Blessed Sunday
Good Morning OFF Sisters,
I fell asleep in my rocking chair last night, after Colleen came by to pick up Frankie. Then, I woke up at 2:00, came to bed, and now am awake at 5:00 a.m.
Vickie, I'm praying your pain start to decrease rapidly.
Connie, try not to put pressure on yourself about finishing unpacking. Back in PA, I had boxes for about a month. I have boxes in the spare bedroom closet that I really should unpack.
Jennifer, I continue to pray for you. My best friend at work had to get the edges of her lumpectomy cut out shortly after her surgery. The cancer did not show up in her lymph nodes. That was in 2005. She has been cancer free since.
Annette, I know you are hanging in there. We love you, and are praying for you.
Nancy, it was so good to get that e-mail with your address, Thanks. We love you and continue to pray.
Vickie, I am praying, along with the rest of us. See if you can sip and walk, like I was told as a WLS post-op. Just tiny walks, from your front door to the end of your driveway, weather permitting.
I know I'm missing someone. My prayer list isn't within arm's reach.
I have to gather Frankie's clothes that are drying in the bathroom. Washed in my washer, but dryer isn't hooked up yet.
I've had a bloody nose since last night. I'm so glad I have 2 big bottles of hydrogen peroxide. It's what I use to get blood out of clothers. School nurse helped me get blood out of a white blouse ages ago.
Albert Schweitzer

Morning Trish and OFF family yet to come in!
Well yesterday was a GREAT day for me!!! Went to get my mail and there is an envelope (which I almost threw away) for me. I opened it and OMG there is a check in it for just over $700.00!! This is the second check I got now from the foreclosure on my house!!! This came as a shock!! I had already received one several months ago and now another one!!!! This makes my Christmas extra special because now we can go home to see my mom and family we can also get gifts!!!!!!!!!! HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY!!!!!!
Went to Bingo last night and I WON 2 games!!! Total of $90.00!!! I am on cloud nine right now!!!! WOW!!!!
I also got a bill in the mail from pain dr...they did not give me my discount so I will have to call them and have it adjusted.
Tuesday is our tenant Christmas party. I hope we have a good turn out!! I bought 2 hams and 40 gifts and wrapped them up. Boy is my back ever sore!!! WOW!!! I have 16 plants that we are going to play card bingo for instead of drawing tickets...maybe this way a couple of the "snobs" will see that I do NOT rig the drawings!!! We also are having a 50/50 drawing. So maybe just maybe we will have a party last longer then just eat and leave!!!! I put so much effort into my parties and they eat and leave!!!! So discouraging when they do that. If there was a way to keep the foods hot til later on we could have fun first then eat. But that isn't possible. Oh well.
Well best get dressed and take Bandit out for his potty walk. Its 22* and feels like 9* I think they said. BRRRRRR!!!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Hello Judy.... God is good...he will provide. So glad you got that $700 dollars and won at Bingo too!!! Now you will have a much less stressful holiday! I am so happy for you!!
I know I always say it and will say it are so good to your tenants....some don't even deserve you!! I have never lived in any apartment that things like that were done for us. I lived in some pretty nice places too. You certainly go above and beyond! I couldn't do that as my body wouldn't let me!
I am going to try to run to Target shortly. I need glue as some of my things got broken. One was my toaster was smashed. I did go buy a new one. Two of my favorite frying pans got the trash they went...bought two new I just need glue for a couple Knick Knacks and such. Most all those things were in storage for three years and moved from MN to Iowa and back to MN. I lost some glasses and one of my favorite wine glasses as well. I will check thrift stores and hope to stumble across them there!! Overall things look pretty good. Now I need to start washing all my towels and sheets and such. OMG that is a lot of work!!
Love you much...HUGS....connie d
Good Luck finding your wine glass in the thrift stores!!! I have seen some nice ones there....also Dollar Tree has some nice ones also.
Connie I have so much going on right now with a couple of tenants its unreal!!! I am so stressed over this also. But I will not go into it on here.
Take care of yourself and be careful going out!!!
Good morning Trish and everyone...... nice to see you start the thread this morning!! I am sorry to hear you had a nose bleed all night. I hope it has stopped by now. I also hope you can get that dryer hooked up soon. Mention to Colleen that that would be a wonderful Christmas gift!!! Thanks for the reminder about peroxide. I forgot all about that. Hugs!!!!
As for me....there is a Christmas Banquet here today. I don't think I can make it. I am in so much pain and was sick most of the night last night. I will see how I feel later. If I feel better I will go!!
I think I am stressed...partially because of the unpacking.......partially because next week I go to Children's Hospital in Minneapolis with Nic for his Cancer testing. One year we go to St Jude...if things look good then... the next year we just go to Children's. I am always so nervous and worried about the test results. Nic always wants me with him so of course I will be there!! We are staying at my daughter Carrie's this time. I will be leaving on Wednesday morning some time. His tests are Thursday and Friday. If you can would you please keep Nic in your thoughts and prayers, good vibes or whatever? Those two days can be very stressful!
Keeping so many of our wonderful OFF family in my prayers. God Bless you all!
Wishing you all a wonderful day!!
Love and many hugs to you all.....connie d
Thank you so much Judy!!!
This is always such a horrible time for me. I cry at the drop of a hat. I feel totally sick to my stomach. I can't sleep. I will be fine once the results are in. I get so scared now because so many of Nic's friends with this cancer have died in their early twenties. Nic will be 21 in April. God has a plan for Nic. I believe he will do good things in his life. He already has!! Sometimes it is hard to stay strong at times like this. I will be more then strong around my Nic!! We always have fun together!!!
Thank you for the prayers for are always one of his best cheerleaders!!
Love you my special sister....connie d
Good morning everyone!
Sounds like everyone has a lot going on. My thoughts and prayers for all of you.
I'm sorry I haven't been around I've just been so busy with Christmas around the corner and 20 coming for the day. But do know that I think and pray for all of you every day.
Big hugs and lots of love,
Good morning Trish and sistas!
I am feeling much better this morning. Yesterday was a bad day, but then I had a pretty good night and I feel okay this morning. No pain today, just soreness. It's supposed to be sunny and warm today, so I would like to sit outside on the back porch for awhile this afternoon. And try doing some driveway walks.
This evening my sweet SIL Charlene arrives and she staying the whole week! Thank God. Also SIL Lisa is coming back Monday night and will be here for Butch's surgery on Tuesday. His bunionectomy is out patient, so he'll be home that afternoon. But then he pretty much has to stay immobile for the next few days with his foot elevated until the doctor fits him in a walking boot. Hopefully by Friday he will be mobile again.
Talked to Mom this morning and she had an okay night. She says her hip didn't hurt until they fixed it! So she's taking it easy and taking her pain pills and staying inside her apartment. She's negotiating the potty and the shower okay, and also her little kitchen. But my SIL Judy and others are going to be checking on her daily. Again, thank God. She needs me to be there staying with her right now, but obviously that isn't going to happen.
So yesterday I ordered some gift packs from Omaha Steaks for my 3 SILs who are doing so much to help us. It's a really good deal. For $50, they will get 4 steaks, 4 pork chops, a dozen steakburgers, 4 twice baked potatoes and 4 desserts. Enough for several meals. They all have large families, so I'm hoping they will have a nice family cookout with the steakburgers over the holidays.
Butch fixed me a scrambled egg and toast for breakfast. I am barely eating anything at all. Just have no appetite at all right now. Mostly eating soup and crackers or cereal or an egg. A little bit of fruit. That's about it. And I'm still have pretty severe constipation issues, which are so damn painful. I'm taking 2 colace tablets (stool softeners) daily, plus adding benefiber to my meals, so I guess it is the medicines that are keeping me all blocked up. I've lost 11 of the 20+ pounds of fluid so far, but my whole lower body is just still so swollen. Ugh.
Still, I expect to eventually come out of this a much lighter person than when I went in. Always looks for that silver lining! LOL!
I had Butch measure my incision this morning. Holy cow! That thing is 8 inches long! And that's not counting the other 4 incisions from the robotic surgery. My belly is a mess!
I wanted to respond to each one's posts this week, but I can tell it's not going to happen. Happy for Judy! That's a wonderful surprise. Will pray for you and Nic next week, Connie. Jennifer, extra prayers for you as you await more answers about your cancer. Concentrate on the good, don't dwell on the bad. Trish, so sorry your baby was sick while you kept him. Yes, I think getting your dryer hooked up is an excellent Christmas present and one you should ask for!
I know there are others, but my powers of concentration are short lived these days. I love you all!