe he wants some breakfast...maybe!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them...more for those that are recovering and also going through this awful weather!!!


Connie D.
on 1/4/14 11:38 pm

Good morning sweet Judy and everyone..... seem so much happier today...I am sure much of that has to do with your mom doing better. Thank God!! You try to stay in and keep warm!! I can't believe you are getting even more snow!! Happy to hear your PC training went better yesterday. You will do just great!! Sorry Rick is still under the weather. Hope the remedy you have for him works. I would be out for days!!! Hope he starts to eat again. He can't afford to lose weight!! was so nice to see your more upbeat post yesterday. I am trilled you are doing so much better. Thank God for answered prayers.

Annette...hope you are having a restful day. You are always in my prayers.    

As for me...not much happening today at all. I plan on resting and relaxing. I may go out and work on a puzzle with the ladies again later. We have so much fun!! I will go out and start my car a couple times. With the weather so brutal I need to do that for sure!!! 

It was nice to see that our new Mary posted on yesterdays thread. Welcome Mary!! Also nice to see that Jan had left a message, I believe it was on Judy's post. Keep coning back ladies!!!!! It was nice to see a few more posts yesterday!! Still many of the regulars missing. Hope all is well.

Wishing everyone a beautiful and safe day today. The weather is so nasty for so many of us.

Prayers for many of our OFF family due to illnesses and also bad weather. Keep warm and stay safe!

Much love and many hugs to all....connie d




Judy G.
on 1/5/14 2:22 am - Galion, OH

Connie you be careful going out in that cold to start your car!!!!

Just talked to my brother and he said he just cleaned up 21/2 inches of snow and now it is snowing so hard he can't see ****!!! He said another 8-10 inches coming and then the COLD wind chills!!!!

Mom was moved to yet another room hopefully away from the window because she said it was chilly. She had to go potty and said to call her back later on...she is no longer hooked up to anything...she said she is!!

My beef stew is smelling so good...hope it tastes as good as it smells...Rick will eat it he promised. Skinny Minnie he is!!!! You are so right he cant afford to lose any weight!!!!

Be careful!!!!


Connie D.
on 1/5/14 5:20 am

Judy...believe me I know how to dress for these temps. I won't be gone long. I just wanted to check in quickly with all of you.

The stew sounds great. I took chili out of the freezer. It will be nice on a day like today!

Glad your mom got a warmer room. Hope she can relax and rest now.  Glad all her wirws and tubes are removed.

Love and hugs....connie d

Mary Gee
on 1/5/14 3:33 am

Good Day Ladies!  

Just got back from grocery shopping.  Hate going with my SO - he gets so much junk food, and he's always trying to get me to share with him.  He filled the cart with ice cream, cookies, turnovers, pudding, hot cocoa, etc.  I buy chicken, veggies, fruit and yogurt - and once in a while a piece of steak.  When it's time to make dinner, many times he's not hungry because he has been eating junk food all day.  Funny because when we have arguments he'll throw in "you eat STEAK and I don't even eat meat.  Like I'm putting us in the poor house.  It's really laughable.  Oh well, it's his problem to deal with - I don't let it bother me any more.

Weather is not as cold as it has been - snow is actually melting.  

Tired now - I'm going to relax with a cup of tea.


      Still learning.  Currently in pre-op stage.


Judy G.
on 1/5/14 4:51 am - Galion, OH

Hi Mary!!! WOW sounds like your SO needs the door...he is NOT a good influence to you!!! Not sure if you mentioned if he has a weight problem or not  but shame on him for being like that to you!!!! Like steak is really that expensive??? Add up the cost for all the BAD munchies he is eating!!!!

Hold your ground and remember we ARE here for you!!!!


Connie D.
on 1/5/14 5:26 am

Hello Mary and welcome back!!

Snow is won't happen here for a long time!!

Time for you to clean house too. If you are the one paying for the groceries you get to decide what you will buy. In fact he shouldn't even be going with you. He sounds kind of demanding. Get rid of him. He can live in a shelter if necessary. Not trying to be mean. You need your space! 

Wishing you a good and hugs....connie d


on 1/5/14 7:57 am - Canada

Dear Mary, Welcome!

I read about your SO and his attempts to sabotage your weight loss with his junk food, and realized he is going to be trouble when you have your surgery.  Many couples develop strain after one has surgery and the other is not supportive...looks like the way ahead is clear for you as he is not supporting your healthy food choices now. If he is still around, you are going to have  to set the rules of the house and shopping for food after your surgery knowing he is not going to be supportive. I think serious problems lie ahead and I wish you the strength to win this battle one way or another. You are the important one, don't let him screw your post-surgery up, you only have about a year of good weight-loss relatively easy after surgery....make the most of it, even if it means separate food shopping and you buy your own. Good luck, and keep strong on your Weight Loss voyage.



on 1/5/14 4:30 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Judy, Connie, Mary and all my OFF sistas,

Hope everyone is staying warm today.  My goodness, the weather up north looks just dreadful!  Makes me glad I live in Texas, even though it is chilly here, too.  When we get down in the teens, you KNOW it is cold everywhere else!

You know the old saying: two steps forward and one step back?  That's where we are today.  Poor Butch succumbed to the same crud that Benny and then Christie had this past week.  He's been throwing up and has fever and chills.  Poor darling.  Thankfully, this bug only seems to last 24 hours.  I have been all over the house with the Clorox wipes--door knobs, light switches, frig handles, etc.--hoping to stop it from spreading even more.  So far neither the baby nor Mike nor I have had it.  Please God, don't let me get it.  I would rupture myself if I had to throw up.

I'm feeling just so-so today, but I think it's because my dressing needs changing.  It's been 24 hours and it's time.  But Butch is sleeping right now and I"m not going to wake him up.  It will keep a while longer.  Also, and it scares the bejesus out of me to admit it, my tummy feels a bit iffy right now and I don't want to do anything to upset it.  All I've had today is an egg and some cottage cheese with fresh apple slices.  No reason for my tummy to be bothered by any of that, so I'm trying to just lie low and stay in bed.  Mind over matter, hmmm?  

Judy, I'm praying for your Mom!  I do so hope the doctors can get her bleeding and her ulcers under control quickly.  Also hope Rick makes a quick recovery.  I'll bet your stew is wonderful tonight.  Wish I had a bowl of it for my supper, too.

There was more I wanted to write, but can't think of it now.  Connie, please be careful in the frigid weather!  And everyone else, too.  I think Trish might be stranded in Philly?  Hope she's not trying to drive in the snow and ice.

I've got to close.  My brain needs a nap.  Love you all!


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