Why is Mother nature being such a ***** First we were planning on going to Michigan for Christmas like me mom wanted...Jason (our maintenance guy) broke his phone...he NEEDS a phone to be ON CALL while we are gone...he has til tomorrow 4pm to get a phone!!!!! OR he HAS to check EVERY couple hours 8-5 and a few times on the weekend and also Christmas Day!!!!!! Rick thinks he will quit when he hears this news. This came from the OWNER not my boss!!!!! NOW...we are under a FLOOD WATCH til Sunday afternoon for 3-5 inches of rain and at times Saturday HEAVY rainfall!!!!!!!! We FLOOD here and I am NOT comfortable depending on Jason to take care of things while we are gone. Sooooooo I am at my wits end here wanting NEEDING a vacation and now this ****!!!!!!!! My back and shoulders are screaming in pain with a lot of tension and worry. GRRRRRRRRRRR
Bought a new desk and hutch for my office and I asked them to deliver it MONDAY the 30th...it is coming TOMORROW between 9 and 5!!!!!!!!!!! WTH?????????? Don't these people LISTEN??????? Like I have time to clean out my old desk and get it moved out and make room for the new one...plus worry over the weather and also having Bingo for the tenants. I just can't win!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRR
Sorry for the rant...
Vic Prayers for you to get well soon!!!!
Connie Prayers for Nic and his tests!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Breath, Judy. I can somewhat relate to your frustration, concerning travel and weather, but not the responsibility with the apartments. I need to travel to PA this weekend, and I am concerned about freezing rain on the highways tomorrow. Plus, I am not even started packing.
My best suggestion is to try to do some relaxation exercises, like breathing several times a day. Deep, relaxation breathing, for around five minutes. It helps.
Albert Schweitzer

Thanks Trish...right now I am so darn busy I forgot to go get my order at the Candi Bar!!!!!!!! So now I go tomorrow and Pick it up...sighs....had it out with our maint guy!!! Told him to call my mom and tell her why I can't come home!!! He still doesn't have a phone to be on call!!! I told him I can't trust him to do a job while we are gone!!! He promised he would BORROW a phone til we get back...said he would call my in a bit to give me the number...that was 3 hours ago!!!!!! I am so upset!!!!!!! And this weather is not helping!!!!!!!
You have a safe trip you hear?!
Judy....you poor lady!! You just can't catch a break!! I am praying things get better for you!
I hope your maintenance guy can get his crap together and can handle things while you are away. I don't want you not to be able to go home for Christmas! Then there is the snow issue.....UGH!!!
Wishing you the best sweetie!!
Love you....hugs....connie d
Connie, I gave it to him both barrels!!!! He called last night has a borrowed phone from one of his friends. All is good with him now it is the darn weather!!!!!! LOTS of rain for us and that means flooding!!!! The field by one of the buildings is already underwater and the really heavy rain has not come YET!!!!!!! Supposed to be late afternoon into tonight...ALL after dark so we can't see good when it starts running out of the field into our parking area etc...its going to be a bad next 12 hours or so...hope its all over with by tomorrow morning so we CAN leave!!! Some areas are getting snow and freezing rain...so I think it is best we wait...
Merry Christmas!!!
Love and Hugssssss