Early morning riser Thursday

on 12/11/13 6:52 pm - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

I just can't lay in that bed one more minute tonight, so I'm up.  The only position I have is to lay on my back, and golly is my back sore!  And my hips!  Plus I have to get up and down to pee every couple of hours which is a pain.  By the time I pull myself out of bed, go to the potty, then get settled back in bed, the discomfort is flaring up again.  I believe I'll just sit up the rest of the night. 

But I haven't had the night sweats tonight, which is good.  The dreams are still there, but not quite as nightmarish.  But such heavy intense dreaming is not very restful either.  Tonight's variety have been all about frustration.  I can't get things done. 

Got to go see my doctor today at noon.  Butch and the baby will go with me since Chris is working.  I will tell her about the dreaming then.  She might change my pain meds.  I took them very sparingly yesterday, but I did have to take them. 

I am trying hard to use this week as an opportunity to get my eating back under control.  For one thing, I'm not very hungry right now.  After going 4 days with no solid food in the hospital, my tummy is in no hurry to fill up now.  Also, I can't handle anything but the blandest of blands right now.  Butch and Chris made tacos for our dinner last night.  Tacos, refried beans, rice and guacamole.  I couldn't eat any of it!  Not even the refried beans, which were just very generic ones from a can.  So I had some vegetable beef soup and crackers.  (Also what I had for my lunch yesterday, and there's still more left for today.)  I had Chris to buy me some oatmeal at the store.  We were down to just the instant kind, and I don't eat that.

I never thought I would say this, but I was so proud to see my wrinkled old skin reappear on the backs of my hands yesterday!  The puffball effect is lessening!  (Should, with all this peeing I'm doing!)  But my stomach is still so very swollen.  I feel like I look huge again.  I think my face is still swollen some, too, but not as much as a few days ago. 

Well, I'm sure y'all are tired of my catalog of complaints this morning.  Let's see if I can talk about something else for just a minute before I go.  Eileen, I didn't know about the layoffs!  OMG.  That must have shaken you up.  I'm sorry for your boss.  You are being so kind to him.  That sort of kindness comes back to you eventually, I believe.  I hope you have no more layoffs at work, but if there are more, I'm sure you are indispensible. 

Trish, so sorry you are sick!  Ugh!  Hope the doctor can figure out what's wrong and fix it up soon.

Carla, saw the precious baby pics on FB!  My, she's a cutie!  You must be over the moon in love with your little Vinnie!

Judy, you get to go home for Christmas after all!  I'm so proud for you.  I know you will enjoy being with your family this year, especially your mom.  My mom calls every day and I can tell she feels badly that she can't be here to help with my recovery.  But there just comes a time when our moms are not physically able to do all the things they've done for us all of our lives.  I know how much you worry about your mom.  Go and enjoy your time with her this Christmas.  It's a precious gift.

Connie, oh, Connie!  Do you realize how many times you've used the word "happy" in your posts these past weeks?  I am so thrilled for you.  You have no idea how much you are loved here, and how happy all the rest of us are for you.  I hope you and Kyleigh are able to accomplish everything you need to do in your apartment while she is there.  As for your sister--Good Lord, what IS that woman's problem???  How dare she call on YOU for support when she needs it?  She just makes me so mad on your behalf!  It's a testament to the kind of person you are that you didn't tell her to go jump in the lake when she called.  Honestly.

Who am I forgetting in our little band of sistas?  Jennifer, hope you are doing well with your recovery and praying for your test results to be good ones.  Jo, hope you are still hanging in there with the triplets.  God bless you!  Cindy B, we haven't heard much from you the past several days.  You doing okay at the reserve?  Cindi A, we miss your posts about quilting and such.  Annette, we are praying for you as you fight your battle for health.  Also same goes for Nancy B.  As for some of our MIAs, know you are always welcome here whenever you have time to post.  We miss you!

Love you all!


annette R.
on 12/11/13 9:15 pm - ithaca, NY

Good Morning Vickie and the entire OFF family.

3AM is what I call my "witching hour". Pain meds have worn off and I need a potty break. That wakes up the dogs and they need to go outside in the dark, frozen night. After a quick outside run with them I am wide awake so I sit up for an hour for the pain meds to kick in.

Our oldest granddaughters boyfriend is coming to visit this morning. I while ago I told him that he could have the first engagement ring Tom gave me. It is a pretty heart shaped diamond surrounded by six round diamonds. About time they get married. Yes, call me old-fashioned. They are obviously in love and I'd like to see them married before the second baby arrives in April.

Not a great visit with the Oncologist. The sore throat that has been bothering me is viral, so I suffer until it goes away. The PET scan results were disappointing but not surprising to me due to the increased pain. The mass in the sacrum did not respond to radiation - it grew in size. Next week I meet with the doctor again and he will offer the next steps for treatment. Probably adding meds to the current chemotherapy. My job is to stay positive, eat, drink and rest as needed.

I only sit at the computer occasionally these days, so please don't be offended if I don't often join in the conversations.

Love and kisses to all




 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
on 12/12/13 3:50 am - Canada

Dear Annette...have been doing research on your  sacrum and it is a rare cancer. Since my own bc am suddenly interested in metastasis and toxicity of chemo and recurrence, and my heart goes out to you (sorry for the cliche).  Wishing you strength and determination, and tons of good vibes, prayers and Shaman chicken bones auguring better days....


annette R.
on 12/12/13 8:09 am - ithaca, NY

Jennifer -


This does become an entirely new learning experience. Don't wear yourself out learning everything in print. Trust your doctor and listen to your body. Thanks for thinking of me.


 Annette     Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting           
Connie D.
on 12/13/13 6:26 am

Hello our dear sweet Annette!!

That ring sounds gorgeous....your granddaughter will be thrilled!! I agree....child #2....time to get married. Things sure have changed from when we were young!!

I feel so bad that pet scan results were disappointing. Many, many prayers and lots of love coming your way. I keep you very close to my heart!! Please let me know what the doctor decides to do next.

HUGS and KISSES!! Love you always.....connie d

on 12/11/13 11:42 pm


One of the reasons why I do the cleanse so often is that it shrinks my system all up and I literally cannot eat for weeks afterward.   I had my hysterectomy after I had gone through menopause but the night sweats came back with a vengeance.   My doctor advised against taking hormones because of the high risks of breast cancer in our family and I finally got on the other side of the horrible sweats and mood swings.   The nightmares are probably related to your pain meds so maybe when your doctor changes them, you will sleep better.   Have you ever used a body pillow?   They can, if they are soft, help get you  positioned off of your hips.  One pillow messes up your alignment but one long once can help keep your incision aligned but can help take pressure off of your hips a little.  I spent the night in the hospital Sunday night and all day Monday because of my freakin' asthma.   They kept me in the ER on one of those uncomfortable gurney things and my hips killed me.   

I am like you…that Connie is happy and I, like you, am enjoying hearing and reading about her happiness.  It is about time she nests and builds her home again.   There have been so many times I wanted to drive up and get her and bring her down here but she would never have survived with my house full of cats and being so far away from her grandkids.  

Annette, I am so sorry that you are having to fight this battle and I hope that they come up with a treatment that shrinks the mass down so you are not hurting so much.   I have little areas of scar tissue around my lumbar spine and even though they are small, they kill me so I cannot imagine how you are handling the pain.    Please, please, please take the pain meds so you will not hurt.  I know how strong you are but you can be strong and take pain meds.  

I am off today and am finishing up a pair of pants I am making for our Christmas party which is tonight.  Nothing like waiting for the last minute.   But I almost have them finished and they are so pretty.   I already made the jacket and shirt and boy did I jazz it up for the party.   I even bought a pretty pair of red pumps that matches the jacket perfectly.  Yes, I am doing it…black, red, and green.  You cannot get any more chirstmassy than that.   Okay, enough.   Vickie feel better, Connie, enjoy your happiness and to the rest, have fun today.  

Connie D.
on 12/13/13 6:33 am

Hello Jeannie!!

I am so sorry you were in the hospital with asthma issues. I can certainly relate. I pray you are feeling better by now!!

I am so appreciative of how happy everyone is for me!!  I am still doing cartwheels....in my mind of course....LOL. Thank you so much!!

Making pants for the evening....you silly....I would have been a mess worrying..what if they didn't get done in time. I would have bought a pair for a back up just in case...you know....plan B!!

Love you much....hugs....connie d



on 12/12/13 3:46 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi all,

Today is my daughters 32nd birthdsy! She has to go to work tonight! Im in baby patrol

Her husband bought her a locket necklace and a new sofa for her birthday

Still waiting for my new niece to be born. Should be any day.

My husband is or must be bored! He calls a million times a day.

Hope everyone is feeling better!


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Connie D.
on 12/13/13 6:20 am

Carla....I hope you made it in baby patrol...you make me laugh!!

Your hubby must be missing you...all those calls....LOL!!

So how long are you staying this trip??

Happy late Birthday to your daughter!!

Have a nice evening....love and more hugs....connie d

Patricia R.
on 12/12/13 10:20 am - Perry, MI

Good Evening Vickie and Family,

I had another long day, but not as long as yesterday.  First, I saw the P.A. at my hematologist's office.  My Coumadin level is low, after the shot in my back last week had me off of it for days.  Also, since my iron level has been sinking, slowly, but steadily, I'm scheduled for a series of infusions starting next week. 

I did some shopping, and saw my primary doc in the afternoon.  In addition to my upper respiratory infection, my hand x-rays from about a month ago show possible rheumatoid arthritis.  Yippee!!!  Damn it.  Why can't I inherit money from that crazy woman?  No.  I have to inherit the clotting disorder that caused the blood clot in my lung, and the bipolar disorder.  Now, I might have her rheumatoid arthritis.  Wish their were happy memories to take with them.  Sorry for the rant.

I'll be sending out the list to everyone who sent me their snail addresses on Friday.  I don't have a Word program on here right now, so I'm trying to coordinate them somehow.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

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