Hello Wednesday!!!

Connie D.
on 12/11/13 12:03 am

Good morning everyone......

I am starting the thread but not sure when I will be checking in again. Kyleigh and I have lots of work to do!! I will try to check in as I can during our rest breaks....LOL.

Pam has promised to stop by today and hopefully get my furniture cleaned. She has the machine to do it. It needs to be freshened up from being stored so long.

Hope Vickie, Jennifer, Annette, and others are doing well today!!

Wishing you all a wonderful day! Prayers for so many of our OFF family.

Love and many hugs to all....connie d


on 12/11/13 12:29 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Connie and my OFF sistas!

Well, I hope you get a lot done today Connie.  I know how eager you are to make your new nest feel like home.  I'm just so happy for you, sweetie.  Really.  Wish I could come and help you.

My goodness, but my first night home was eventful.  I had nightsweats and nightmares.  The nightsweats were expected.  I already had my Rx filled for my hormones and so I took one at 1 a.m. and the sweats stopped by morning.  THe nightmares are something else!  Had the first one in the hospital yesterday afternoon.  Horrible struggling things where my babies are in trouble and I can't get to them or help them.  I think the prospect of six weeks of inactivity has my psyche terribly troubled. 

Another thing is I had to pee every two hours, but again, this is a bad side effect that was expected.  They weighed me in the bed in the ICU and I weighed 218lbs!!!  I said, "What???"  That's over 20 lbs more than last week!  But it's all the fluids they pumped into me to keep my blood pressure up.  My hands and feet looked like puff balls.  They are looking a little better this morning, so I guess my body is shedding the excess fluids now.

BUT, every cloud has a silver lining.  At least I was at home in my own bed and in my own bathroom, and I spent the night surrounded by family who love me.  I didn't wake anyone up--didn't want to disturb Butch as he was so exhausted--and really, what could anyone have done for me?  But just the fact that they were there and WOULD have helped me if I had asked for it was enough. 

Besides, I can nap today, and the rest of them can't.   Aunt Lisa went home this morning since Chris has today off.  Butch has started on the laundry and Christie is getting ready to go to the store.  She and Butch are planning meals since they'll have to share cooking duties.  But Butch's two sisters are going to be here with us next week while he has his surgery.  Thank God for sweet SILs! 

I am feeling okay.  I move very slowly and I'm sore, but not really in pain.  I will try today with no pain pills and see how it goes.  I'm wondering if the pain pills are causing the nightmares?  I go to see my doctor tomorrow for my first follow-up.  When I called this morning, the receptionist Chris told me I was just a big ol' problem child!  LOL!  I said yes, but I didn't want to be one any longer.  I would pass the baton on to someone else.

Well, I'm tired now and going to lie down awhile.  I've been reading posts, but too muddled headed to remember what to post in return to everyone.  I do so appreciate every good thought and prayer offered here!  You have no idea what your love and support mean to me.  I love you all!



Connie D.
on 12/11/13 10:00 am

Hello sweet Vicki....I am glad you are home. I hope everyone is taking good care of YOU!!! So sorry to hear you are having night sweats and horrible nightmares. I hope you sleep better tonight. I am sending special prayers your way.

Kyleigh and I worked almost nonstop today for over 8 hours. We are both very tired out. I hurt so bad but I don't care. I will sleep good tonight! We had a light lunch. I made her favorite grilled cheese sandwich. It is made with 3 kinds of cheese and bacon and bakery sourdough bread. I had a small chef salad. We were both happy!! I ordered us pizza for tonight. The only kind Kyleigh will eat is cheese or pepperoni. We ordered the pepperoni. I will eat about a piece and then drink a protein shake. I am too tired to care!!!

Tony stopped by to see if I needed any more help. He got here just as we finished unloading a ton of boxes and newspapers used for packing. He helped us with some other things. He just now went in my room to lay down and sleep until he has to work tonight at 10:00. I will save him some pizza.

I am glad to know that Butch's family will be there next week to help. I was worried about you doing too much too soon.

Many prayers and good thoughts are coming your way!!!

Love you...gentle hugs....connie d








Judy G.
on 12/11/13 1:53 am - Galion, OH

Afternoon OFF family...quick stop in today...BRRRRRRRRR is IS COLD outside!!!!!!!!!! I can't handle this cold wella t all...I get cold I STAY cold!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRR

Connie so HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY for you!!!!

Vickie...you take those PAIN pills and get well soon....yes they MIGHT be giving you a side effect but you NEED PAIN MEDS YET!!!! Get well soon Sis!!!!

OK Bandit needs potty walk then I freeze more then back to work...BRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

OH!!! Just heard from a dear friend of mine she said her cancer is back and spreading again...please offer some Prayers up for her...or anything else you do for support. She is having chemo seven days a week again. Thankyou!!!

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!

Connie D.
on 12/11/13 10:12 am

Hello Judy....thank...I am pretty happy too!!!

I feel sorry for you having to take Bandit on potty breaks....bbrrrrrrrr!!!

So sorry about your friend having re-occuring cancer. You know I will keep her in my prayers! God Bless her!!

Love you...hugs....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 12/11/13 2:44 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

Connie, glad you are getting some help getting with your home. Vickie, glad you are home. Take your pain pills and get some rest. Let everyone wait on you. Judy, sorry about your friend.

I got a lot of my decorating done yesterday. I think everything is done except one string of lights. Now I have to put away the boxes and clean up the mess. Oh well, maybe later. I promised my ex-boss I'd drive him around today ... he needs to get to the office and pick up his stuff, sign his separation papers to get his severance package and get over to Best Buy and get his replacement phone (his phone broke). He's still without a car, and I don't mind helping him out. He helped me out once, and it's the least I can do. Others helped me out when I was laid off (not by driving me around, but just by being there, not letting me get down). I am doing my best by not letting him be isolated. He has no friends here. It's easy to get depressed when you're laid off. I know how it feels. Got to keep him feeling up as much as possible. 

So I'll do my best to keep his spirits up, take him out once a week. He's going to move back to Florida eventually to be close to his family ****il he gets another job). 

My brother Gary had to put his cat Zuzu to sleep yesterday. She was nearly 16 years old. He got her about the same time I had my WLS; she had been surrendered to the shelter because the family was allergic when she was 6 years old. She was an extremely affectionate, vocal orange tabby, very sweet kitty. She had hyperthyroidism the past few years, but the last couple of month had been losing a lot of weight. It happens with that disease ... it can be controlled but then it starts wasting the other organs (I know; Kittle and Cinnamon had it). Gary will miss her, and probably will get another cat. He said even my mom cried when he came home without Zuzu from the vet. And my mom didn't want the cat at first when Gary moved in with her. But she grew to love her. 

Well, not much else going on. Have a good day.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 12/11/13 5:28 am - Galion, OH

Eileen you are a good person to help out your ex-boss like you are doing and have been doing!!!

Sorry about your brothers cat. I know it hurts when we lose one of our fur babies!!! Hope his next one will be just as nice if not better!!!


Connie D.
on 12/11/13 10:26 am

Hello Eileen....your place must look nice with all your decorations up. I won't be decorating this year. I just have too much else to do!

It is wonderful that you are still helping your boss out like that. He is pretty upset over losing his job. Why do layoffs always happen over the holidays? That stinks!!

Sorry Gary had to put his cat down. That is always hard to do. I am sure your mom was very attached even if she didn't think she would be.

Hope you have a nice evening!

Love and hugs....connie d


Patricia R.
on 12/11/13 10:46 am - Perry, MI

Hi Connie and Everyone,

I just spent 12 hours babysitting the Munchkins.  I'm sick as a dog and totally exhausted.  I have chest congestion, and when I got home, I finally coughed up some gunk, and there was blood in it.  I have an 8:30 appointment with my primary doctor.  Sorry for the graphic description there.  I have asthma, and have had pneumonia before, plus tons of episodes of bronchitis in the past.  Colleen noticed how bad my voice is as soon as I got to her house this morning. 

Well, the baby is being born by C-section tomorrow afternoon.  The blanket if far from being completed. 

Must scoot.  Brain is Jello.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Connie D.
on 12/12/13 6:25 am

Hello Trish....WOW 12 hours of babysitting. I don't know how you do it!!

I am so sorry you are so sick. I am so glad you had an appointment to see your doctor. I understand what you are going through.  I have the same kind of bronchitis and I had Pneumonia issues plus COPD!!  I had pneumonia this year from January thru March. I thought I was going to die. I get the pneumonia shots too and always the booster! I hope you just have a bad cold, but, I think you do have at least Bronchitis.

Take care...we need you here!! I will check today's thread (Thursday) to see if you posted about the appointment.

Love you ....hugs.....connie d

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