Happy Sunday !!!
Eileen so sorry to hear about your old boss passing. I also lost one of my old bosses just before Thanksgiving. She was good to me!!! So I know how you feel.
Sad to hear about your brothers cat not doing well...but at 15 years old its time to help her along and let her go...no need to suffer like that. Its hard I know...
Be careful going to work and coming home...not sure what your weather is calling for.
Hello. Eileen.....so sorry to hear you lost another work friend. Prayers for his family.
Sorry too about your brother's cat. I give him credit putting her down. She is probably in pain. Letting her go would be the best thing for her.
My friend Pam's cat is almost 21. She is sick all the time. Pam just continues to hang on to her. The cat pretty much sleeps all the time too. I personally would let her go. Pam spends a lot of time at her boyfriend's. The cat is left a lone. The cat is used to me being there every day. It isn't putting the cat's needs first to just leave her. I know she isn't well. I feel so sorry for that cat....it isn't fair to her. Makes me sad!
Sorry your job is being such a challenge now. Being shorthanded isn't helping.
Love you....Hugs....connie d
Connie soooooooooooo glad that you got your stuff moved into your new place!!! Sorry it had to be so darn cold!!!!!!!!! Take your time putting things away...you will be there a long time to enjoy it!!!
Haven't heard about Vic either...hope she is doing better!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Judy....I am so glad to have my things around me. I have a place of my own and it is just wonderful!! God is good!
I sent a message to Vickie's daughter, Cassie, but haven't heard anything new yet. I will keep watching for any news. Still keeping her in my thoughts and prayers.
I hope you and Rick are having a good day and ignoring everyone!!! I imagine it is cold where you are too!!
Love you much....hugs....connie d
Connie (OFFrs),
Thank you for saying hello to my response to our Maui Sister. I don't make it here much, but I am happy to see that your moving day has come and you are now in your new home, where I pray you find peace and happiness, as when it comes to having ones own home, there is certainly a measure of comfort to know you can be, do and enjoy as you wish.
I do love my new job and this past week was quite busy, as I was gone for over a week over the Thanksgiving holiday's and so the work I needed to do to catch up kept me quite busy, not to mention I got home late Monday night, so I started back to work short on sleep . . . I am doing the best I can to make it through this upcoming holiday season. While I am trying to live in the day, I know that my SIL and nephews will really feel the loss come Christmas Eve and Christmas Day, as my brother's favorite holiday was that one, so as the time draws near, I am on an emotional roller coaster ride, but I do my best not to focus on it, just experience the feelings as they surface.
We've had a nice snowfall here today and Roxie got to romp in it and I posted the video my roommate took on my facebook page. . . love to watch her play in the snow. . . it sure is cold, but I imagine it's colder where many of you call home. . .
I gather Vickie had some surgery and I hope that her recovery goes well, as I know she is a big part of this forum now. I send my best wishes to all, no matter the life experience you are living through now I wish you great peace.
Kind regards, Laureen
My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . . It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . . Laureen
"Success is a journey, not a destination." Ben Sweetland
Laureen...I know Christmas will be hard for you and your SIL and her family. You will all be feeling the loss of your brother/her husband and the children left behind. Know that friends are thinking of you. I will be keeping you all in my thoughts and prayers. I wrote your names on my list. I won't forget!!!
I will have to check Facebook for Roxy and her antics in the snow!! Yes, it is horribly cold these days...brrrrrr. I hate winters. I never used to when I was young. Now it just causes too much pain.
I very much love my new place. People are wonderful here and it feels just right!! I really do love having all my own things all around me. It feels wonderful!!
Vickie had a (robotic) hysterectomy and then ended up with complications. She will be in the hospital a few more days.
Thank you for answering my post. I hope when things settle down for you that you can pop in a bit more often. You have been missed!!
Love and many hugs....connie d
Greetings Connie, and all my OFF Family,
Wow, so much has happened since being on here two days ago. I was crazy busy yesterday, especially between 3:00 and 7:00. Spent that time helping upper elementary girls watch kids. It was a great four hours. The parents were charged $2 an hour, per child, to have their children watched. There were all sorts of games and fun for the older kids, including movies. I was originally with the older kids, but got paged to help in Nursery, because Frankie wouldn't go in by himself. Trent and Colleen took Izzy and Lincoln to see "Frozen." Then, Frankie's cousin, Livie, wouldn't come in, till she saw me. For about ten minutes, I had both of them on my lap. So, I told one of the older girls to start rolling balls down the sliding board that in the Nursery. That got both of them off my lap. I spent a lot of my time on my feet, because it seemed that every time I went to site down, one of those Munchkins would want to sit on my lap.
Today, I wound up in the two year old room the first hour, and then in the Nursery with only Frankie. He didn't start out in Nursery, because he has a bad cough. So, I was asked to go into the two year old room. Then, Trent, who had Frankie, was helping with a medical emergency, got Colleen to bring Frankie to me. I ended up back in the Nursery, and put Christmas music on my iPhone for Frankie to dance to.
I just got done watching the Eagles beat Trent's Lions, in a snowstorm. I spoke with Eileen, and she said the snow was coming down pretty hard there. It just started snowing here. Not sure what to expect.
Karen, I'm sorry you lost your friend. Her service, and send-off sounds exactly like what I want.
Laureen, it's good to see you here. I understand you are still grieving the loss of your brother. Our first Christmas after Neil passed was very difficult. It got harder after Jack died. What has made it easier is having my Munchkins there every other year. I'm going to try to find a poem I shared with my family the first year.
Eileen, I'm sorry to hear about your former boss. Praying for his family.
Connie, I totally understand that feeling of joyful exhaustion having your own place, even if you are surrounded by boxes. That's what I expected here, but Colleen and Trent went and set up everything, unpacking my kitchen, and totally organizing it.
I'm pretty tired myself right now.
I'm keeping Vickie in my prayers.
Albert Schweitzer