
Happy Friday!

on 1/2/14 7:27 pm - Bradenton, FL

Hmmm the ipad seems to typing just fine or is this a fluke! I can see what Im typing!!!!! Maybe Oh got something right!

I couldnt sleep all night!  Not sure what is going on with that.

I see the endocrinologist this afternoon. Maybe the prednisone is playing with me!

Thoughts out for Judy's mom.

Vickis im thinking of u too! Ive had wound heeling issue and it isnt fun! 

Well maybe some sleep is finally hitting me!

Talk on my friends.  Ill check back later.

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on 1/3/14 12:01 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Carla and my beautiful OFF sistas!

Carla, sorry you couldn't sleep last night.  I know what that's like.  I read and read on nights like that.  Sometimes I can read myself to sleep.

I'm feeling fairly decent this morning.  I need to be moving around more to regain my strength.  I'm determined to start taking short walks, no matter how cold it is outside.  As long as it's not raining, I need to be out walking.

Weight was down to 181 this morning.  I promise I am eating.  I am eating GOOD food, too, not junk.  As much protein as I can manage at each sitting, along with some natural foods like fruit or beans or veggies.  I'm still having some problems with constipation, despite taking colace tablets twice a day.  So I added some benefiber to my Pro Joe this morning.  I have never tried so hard to take good care of myself before this.  I want to get better!

Today I get to get out of the house.  Whoo hoo!  My appointment at the wound care center is at 1 p.m., but we have to go by Butch's foot doctor before noon to pick up a not-able-to-return-to-work letter for his company.  Ordinarily he would be flying out this weekend.  He's still officially on the payroll, which is a good thing.  It means I still have my health insurance, at least through the end of this month.  We might even be able to go on short term disability again, which means we would be covered through the end of February, too.  I am scared to death to make the leap into the brave new world of "affordable health care".  I need to do some research, but my brain is not up to it yet.

Anyway, Chris found a new listing for a 3 bd, 2 bath, house for $76K that I want us to ride by and check out.  It definitely needs some work, but at that price, we can afford to do some upgrades.  If Chris and Mike can do most of the work on Sundays, that would be great.  Paint is a cheap fix.  Not sure about the flooring.  Looks like most of it will need to be replaced.  So many factors to be considered.  Not sure my poor brain is up to that challenge either.

I have such little focus and power of concentration right now.  That part is bothering me more than my limited physical abilities.  I don't mean to sound conceited, but I have always been able to rely on my intelligence, no matter what the cir****tances.  I'm a smart cookie and I always have been, but not these days.  I can barely think my way out of a box!  It's very disconcerting to me.

I can tell I'm losing weight rapidly because my ears are giving me fits.  It's like being in a tunnel, or on a plane when your ears need to pop.  I know what's causing it.  When you lose a great deal of weight rapidly, the little fat deposits around the Eustachian tubes in your inner ear melt away, leaving you will empty spaces that affect your hearing.  At least it doesn't also affect your sense of balance or I would be reeling around like a drunkard at this point.

I am a little worried about my oldest girl Carrie.  She has lost so much weight and looks wonderful, but I am worried about transfer addictions.  I have warned her about the alcohol.  I know she is a young adult and much of her social interactions occur in drinking establishments, but I tell her over and over again not to drink more than 1 drink in an evening.  I don't think she's heeding my advice.  And then she called to tell me that she got a little "carried away" with the credit card last month, but that she was going to take out some extra financial aid money to pay it off.  I figured she bought some new clothes (which I don't blame her for), but holy cow!  I got on-line to pay the credit card bill yesterday and the child ran up $3000 in charges in December!!!  She's 31 years old.  She should know better.  I'm not sure what to do about it.  I've always let her have one of our cards for emergencies, and she's never abused it before. 

Today Mike is here with the baby.  Chris works today and Mike is off.  So far, we have made it through each day this week with a minimum of stress on Butch to take care of both me and the boys.  Don't know what next week might bring.  Budder starts day care (at the same place where Benny goes to pre-school), so we won't have the boys here at all during the day.  It's what happens in the evenings when Chris has to work til closing that has me worried.  Butch will be in his boot for another 3 weeks.  It's very difficult for him to hop around here running after a 3 year old and caring for a baby as well. 

I hear the garbage men out back.  I hope my family got the trash out.  I am in a state of near despair over my house.  No one, and I mean NO ONE, has lifted a finger to clean in here for over 3 weeks now.  I have no idea how long it will be before I can clean again.  I shudder to think about what shape things will be in by then.  Every room is a disaster area.  I don't handle chaos and mess very well, even though I'm doing my best to let it go right now.

I tell y'all, if I ever get these people out of my house, I'm going to clean each room from top to bottom and keep it that way!

Well, I need to go eat my scrambled egg and get a shower and get ready to go out for awhile today.  Prayers for Judy and her mom.  Prayers for Annette.  Hoping Connie and Judy and Eileen all find some relief from their aching muscles and various painful conditions.  Welcome again to Mary.  Jump in and post today Mary!  Thinking about both Cindy/Cindi, Debbie A, Carla, Jo, Jennifer, and everyone else.

Love you all!


Connie D.
on 1/3/14 12:56 am

Good morning Vickie.....glad you are feeling better today!!  I know what you feel about getting your strength back. Do get out and walk but take it slow. I wouldn't be worrying so much about your concentration right now. Surgery and medications have a huge part in causing those problems for quite a while after surgery. You will be okay.

I hope Carrie is doing okay. WOW...$3000 in December. I guess you need to find out what the emergency was?? Talk it over with her. You have always been close. I pray she isn't getting an addition....alcohol or shopping....both are very spendy...not to mention alcohol is the just the worst.

So glad Mike is helping with the children. They need to try harder to find someone to come in in the evenings until the boys are in bed. They must know someone with a high school daughter. Hope they come up with someone soon. When they are on their own they will need someone then anyway. Good Luck!!! Hope the house works out!!

You sound like me....I hate a messy house. That was why it was so difficult for me to live with my sister and Pam. Everyone can keep their homes the way they want. I want mine CLEAN and ORGANIZED!! Wish I could help you out!!

Hope your appointment goes well!! Saying prayers for you of course!!

Love and many hugs.....connie d


Connie D.
on 1/3/14 12:43 am

Good morning Carla and everyone......

Carla....I am glad your Ipad is typing better....it was difficult sometimes to figure out what you were posting...LOL!!

Good luck at the Endocrinologist appointment today!! Prednisone has that effect on me some nights too. Makes me very antsy! 

Love and hugs....connie d

Connie D.
on 1/3/14 1:08 am

Good morning everyone.....I forgot to post anything about my day....I just answered Carla and Vickie.

Not a lot going on. I had a very hectic day yesterday. My doctor appointment went well. She changed my meds a bit more. Hopefully they are at the right dosage now. I then had to stop at Pam's for a couple things. I was there too long as I was sick last night from the cat. I coughed and coughed. I went to pick up my new RX and when I went to take one last night I couldn't get the bottle open. My doctor wanted me to start them right away. I had to drive back to the drug store so they could get the safety cap off. My hands are too crippled to open those safety bottles anymore. Someone was in a hurry and messed up the caps. 

I was so tired last night but coudn't sleep. I hate nights like that. I will need a nap at some point today. 

Wishing you all a wonderful day!! Prayers for many in need. Love my OFF Family!

Love and hugs to all....connie d

on 1/3/14 2:20 am - Canada

Hi everyone, haven't been on here for days...nothing to say as have been inside for a week as we have been in a terrible deepfreeze the  likes of which I cant remember even as a teen....had bad news at Xmas, a girlfriend has terminal liver bile duct cancer, probably had it for 2 years and it is a silent killer. We are all stunned, she lives in another city so I rely on others to tell me her latest news, she was in hospital yesterday for placement of a stent in the duct, and her son drove in to be with her....as she maybe was to have more surgery....His cellphone is off, and she does not seem to be at home, so we are on tenterhooks for news.

I  have apts with chemo oncologist and radiation oncologists at Cancer Clenter at hospital next week,  will hear more news of what awaits me...Heard over Xmas that another older retired colleague who beat prostate and leukemia, now has had his leukemia return and is in an intensive test program, and another retired  colleague  died before Xmas from metastatic cancer spread to bones and lungs....So forgive me for not posting but not a very cheerful holiday period this year, 2014 better improve radically.....the bitter cold isn't helping to improve the general mood either. I continue with my cocooning and reading.

May 2014 be a better year for all of us as 2013 was a stinker for so many and we lost many loved ones, including Nan...and we worry about so many on here not in good health now like Annette, or who are worried sick about close family like Judy worried for her Mum.  

Hoping you all have a Happy New Year 2014 




Connie D.
on 1/3/14 9:58 am

Jennifer...I am so happy to see your reply today!!

I am so sorry for the loss of your colleague and other friends that are struggling with cancer. I understand why you have kept to yourself. I still keep you in my prayers and hope the doctors have encouraging news for you.

I too agree...you definitely need a radically improved new year!!!

Please let us know how things are going with your treatment. We all care!!

Love and hugs.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 1/3/14 3:02 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Carla and my OFF family:

Sorry so many people are feeling poorly. Jennifer, I too hope 2014 brings better tidings. You and several others have had it rough. I've lost several people I've known this year. It seems every day brought another loss. 

Not much happening here. It's supposed to dip in the subzero temps over the weekend. We are having early deadlines Saturday and Sunday. Today, it's normal deadline. Last night was quiet. I need to get going because I have to run to the bank before work. We have a new landlord (the doctor who owned the property sold it) and I have to send my payment in the mail now instead of being able to call it in by debit card.

Anyway, hope everyone feels better. Vickie, I know someone who is unemployed and got covered by the ACA website with a good insurance plan. Cheaper than Cobra. She got through before Christmas and was very happy with her coverage. I know it's scary for many people but  for many it has proven to be a godsend.

Need to get in the shower and have lunch. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04





Connie D.
on 1/3/14 10:03 am


Hello Eileen....not much happening here either. Just so darn cold! They have already closed schools in the State of MN for Monday. 

Hope you got your banking completed and your rent sent off.

I am not proud of the fact that I am disabled but, with this weather, I am glad I don't have to go to work!!

Have a good evening at work....love and hugs.... connie d

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