It's 4 a.m. again on Monday morning
So good morning OFF sistas!
Yes, I'm up early again. Woke up around 3:00 a.m. or so. This time because I was drenched with night sweats. UGH! That's the grossest symptom ever. If I was able, I would change the sheets. But since I'm not, I prefer to sit up rather than lie back down on damp sheets.
Yesterday was much better for me, pain-wise, although I still didn't do much. Took a long nap, got up and ate a little soup, then sat in the recliner several hours. Finally got outside to do my driveway walking, which zapped me, so I went to bed at 7 p.m., after a bite of supper. I tried some real food last night. Chris had made charro beans from scratch and they just tasted so good. Not sure if my system is ready for "real food" yet or not, but so far so good.
I still have pretty intense abdominal pain whenever the gas moves through my intestines. It's kind of a "grab hold and ride it out" kind of thing. Ouchy! But other than that yesterday was a much better day, and I have no pain sitting here this morning. Tender, yes. Sore, yes. But painful, no. Thank God.
Today my SIL Charlene arrives. Thank God. And tonight my other SIL Lisa comes back, too. SO they will both be here for Butch's surgery tomorrow. ONe of them will have to take him and the other one will have to stay here with me and Budder. Please pray for my sweet husband as he undergoes this out-patient procedure to repair a bad bunion on his right foot.
I wish I could clean my house today, but it's just not happening. I will try to direct Butch to do the most needful stuff this morning, but then that's all the prep I can manage for company.
Talked to Mom yesterday and she was doing okay, too. Charlene was going to check on her before she leaves Nacogdoches this morning. My SIL Judy offered to drive Mom over to Waco next weekend to Carrie's house. That way Carrie can bring her down here for Christmas with us. So far, Mom hasn't been too enthused over the idea. She says she won't make up her mind until the end of next week. I can certainly understand her not wanting to make a long trip right now, but it breaks my heart to think of her being all alone for Christmas. I HATE being laid up like this! I'm always the one in charge, the one who does everything and takes care of everyone else. I hate feeling so helpless!
Sistas, I really do love you all. I so appreciate all the sweet words of encouragement both here and on FB! You have no idea how much you lift my spirits with your love and support and friendship. If I could, I would send each of you a Christmas basket this year. As it is, I don't even think I'm going to be able to send out Christmas cards. I know you will understand.
Love, hugs, kisses and prayers for each of you!
I know how hard it is to recover. The baby steps are always the most difficult and the not being able to even do the baby steps. You are doing it the right way but taking movement in small doses. Walking a little bit every day will not only build up your tolerance but it will also keep you from losing ground. I tell my friends who have surgery, just walk one more step today than you did yesterday and maintain that one extra step for a few days and then up it again. Also when you start feeling better, just sit in your recliner and do some modified stretching. Leg lifts are nice when lying in a recliner but not too high because that will pull on your abdomen. Pulling the toes up toward your knees and holding for a count of ten and then pointing for the count of ten is good for your circulation and muscle. Also deep breaths are good. Make sure when you breathe in, you hold that breath for as long as you can and then blow it out slowly until you cannot empty one more oxygen cell out before you suck in more air. These are good too.
Don't give in to the temptation to get up and do too much. You are doing it the correct way and your SIL are there to help pick up the slack. Let them do this for you and Butch.
Take your day easy and enjoy this time of being still because it sounds like once you and Butch recover, you two are going to be on the go.
Have a good day.
Good morning Vickie and everyone..... sorry you are still waking up at 3:00 AM. I am glad you went to bed at 7:00 PM and at least got about 8 hours of sleep. I hope those night sweats end soon. That must be so miserable on top of everything else. That is wonderful that your pain is more tolerable. Those gas pains are the worst....OUCH!! They are so intense. The more you can move around that will help with the gas. I know it is very hard for you right now. Little by little it will get better. Jeannie is right about the stretches and walking. Just do the best you can. Right now doing your foot stretches may be all you can handle. I am so glad that Charlene and Judy will be with you soon. I am still praying for Butch as he has his surgery tomorrow. Of course, you are always in my prayers!! I am also praying that your mom will change her mind and join you for Christmas. I know it is hard for you but please try to sit back and relax. You will be in good hands and there will be lots of love around you!! reminded me of some other stretches I had forgotten about. Thank you so much!! Have a wonderful day!!
As for me....I was up until about 2:30 AM. Just puttering around. It is starting to look better around here.. Less and less boxes...YAY!!! I still have a ways to go but I am happier. I can actually sit on my couches and my bathroom is done. My bedroom is almost done as is my kitchen. Then I have to have someone come in and hang pictures, especially my larger, heavier ones. Then it will look more like home.
I didn't leave the house all weekend. I hate being out in the stores with all those crazy people doing their Christmas Shopping. Yesterday I did 6 loads of towels and sheets and such. I hate that everything needs to be washed!! Not my clothes, thank goodness. I did all that the week before the big move!! I still have some blankets/comforters I need to wash. They will need to be taken to a laundromat. I will need help with that task!!
I need to run a couple errands. I know my car needs to be started as the temps have been like -1 and -2 degrees for days. Brrrrrrrr....I hate going out there!!
Wishing everyone a good day!! Prayers for so many of our wonderful OFF family.
Love and hugs to you all.....connie d
Good Afternoon Vickie, Jeannie, Connie and OFF Sisters,
I way overslept by accident this morning. My phone battery died. I have to clean and then put together a gingerbread house and gingerbread train. The kids are coming over to decorate them this afternoon. I'm sore, but grateful today.
We got more snow yesterday. Was busy shoveling a bit, and then was blessed that another neighbor came and shoveled the sidewalk that goes across my yard. I'm so blessed with good neighbors. Today the sun is shining. Yippee!!!
Last night was the children's Christmas program at church. Isabel was one of five angels. She's so tall. Her cousin, Tessa, is almost a year older than her, and Izzy is over a head taller than her.
Well, I'm praying for you, and your family, as well as all fighting illnesses.
Must scoot.
Hugs and Love,
Albert Schweitzer are blessed!! I love the little ones in their Christmas Pageant. They are so cute and try so hard. That is one of my favorite Christmas times.
We got more snow but only about 3 inches. What is nice about living in an apartment is no outside work to do. I am glad you have such wonderful neighbors to help you.
I hope you the little ones had a great time decorating the Gingerbread House and Train!!
Love you...hugs....connie d
Hi Vickie and my OFF family:
Sorry I don't get on here too much any more. I read but I just don't have much time to post. Work is very hectic as we are down two people. I'm so tired when I get home. I did nine pages Saturday night and that included designing four of them; Friday, I did four local pages, two nation pages and then helped with the sports pages. I was so tired. This new order is leaving me with a whole lot more work because some people have shown they can't keep up. By the end of the night, I'm in a whole lot of pain. The TENS unit has helped (I'm using it on my left knee right now).
Anyway, I guess this is the way things are going to be. I just have to deal with it. I know I can handle the speed; some others can't.
Vickie, try bringing an ice pack to bed and putting it on your neck when you get a hot flash (this is what I do when I have night sweats). Or use a fan ... another of my tricks. I use the ice pack a lot. Sometimes I sleep with it on my neck.
Connie, I'm glad you're getting settle in your new home. I know you have waited a long time for this. Enjoy.
Anyway, I need to get in the shower and get lunch before work. Have a good day.
Eileen....thay are expecting a whole lot out of you in one shift. I feel bad for you. I hope somehow things get better fast!
Sorry you are dealing with knee pain. I am glad you have a TENS Unit. I think they really help. At least they make a difference with my pain.
Are you going to your mom's again this year for Christmas? How is she doing these days? You haven't said much about her in quite some time.
I am working hard at getting settled in. I really do love it here. Everyone is just so sweet!! We are all giggling about one thing or another!! There is only little old lady here that is a real hoot. She is in her nineties. She can't hear worth anything. She took me aside and said, " there is a man that lives down the hall, I would like to date but I don't like his belt buckle". I laughed so hard I almost peed my pants.
Have a good evening if you can!!
Love you....hugs....connie d
No, I'm not going to mom's this year; I couldn't get the time off. I'm really angry about that. I asked for it off and someone else (the old guy who had already had so much time off) had asked for the weekend off and my usual days off are Tuesday and Wednesday, so I figured I could make it work. Instead, I got screwed and I'm working Christmas (which is OK if I got the weekend before off, but I didn't) and my days off that week are Tuesday and Thursday. And then the old guy got laid off anyway but we're shorthanded now so I can't get it off anyway. It stinks. But I was promised I would get first choice of vacations next year. I'm sure that promise will be broken, too.
Mom is OK, no better, no worse than before. She's a little wacky sometimes. She was trying to tell my sister what she wanted for Christmas and was describing the authors because she couldn't come up with the names. She said the author whose books are on TV (that was Danielle Steele). Then it was the author of "the long train to India." Take a guess what that was. I had no clue (one of my coworkers did, and that was scary). It was Agatha Christie and "Murder on the Orient Express."
Eileen...that just should be able to get time off!! Why did they do those darn layoffs before the holidays!! Oh yeah...the old fart would of had that time anyway...grrrrr! Your schedule is getting all messed will probably happen on New Years week as well!
I am glad your mom is doing okay. I am a lot wacky at times myself...LOL. I actually thought of murder on the Orient Express before I read it. The clue was the long train remark. Danielle Steel was even easier. I hope your mom gets what she wants!!
I hope you are in less pain...but probably aren't...I feel so bad for you!!
Love and hugs and prayers.....connie d
I figured out Danielle Steele but then I know my mother's tastes. But Orient Express ... that was a puzzler. I'm sure my sister didn't have a clue, either.
A little less pain today, although my left knee was hurting this morning. Using my TENS on it. No big plans today.
My ex-boss says they do the layoffs before the holidays so they don't have to pay vacation and an extra year of service in the severance package.
I'm off three days for New Year's but it's not worth it to drive home ... one day up, one day back, one day to visit. Just not worth the hassle and money and pain. And we've had a lot of bad weather, so I'll just wait until later.