!wow It is Monday Afternoon Late

on 12/30/13 5:03 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi all

I just got back fim my B12 shot and massage.

I also got a new otter box Dr my iPhone!  A purple inns now I match vnnien

nothing muchgoing on.  Post o!

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Connie D.
on 12/30/13 5:47 am

Good afternoon Carla and everyone....

Carla...a massage would be wonderful....awwwww!! 

I don't get what your next sentence says...otter box?.....purple inns now match vnnien?? I guess I am dense!!

I was just about to start the thread and then saw yours. Not much happening here. Really freezing cold so no desire to go anywhere. I started my car and let it run for a bit. I then drove it around the parking lot a little while. Those winds out there are brutal! 

I did a lot of work around here yesterday. Lots of organizing and some purging. I now only have wall hanging left to put up. It feels good!!  YAY!!! 

I saw on Facebook that Vickie has had a couple bad days. She is so fatigued and weak. I will keep special prayers heading her way. I was also happy to see Annette on a post on Facebook as well. Prayers continue for her as well.

I think I will go lay on the couch with a blanket and be lazy for a while. I am so tired as I couldn't sleep well last night. I will also use my wonderful NOOK!!

Wishing you all a good day!! Prayers for many of our OFF family.

Love and oodles of hugs to all....connie d


on 12/30/13 8:18 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Carla and Connie,

Not much activity on the board today.  That's a shame.  I look forward to coming here.  I am doing okay today.  A little better than the past couple of days maybe.  Very little energy.  Mostly I just sleep all day and all night with odd wakeful hours in between.  I am able to turn and sleep on my side a bit now, which has helped.  Lying flat on one's back for weeks on end is very uncomfortable. 

I am doing my best to eat and take all the extra supplements the wound care center wanted me to have, but it's hard.  I never ever thought I would say I have trouble eating enough!!!  Life's funny, isn't it?  But it's all I can do to choke down a few bites at a time.  Weighed 185 this morning.  Considering I weighed 220 on the same scale just 20 days ago, that's rather alarming.  I know most of it is fluid, but now I'm feeling rather like I'm in ketosis again.  Don't get me wrong--I would love to weigh even less--but not at the expense of my health, you know?

At least my Pro Joe arrived today.  Gosh, I have missed my protein drinks! 

So tonight is my last intraveneous antibiotic, I hope.  Tomorrow I go to the doctor and hopefully he will remove this PICC line from my arm and start me on an oral antibiotic.  I am so ready to have the last of these tubes out of me!  I cannot tell you the nightmares I have that I am bound and fettered by tubes and things.  I wake up scraping at my arms and wrists, trying to assure myself that all the IV's and things are gone.

I am worried about Butch.  He is doing too much.  He should be off his feet and resting more.  He takes such good care of me.  So tender and loving.  It breaks my heart that he also has had surgery and I should be taking care of him.  I know he hurts more than he lets on.  It's my job to baby him, you know?  But I can't baby anybody these days, not even the baby baby.  I don't like this one little bit.

Depression is a tough ***** to fight these days.  I'm trying, but sometimes I just feel so overwhelmed and helpless.  I've never been helpless before.  Even when I broke my ankle, I could buzz around in the wheelchair and cook dinner and do the laundry, etc.  I get a little scared when I look at this gaping hole in my belly and wonder, what will happen to me if it never heals up properly?  Butch says I'm being ridiculous, that he can see it getting better daily, but it's hard to hold on to that thought when you see people sticking their fingers inside you up the second knuckle.  That sucker is DEEP.  And WIDE.  And gaping.  I know, TMI.  But it's scary to look at.

Well, I didn't mean to get on here and whine.  I'm very careful not to whine on FB.  And I try not to whine to my family too much.  So I guess that leaves you all to catch it.  I'm sorry, my sistas.  I just need to wake up and have one good day.  Then I could believe that there will be other good days to follow.  Maybe tomorrow will be that day.

Love you all!

P.S.  Oh, and Connie, I cannot even conceive of the kind of cold temperatures you are having.  Truly I can't.  Good lord, please stay inside and stay warm.  What are you reading on your Nook?  Just FYI, Outlander is on sale right now for $1.99 at BN.com.  You know Starz is making it into a series this summer?  16 episodes!  I can't wait.


Connie D.
on 12/30/13 9:00 am

Good evening Vickie.....you are not whining....you just share with us all you want. We are all here for each other the good and the not so good!! I had no idea that gaping hole in your belly was quite that large...WOW!!! Keep following your doctors orders!

You know Butch is more then willing to help you all he can. He loves you so much. After all he knows you would do the same for him at anytime. If Butch says he can see it healing you need to believe him. If it wasn't healing then he would say something. He would be way worried then and you would know it.

I didn't know Outlander is on sale. I will check it out tonight!!! I need to take some time and pick out other books too. I have just been too busy unpacking. Thank goodness I finished that last night. Just pictures to hang on the walls now.

I am reading a silly romance/mystery. I can't even think of the name right now. Nic picked it out...LOL!! He signed me up for all kinds of free books. He knows what I like to read. He told me about each one as he was picking them out. I figured they are free so if I didn't like it I could just go on to the next!! My daughter has a Kindle. She told me about some other books too. 

I am glad to hear that you are sleeping a lot. That is when you heal the best!! As for your appetite it will improve. You are just stressed and a bit depressed because of all this and worrying about Butch and the boys. Another week or so you will be much improved!!

Prayers, prayers and more prayers!!!

Love you much....gentle hugs....connie d

on 12/30/13 11:39 am - Danforth, ME



My cousin went through a similar experience as you did with her hysterectomy.  The wound will heal, especially when you increase your protein intake.  She had the visiting nurses coming twice a day to do wound care and then they moved to daily care.  Tomorrow when you go to the doctor they will measure it and you'll see improvement.  Yes it's a gaping hole but you're healing.  I used to tease my cousin that her wound looked like a butterflied pork chop!  She spent almost two weeks in the hospital fighting her infection and then I stayed with her at home for two additional weeks.  

Hopefully, they will pull your PIC line tomorrow and you have all the foreign bodies out of your body.  Glad to hear that you can turn on your side and sleep on your side.  Know exactly how you feel about sleeping on your back.

Hang in there girlfriend.  You've made tremendous strides in the last week.  Patience!



on 12/30/13 12:07 pm - Cibolo, TX
Cindi, LOL! Carrie told me it looked like a vagina! Got to laugh when we can. Love you!


on 12/30/13 9:51 am - Bradenton, FL

Sorry guys I was on my Galaxy and that thing is way stupid! More so than the I pad!  Talking about typing blind, I cant even see what I am typing! I said I got a new Otter Box for my Ipgone to protect it! and it is Purple like what Vinnie likes!


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on 12/30/13 9:52 am - Bradenton, FL

I mean Iphone! 

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Judy G.
on 12/30/13 11:49 am - Galion, OH

Evening OFF family!!! Just checking in quick...ate some bbq ribs tonight and its STUCK!!!!!!! Going back to lay down see if I can get it to move down or come up soon!!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


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