Chilly Sunday!
Hello Debbie and good morning.....
I too just posted a thread!! Great minds think alike!!!
We deal with the cold and snow because that is what we have to deal with. Can't say I like it anymore either. When I was younger and not in pain it was a lot easier. We moved my belongings from storage to my apartment yesterday in that nasty -16 degrees. We just know how to bundle up I guess!
Hope you have a great day!!
Love ya...hugs....connie d
Hi Debbie,
I meant to post on your thread yesterday too. Sorry!!!! I understand your not liking the cold. I grew up with it. We deal with it the best we can. Strangely, i prefer here, because it's mostly just cold. We get snow practically daily, but it rarely amounts to anything. My family in PA got a lot yesterday. The Eagles/Lions game was practically a white-out on TV yesterday.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer