Patricia R.
on 12/12/13 10:43 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning OFF Family,

I overslept this morning.  Turns out my phone was turned off all night, and my alarms are on it to wake me up.  I have to go get blood work and x-rays done today.  Then, a stop at ToysRUs to get a copy of Despicable Me 2 I reserved in October.  I got that for Colleen to use on the DVD in the van for their trip to PA at Christmas.  The rest of the day will be spent doing dishes and resting. 

Must scoot.

Prayers for everyone recuperating and fighting illnesses.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 12/12/13 11:48 pm

Good morning Trish and everyone.....

Trish....sorry you overslept. I know how frustrating that can be. Getting a movie for a long trip is a great idea. My daughters did (do with Gracie) that with their children all the time. It helps them from being so bored with all that riding.

As for me today....I was up most of the night in severe pain. I think the last couple weeks has finally caught up with me. I doubt I will be doing any unpacking today. I have to run a couple quick errands. If they weren't necessary I wouldn't even do them.

I am sorry I didn't get back to everyone yesterday. I will catch up later today.

Wishing every one a wonderful day!! Prayers for so many of my OFF friends.

Love and many hugs....connie d


on 12/13/13 2:14 am - Cibolo, TX

Hello Trish and Connie and all my OFF sistas,

Oh, my, quite a dramatic time around here last night.  Some of you will have seen on FB, but my mother went missing yesterday evening.  Very long and complicated story, but in a nutshell:  she fell in her apartment last Sunday, but elected NOT to tell me about it since I was in the hospital and she didn't "want to bother me".  Fast forward to yesterday.  Now mind you, I have talked to my mother daily all week long.  She hasn't said a word about her fall.  She was supposed to call me around 5 p.m. yesterday and she didn't.  So I started calling her.  Nothing.  I called her friend Miffy.  Nothing.  Got on toward 7 p.m., so I called another of her friends that lives in the same complex as her.  While we were talking, she said: "Oh we've all been so worried about your mother since she fell!"  I said, "You mean when she fell last month?"  "Oh, no, girl, last Sunday."  WHAT???

Well, as you can imagine, that sent me into a panic.  Mom is 84 and her friend Miffy is even older.  What the hell were those 2 little old ladies DOING out after dark and especially if my mom was hurt?  Butch's brother and his wife came to our rescue and started driving around Nacogdoches to the hospitals and stuff.  They found her being admitted to Medical Center, even though when I called, they told me she wasn't there!  I was so upset at that point that I started crying, and I cried for an hour.  I mean hysterical panicked crying that HURT my tummy like hell.  But I couldn't stop it.  I think it was a combination of everything I went through last week, plus being afraid/mad/relieved at my mom.  So I never did get to talk to mom last night.  I was too upset to call her and she didn't try to call me, so we left it for this morning.

Well, I found out this morning that Mom has a hairline fracture of her left hip.  The ortho surgeon is optimistic because she didn't shatter the bone, nor did she chip any of it off.  So he's going to try inserting 2 screws to stabilize the fracture and hopefully it will knit back together.  This is the best possible outcome because Mom wouldn't need any PT or long term care.  She could go home tomorrow and aside from some activity restrictions, basically be okay.

They are taking her to surgery right now.  Please be in prayer for her and a successful, minimally invasive surgery.  I will post again when she is out of surgery this afternoon.

Well, I was terribly upset last night which bounced my pain level through the roof and I just couldn't settle down and sleep.  Plus I was peeing and peeing and peeing--at least once an hour.  (The good news is that I"m down from 218 yesterday morning to 210 this morning!)  I also had the night sweats and went through 3 sets of pjs last night.  Rough night.  BUT I'm feeling better physically this morning, so that's good.

Yesterday the doctor removed the staples from my seven-inch abdominal incision and replaced them with steri strips.  Oh, God, that feels better.  She also confirmed that the Norco (pain pills) can indeed cause nightmares and even hallucinations.  So we decided to switch me to Advil with an acid blocker for short term relief and I have a new Rx for Tylenol III waiting at the pharmacy.  I tell you, though, I feel so much better on the Advil after 24 hours, you wouldn't believe!  I'm sore, but not in pain today.

So much drama!  Ugh.  I just want a normal life again.  Is that too much to ask???

Well, I didn't "fuss" at Mama this morning, but I did tell her we were going to have to have a big talk in a few weeks.  And we are.  She is going to move here, and that is the end of it.  I won't get into now, but I'm sure it's obvious to everyone but her that she needs to live near me.

Thank God that Butch was here throughout all of this crisis this past week.  He is taking care of the boys, the house, me, and now coordinating care for my mother with his family in Nac.  I do love that man. 

I need to lie down now and try and catch a little nap.  I love you all!


Connie D.
on 12/13/13 6:05 am

Dear Vickie....I was so glad when I saw the post on Facebook last night that your mom was found. I am sure all kinds of crazy things ran through your head. I continue to pray for her and you today. I am so happy that Butch's family located her!! What a relief!!

The greatest thing is that Butch is home to help and be at your side. I thank God for that every day. I know Butch has surgery soon. Good thing more family will be there for all of you. I wish I could be there to help!! You know I would if I could!!

I felt like I hit a brick wall last night. I had to take a break from all this if only for one day. It is about 2/3 done. I will be donating many things. Accept the things my granddaughter can use.

I am glad your mom will be living near you soon. That was just too much of a scare.

Love you...HUGS....connie d



on 12/13/13 8:31 am - Cibolo, TX
Just a quick update on mom this evening. I still haven't talked to her because she's still sleeping! But Miffy says her vital signs are good so they are letting her sleep. The doctor told Butch he was very pleased with how the surgery went. I'll post more tomorrow. Night all!


on 12/13/13 7:28 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi all, 

Vickie I am so glad u found your mom! Thatvis truely scarey.

Liz had a great birthday yesterday! Even though she had tonwork.

Im gearing down my last week here. Im leaving on the 21st to drive home.  My niece still hasnt poped that baby girl out! She s due tomorrow. 

Carl called me and told me he had an allergic reaction to hazel nuts! Hevhad to go get some benedryl. I dont know where that came from case he has nevervhad a reaction to nuts before.

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Connie D.
on 12/13/13 11:10 pm

Hello Carla....glad Liz had a wonderful birthday yesterday!!

Enjoy the last week with your family...they will miss you I am sure!!

I am sure your niece will have that baby soon. I hope it is before you leave!!

Love you....hugs....connie.d


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