Good Morning and Happy New Year !!

Connie D.
on 12/31/13 11:33 pm

Good morning everyone....Happy New Year!!!!!

Hope those of you that went out and drove places for New Years Eve made it home safely.

I stayed in and keep warm. I cuddled on the couch and slept off and on. I am so glad I did!! I know I have said it a hundred times but, having my own place, a comfy couch, and my own wonderful blanket to cuddle was my favorite New Year thing to do!! 

Went to see my pain clinic doctor yesterday. Boy was I glad!!!  He saw me walking...both knees is so much pain, and my left shoulder couldn't even hold my purse. He immediately examined me an off to the surgical room we went. I had Synvisic injections in my knees. I had the last injections in 2006. They usually only last about 5 years. I did good!! I had a rotator cuff surgery done in 2004 on my left shoulder. He said it was flared up but mostly horrible arthritis. He injected me with a couple things there as well. I am sore from the injections as all the Novocaine has worn off.  I am already walking and moving my shoulder and knees so much better!! I pray it continues!! I think everything was flared up from all the moving and unpacking and such. He wants me to do some stretching exercises but, also to keep my knees and shoulder iced and elevated for a few days. I can do that!! I see him again in four weeks. All the things he has done has so improved my pain. He is wonderful!!! I am allergic to most all the arthritis meds or I can't take them. This is the next best thing!!

Enough about me when so many of you are in so much worse condition. Vickie and Annette are weighing heavy on my mind as are several others of you. I wish a few more would check in and let us know how you are. Trish, Cindy, Cindi, Jo, and Jennifer to name a few. It sure has been slow here lately!! Prayers that all is going well and you are just busy with the holidays.

I need to go take my meds and a shower. I will check back in later.

Prayers for so many of our OFF family both old and new!! 

Wishing you all a beautiful and Happy New Year!!

Much love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d 


Judy G.
on 12/31/13 11:43 pm - Galion, OH


I just posted on Trish's thread...LOL

Glad that you are doing much better after the shots!!!


Connie D.
on 1/1/14 12:11 am

Hey Judy....I just posted to you on Trish's thread too!!!

Great minds think a like!!! 

More love and even more hugs.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 1/1/14 2:12 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

Didn't see Trish's thread so I'll have to look back. Happy New Year everyone. I guess I made it up after midnight ... although I fell asleep before midnight and then got up after midnight with my book in my hand. Didn't take my vitamins because I fell asleep and forgot them. Oh well, not the first time (although I'm usually very good about them). One miss won't kill me.

My grandnephew Ben had to have an emergency appendectomy yesterday. Poor boy! He's 13, though, and already back at home. The wonders of lap surgery. I talked to him and he sounds a little weak and hoarse. My niece said that's from the tube down his throat. She figures he should be better by Monday to go back to school. Kids heal so fast. 

I didn't do anything for New Year's Eve ... had a beer, watched "Star Trek: Into Darkness" ... my Christmas present from my brother ... good movie. Then I folded my clothes and went to bed, watched some football on TV, read, watched the ball drop in N.Y. and eventually dozed off. 

No big plans for today, maybe a shopping trip. It's 44 degrees and sunny here, so a nice day to get out. I need to get a few things and my ex-boss needs to get out of his dungeon (his basement apartment) every now and then. 

Connie, I'm glad you're getting relief from the Synavisc shots. They never really helped me (but you have to have cartilage left for them to help you). My neck has been hurting me something horribly the past couple of days. I have the TENS unit on it right now. Insurance did pay for it so it's mine free and clear. 

Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Connie D.
on 1/1/14 4:17 am

Happy New Year Eileen!!!!

I didn't make it close to midnight....doesed off and on constantly all night. 

Glad Ben is on the mend now...sending healing prayers to him!!

I can't imagine 44 degrees....only -5 right now...afraid to check the wind chill.I am staying in again today!

That will be nice if you can take your Ex Boss out for a while. He must get pretty depressed being there all the time and no job to go to. You are a good friend to him!

Eileen...I do have a bit of cartilage left. Praying these injections work as good as the last!! I am in a lot of pain today but that is normal. Have a bad headache and slight temp. That is normal for me too after any procedure. I will be napping soon and the fever will probably break. I had one fever break during the night last night.

I love my tens unit. They recently replaced mine to as upgraded unit at my surgeons request. It rocks! Sorry you are having such awful neck pain today. Hugs and prayers!! 

Have a good and gentle hugs...connie d

on 1/1/14 9:00 am - Danforth, ME

Happy New Years OFF-

Hope everyone is staying warm and enjoying football games today.  I know I haven't been posting lately, been a little busy birthing this book baby.  I'm presently batching the last photos for the selection team to select book worthy images.  Now the hard part, I have to coach the team through the page layout process and get this critter printed.  Oh well, I won't be bored.

Connie-glad your doctor gave you some relief with those injections.  I suspect the moving and the extreme cold contributed.  I'm curious about the knee injections.  I had cortisone injections two summers ago in one knee.  So far it's doing pretty well but I want to avoid knee replacement for a while.

Today I showed by neighbor from Maine around the Refuge.  He arrived Monday to spend three months down here working as a volunteer.  He doesn't have an RV so he's living in the bunkhouse at the equipment depot.  They are delighted to have him as he likes to clean bathrooms and they don't have the money to hire anyone to clean the bathrooms.  I drove him all over the Refuge showing him different areas that he might be working on as well.

Spent Christmas week with my friends down further south along the Texas coast.  Had a great time.  I truly love that family and always have a wonderful time with them.  Picked tangerines from their trees and brought about a bushel of them back to share with my fellow volunteers.

I have been a voyeur for the last few weeks as I work on the book.  Hopefully by next week things will settle down a bit more and I'll have time to post more frequently.


Positive thoughts to all of you in need!  Hope everyone has a wonderful 2014!




Connie D.
on 1/1/14 9:24 am

Hello nice to see your post!!

That book is slowly coming to and end. It seems like you have been working on that project for a very long time!!

I am glad your Maine neighbor is finding it comfortable to working there. He will be a great help I am sure. They area sounds so awesome!

Fresh wonderful!! No fruit around here is much good anymore. I have some I froze and am picking at them. Not the same as fresh picked but better then store bought around here.

Have a wonderful and hugs....connie d

on 1/1/14 1:33 pm - Davison, MI

Happy New Years all!

I went to the DD's house last night and stayed until 12:15 and than home again.  Next year she isn't having the party so will be staying home like I used to do.

I missed the Rose Bowl game today so had to hear the GREAT new from the DD that we WON!  Yeah MSU!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

Connie D.
on 1/1/14 11:53 pm

Hello nice to se you here today!!

I am glad you had a good time at your daughter's New Years Eve. So many people are now choosing to stay home and rest and relax New Years Eve. It sure isn't what it used to be.

I was alone New Years eve myself. I was invited to 3 house parties but didn't go to any. Now that I finally have an apartment of my own I prefer to be here instead....alone!

Wishing you a wonderful day today!!

Love and hugs....connie d  

on 1/2/14 5:26 am - Davison, MI

With all you have been though house wise, I can understand how you feel!

BAND REMOVED 9-4-12-fought insurance to get sleeve and won! Sleeved 1/22/13! Five years out and trying to get that last 15 pounds back off.

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