Sunday in Pennsylvania

Patricia R.
on 12/28/13 7:43 pm - Perry, MI

Greetings OFF Sisters,

I've been catching up on the posts. Had a rough couple of days. Psychiatrist adjusted antidepressant.  Christmas was nice with the Munchkins. 

Today, we're going to see my daughter-in-law perform in "Oliver."  We're taking the train, because of expected rain. 

Will share more later. 



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 12/28/13 11:01 pm

Good morning Trish and everyone......

Trish....I hope the med adjustment helps so you feel better. I am glad your Christmas was fun with the Munchkins!! I am sure you will enjoy watching your DIL preform. That is very exciting!! She is so talented!!

As for me....nothing but hopefully putting my things in my desk. The desk is still sitting empty. I want to sort through things, organize and donate. I have way more then I need.

The temp with wind chill is now -29. As the day goes on it is supposed to get to -65. We will see. I have no intention of leaving my apartment other then to go out and start my car a couple times.

I am hoping Vickie is feeling better today. Prayers too for our sweet Annette. I sure miss her posts but I certainly understand. Prayers also many other of our OFF family.

Wishing you all a peaceful and restful Sunday.

Much love and many hugs....connie d


Judy G.
on 12/28/13 11:24 pm - Galion, OH

Morning OFF family...well I have been just laying around being LAZY on my little vacation back at home again! Hated to leave Michigan but I like it here much better!!! Mom is doing very good right now...gets tired out easy though. She looked great!!! Christmas was also great!!! My son David and his girl Renee became engaged on Christmas morning!!! I am THRILLED!!!!!!! I love her as she is such a nice woman!!!! Nothing like that first one he married!!! Now she was a witch...only with a "B" if you get my drift. No date set yet. The weather up in Michigan was COLD and White!!! Back home here it is green and not so cold...yet. We are getting rain today. Yuck. Arm and shoulder have been bothering me a lot. Not sure if it is due to the weather changes or not.

Other than that nothing going on....relaxing on my last day off til Need to get my new desk put together. Next week we go live on the computers...OMG I STILL DO NOT KNOW WHAT I AM DOING!!!!!!!!!! Hardly had any training on it far as I am concerned!!! But if they are not worried about it why should I be? Right??

Well going to get some breakfast and maybe go back to bed and watch some tv for a little bit.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 12/29/13 7:37 am

Hello Judy.....glad you made it back home safely. So happy you took the day off today to relax. Hope your shoulder and arm are less painful tomorrow. Good luck on the new computer!!

I am happy for your son David and his upcoming bride to be, Renee. That is great news!

It is wonderful that your mom is doing so much better....Praise God for answered prayers!

Love you much....hugs....connie d

on 12/29/13 10:50 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi I just got home from seeing Saving Mr. banks. We never go to the movies!

We got a cold front about 65 here!

I feel for u guys up north! I just left that cold!

I am feeling better with my back pain. But the blood pressure isvway low. Might be the weather!

Judybtake care! And everyone elsevfor that matter!


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Connie D.
on 12/29/13 12:20 pm take care too!!!

I never go to movies either....too many sick people there!!

Hugs and love to you....connie d

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