i am here
Hi Vickie,
Praise the Lord!!!! I'm so glad they found out what was wrong, and fixed it. I hope you feel better right away, and that the hemagologist you see can find out what's wrong. Not sure if this will help, but Vitamin K is what keeps my Coumadin level down. It's in dark green vegetables, like spinach. See if the menu there has any dark green veggies. I was also told shellfish is high in it too. I doubt any of those are offered on the hospital menu.
Still praying,
Albert Schweitzer

I had a hysterectomy when I was in my 40's because I had intense bleeding during my periods....in fact they lasted 10 days and I could not leave the house because I never knew when I might "overflow." In my case, the operation went well, and I remember being so relieved not to have that pesky period any longer. I think maybe your "Higher Power" was trying to tell you that you need to shut down for awhile. You have been so intensely busy for the past few months, and I am actually glad to hear that you must take it easy for awhile. You are a good woman!! Take care of yourself, my sweet sista!!
Aloha nui loa,
Maui Karen
Good morning Vickie....so happy to see you here!!
Praise the Lord you are okay!!
What an ordeal you went through! I am so sorry you had to go through all that. I am glad you are managing to keep the pain level down. Hope they get the reason for the not clotting figured out quickly. I have been praying for you so much, I actually fell asleep last night saying prayers for you.
Take good care of you and get as much rest as possible. We all know what it is like trying to rest in a hospital!
So happy our ray of sunshine is back with us, even a little at a time!!
Love, prayers, and many hugs to you....connie d
VIC!!! So good to see you post again!!!!! Was so worried about you girlfriend!!!! YOU get some REST and you WILL be better SOON!!!! Hope they figure out why your bowels are not working good!!! Sooooooo what do you eat that gives you gas or the poops??? Evil smile here...(might work....)
thoughts and Prayers for you my sweet friend!!!