Up way too early on Thursday
Hello my OFF family:
I got up this morning at 4 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. I got up and had some Sleepytime tea but couldn't get back to sleep. So I finally gave up, made coffee and got ready for the day. This morning, I get my new crown. The temp crown fell out the day after Thanksgiving and I just gave up trying to keep it in. This is the same one that kept falling out a couple years ago when I had it as a temp.
So back to work tonight on four hours of sleep. I will try to get a nap in after the dentist before I go to work. I hope I can get some sleep. The people upstairs are moving furniture or something ... it's awfully noisy. Hopefully, it will stop soon.
I didn't do a whole lot yesterday. Watch "The Lion in Winter" to see Peter O'Toole again ... what a great movie that is. If you haven't seen it, you must! It is about Henry II and Eleanor of Aquataine and their brood: Richard the Lionheart, Geoffrey and John. Great film and you'll see a young Anthony Hopkins as Richard. Then I watch the best "A Christmas Carol" with Alastair Sims. It is the film known as "Scrooge."
I see Vickie is having a surgical procedure to remove the fluid and hopefully that will work. Poor Vickie. Swinging chickens for you, dear. Hope you feel better soon.
Not much else happening. Got to get in the shower and get going for my appointment. Have a good day.
Hi Eileen and OFF,
Fighting stomach bug, spent the past 24 hours with the dry heaves, since the last time I ate much of anything was lunch yesterday. Feel like crap.
Prayers for Vickie, and everyone else.
Mom's friend, Sam, has pneumonia, and is on antibiotics. Still in hospital.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish..... sorry you have a stomach bug. Hope you feel better real soon. Stay away from family and the public in general until you feel better!!
I haven't heard anymore news about Vickie. Hope she doesn't need surgery.
I am still praying for your mom, Sam, and Jackie!! Now I am saying special prayers for you as well.
Love and many hugs.....connie d
Eileen...I guess we did post at the same time...oh well!!!
So sorry you had sleeping issues. I sure hope you got in a nap before work!
I too pray Vickie surgical procedure works. I am so worried about her. Still keeping her in my prayers!!
Hope the new permanent crown stays in place!!!
Hope work goes well for you tonight. I am so worried about all the extra work they are putting on you! It will effect you sooner or later. Not good!!
Love , hugs, and prayers.....connie d