Happy Sunday !!!

Connie D.
on 12/8/13 12:17 am, edited 12/8/13 12:26 am

Good morning everyone......

Sorry I didn't get back to everyone yesterday. I just ran out of time and energy!!

Oh what a day!! We all but froze our butts off by the time we had everything loaded. My son-in-law is good at packing a truck. It was loaded in an hour!! We had that whole storage emptied out  but just a few things.  I am just probably going to donate that to charity anyway. I left all my Christmas things there as I doubt I will be putting anything up this year. You should see this place. A sea of boxes!! I don't care because it is MINE!!!

Glad we did move yesterday at -16 degrees as it is snowing today and only -2 but the windchill is -13 degrees. Yesteday was the best day because we didn't have to deal with snow.

My ex-boyfreind, Dwayne, is coming over later to try and help me organize the boxes as to what room they need to be in. He will also get my bed frame and headboard on my bed. Everyone was just too tired and wanted to get home and warm up. I didn't even ask them to do more. I  am not sure what I will get done as I am hurting pretty bad today.

Has anyone hear anymore news on Vickie? I am praying all is going better for her today!

I will check back in later. Prayers for many of our OFF family.

Love and hugs to all....connie d


on 12/8/13 12:39 am - Bradenton, FL

Hi Connie,

It is about 2 degrees in Chicago!!!! My Florida blood isnt flowing to swiftly!!!!!  I am taking my nephew to a storytelling session at the university today.  We will have Aunty time. I wont take Lavinia cause I think its to cold for my pie!!!!!

So life is good at least for today! 

Thoughts out to Vickie!


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Judy G.
on 12/8/13 3:27 am - Galion, OH

Its COLD here also Carla!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

Connie D.
on 12/8/13 4:39 am

Hello Carla...yes it is definitely colder in Chicago then in Florida!

I hope you and your nephew had fun at story telling today!

Love you....hugs....connie d

Karen S.
on 12/8/13 1:55 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha beautiful Connie and OFF sisters to come....

Vickie, so hoping and praying that you came through the night better than OK, and that you are on the mend. You are so NEEDED!!

Connie....happy that you got moved in, and now you can just settle down and take your time unpacking and making this your cozy home. Love hearing your adventures day by day.

Today is a sad day for me. Not sure if I shared when one of my best friends died two days before Thanksgiving. She was preparing the feast for those of us who couldn't make it home. She suddenly lost her voice, and the ability to walk....so unlike her. I was with her most of the day she died never for a minute expecting her to pass. I helped her on the potty and into bed. I'm so glad I told her I loved her because I don't say that much, but later thanked my Higher Power for giving me those words on that particular day.

Today is her service which will be held down on our big lawn in front of the ocean. There will be many friends/family there, and one friend will lead service, and another will play ukelele and sing Linda's favorite Hawaiian songs. Linda LOVED the whales and called everyone when she saw the first one each season. The whales are here right now, and after the service, we will be going out in a boat and scattering her ashes among her big humpack friends. I know she would have loved that.

So, I'm getting ready for the 10:00 a.m. service and feeling a big hole in my gut but want to pay my respects one last time before she joins the whales. So glad she is out of pain and no longer has to face life's challenges on a day to day basis. I will miss so much our daily calls back and forth....just finding out how our day is going, etc.

Thank you all for letting me share this morning....needed to get some of this pain out of me and into the universe. I love you all!!

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen
Judy G.
on 12/8/13 3:27 am - Galion, OH

Karen, I am so sorry to hear about your friend passing away! Happy tat you took care of her and told her you loved her...she will be happy with her whales I am sure...thoughts and prayers for all!!


Laureen S.
on 12/8/13 4:16 am - Maple Shade, NJ

Dear Karen. . .

How sad I am to read about your loss and I think one of the saddest aspects of our aging is that we lose those friends and family members that mean so much to us. . .  I am so sorry, but at least you had that one last chance to say how you felt.  I wish you peace, a peace my family and I are struggling to find, most especially as this Christmas season is upon us and this was my brother's favorite time of the the year. . .  death is not an easy thing for us to endure, just know there are many here who care and while I am not here often anymore, I am one of them. . . 

With much love, Laureen

My Mantra is that I do not determine my success by the number hanging in my closet, nor will I let the scale determine that success either. . .  It is through trial and error I will continue to grow and succeed. . .  Laureen

"Success is a journey, not a destination."  Ben Sweetland

Connie D.
on 12/8/13 4:59 am

Hello Laureen, so nice to see your post to Karen. You wrote her such a nice reply.

I am sure you are very busy with your new job. I hope all is going well. I miss you here on the OFF thread!

Have a wonderful day!

Love and hugs....connie d

Connie D.
on 12/8/13 4:52 am

Hello beautiful Maui Karen.

I am so sorry for the loss of your friend. I am so glad you were with her  to help her to bed and to tell her you loved her. The service set up for today sounds just beautiful. If I lived there that is exactly how I would want it done. Prayers for her family and friends.

God Bless you, Karen.

I haven't done much today. I woke up with a headache and in quite a lot of pain. Just taking it easy today. I just love having my own place once again. Having all my things around me is so comforting, even though most are still in boxes!!!

Love you much.....many hugs.....connie d

Eileen Briesch
on 12/8/13 2:38 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie, Carla and Karen and my OFF family to come:

Just a quick hello today before I get moving to get ready for work. We have a 10 p.m. deadline today so I have to start getting ready to go to work in about a half hour. 

I found out today that my former boss in South Dakota, Ron, died this morning. He was in his 60s or maybe 70 ... he had lung cancer. He was a smoker at one point but kicked the habit. He was a good guy and I liked him. 

Karen, sorry about your friend. 

My brother thinks he will have to put his cat to sleep this week. She is 15 and has been losing weight and not doing well the past month. She has hyperthyroidism but it has been well controlled for a long time, but eventually (as I know too well) it leads to organ failure. The vet thought he felt an enlarged liver so maybe there is something going on there. The way Gary described it, I think she is going down. She is hiding, just lying around, not cleaning herself ... that's not a healthy cat. 

Work continues to be a challenge with us being shorthanded. But on to work I go again. Take care.

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




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