Jumping Rope and Drinking Water
When I was a little girl, I loved to jump rope. Because I had polio, I wasn't physically able to actually jump rope until I was probably 8 or 9; however, I became one of the rope turners and every once in a while, some of my friends would patiently let me practice jumping. It's funny, jumping is something we learn to do as a baby and once we learn how to coordinate the movement with the brain, we can jump and jump and jump. Polio messed up my legs physically and so I wore braces and jumping took me a while to relearn but I did relearn.
Well, we have been deluged with a foot or more of snow and ice so the gym has been closed, and it's too cold like 6 degrees to walk outside, so I have been trying to exercise in the house. Day 1 of the snowmageddon, I found my granddaughter's jump rope and so I began practicing to jump. Of course, my knees said are you crazy and I said yes but I continued to jump. I also used the rope to do stretching exercises with my arms and legs. I didn't quite get my groove on in jumping rope, but it did force me to hit the Yoga mat more than what I normally do when I do the gym.
Also, I am eating much better. DH and I took off through the snow and bought a ton of fresh veges. I brought them home and got them ready to go at a moments notice.
One of the problems that I have from having WLS is that I dehydrate at a moment's notice. I can be walking and talking and then my legs turn to noodles and I am down and out. Karen and Susan have seen me in the down and out phase. I have been struggling to kick the diet coke addiction so that I will drink more water. I really only drink one or one and half of the 16 oz diet cokes a day but when I drink the diet coke, I sip on it so I don't get thirsty for water. If I don't set the timer on my cell phone to force me to gulp water, I forget and..well you know. So, I'm getting geared up for my New Year's resolutions and this year they are going to involve healthier drinking: water instead of diet coke; a little green tea instead of coffee; real juice made with a juicer instead of store bought crap. Anyway, this post was meant to be a how are you moving and what the hell are you eating but I wanted to confess a little.
So, what are you doing to move and what are you eating, not eating, drinking, not drinking and where are my exercise and eating peeps?
Good morning Jeannie.
Oh how you make me giggle!! Such antics with the rope....LOL!!! I didn't know you had polio. However, NOTHING stopped you from trying anything!!
A foot of snow, I would guess you are very snowed in!! Glad your hubby got you some good food. I went and did that yesterday afternoon.
I drink a lot of water as it is my favorite drink. Every now and then I will get a Subway sandwich and then I must have my Coke Zero!! It isn't too often so I don't beat myself up too much!!
Have a beautiful day!!
Love and hugs to you....connie d