Happy Saturday!!

Connie D.
on 12/6/13 11:22 pm, edited 12/7/13 12:22 am

Good morning everyone.........

For those of you that don't get Facebook I just heard more news about Vickie. Vickie had internal bleeding over night. She has been taken to another hospital and will be in ICU. I don't know anything else at this point. I will let you know more when I can. I am moving this afternoon so I am not sure when I will be posting then. I will do my best.

Please keep Vickie in your thoughts and prayers, good vibes, swinging chickens or whatever. I am sure Butch and the girls are pretty upset at this time. Keeping them in my thoughts and prayers.

As for me....MOVING....that is what I will be doing this afternoon. Temp is -16 right now. I pray it warms up a little. Lucky we have no wind and no snow and the sun is shining brightly. God is good.

Wishing you all a wonderful day!! Prayers for many of our OFF family. Special prayers for Vickie, Annette, and Jennifer, and a few others as well.

Much love and many hugs....connie d

More news about Vickie from her daughter Christie......

25 minutes ago Christie Poe just posted this, but I'm sharing it on my wall too. They took her in for exploratory surgery around 6;30 or 7 this morning. Butch Poe said the doctors said they think it's a vessel or something that didn't get cauterized or tied off from the earlier surgery. And they seem to think she should be fine, but it's pretty scary. Please keep Vickie Gibson Poe in your thoughts and prayers today!


Surgery is over and they think they have her stabilized now. The blood was seeping but not nothing was not sewn up. They think maybe it was a clotting problem. She is still in ICU. Please keep her in your thoughts and prayers. She had transfusions and is better.




Judy G.
on 12/6/13 11:30 pm - Galion, OH

Morning Connie and OFF family!!!

Thanks for the update on Vic!!! OMG hope she will be ok!!!!!

Connie be careful in this cold moving!!!!

Nothing much happening here for me...the BIG storm we were warned about gave us a little ice and about 2 inches of snow if that!!! BUT it IS cold here...not like Connie's cold but cold enough!!!!

We have our Christmas festivities uptown today but not sure IF I will go due to the cold weather. I do NOT have warm clothes to wear out in that weather. I do have a coat but that won't keep me warm enough for long. Parade starts at 4:30 and that is what I really want to see.

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 12/6/13 11:46 pm

Hi Judy....I did add more to my post about Vickie....please check it out.

I will be dressing warm...in many layers....I do have warm clothes....we definitely need it in Minnesota!! I will be okay. I have plenty of help with the move!!

I am just so worried about Vickie. She is such a wonderful and amazing lady. Keeping her close at heart today.

Love you much....HUGS.....connie d


Judy G.
on 12/7/13 1:04 am - Galion, OH

Thanks for the update again on our precious Vic!!! Hope this will be the end of it for her...wow!!!! Prayers being said all day for her.

For as cold as it is at your area BRRRRRRRRRRRRR YES!! You dress warm!!!!!


on 12/6/13 11:38 pm - Danforth, ME

Connie and OFF-


I'll be swinging chickens and sending Vickie positive vibes!  She is a wonderful person and does not deserve this.  Hopefully everything will be resolved today and she'll be heading home soon!

Connie- I cannot imagine moving in -16 degress but know you will be warmed by the happiness that surrounds you with this new home.

Cold and windy here in northeast Texas.  I caught the crud from everyone else and now have streaming sinuses and cough settling into my chest.  Dosing heavily with tea, Muccinex and rest.

The Book Project is occupying most of my thoughts these days as we move into production.  I'm learning so many things about producing a book that I never even considered.  Some of remember the old days of typing class where they taught you how to hypenate words and talked about widows in paragraphs.  Well believe it or not we had a 15 minute discussion during the book team meeting about how my hyphens as page we wanted, whether we wanted widows on paragraphs and whether to indent paragraphs of not.  We did finally settle on the final title for the book, "A Year in the Life of Our Refuge- Shared Treasures from Anahuac National Wildlife Refuge's 50th Year".  Yes a mouthful but says everything the team wanted to portray in the book.


Well, I'm off to run errands.  I will keep you warm in my thoughts today Connie as you get your things out of storage and into your new home!  Such a wonderful thing for the holidays.  Very excited and happy for you.  I'll also keep Vickie in my thoughts and prayers today as she is one of the few of the OFF "sistas" that I have met face to face.  Jennifer still thinking of you as well during your recovery and the wait for the results!  Positive vibes to all of you who need them.



Connie D.
on 12/6/13 11:55 pm

Hello and good morning Cindi!!

It is so nice to see your post this morning. Your book has a long title but it really does say it all. I am happy you got all that settled and hopefully behind you soon. Knowing you, there will be another project to take it's place!

It is really cold but when the sun shines and the wind isn't blowing it really isn't that bad. Living in MN most all my life has conditioned me!!

Thank you for the good thoughts and prayers for our dear sweet Vickie today. We all love and care about her so much!!

I don't know it you read my additional post about Vickie. I added it about the time you were posting .

Love and many hugs.....connie d


Judy G.
on 12/7/13 5:17 am - Galion, OH

Feel better soon Cindi!!!!


Eileen Briesch
on 12/7/13 1:35 am - Evansville, IN

Hi Connie and my OFF family:

Quick post before I get in the shower and get ready for work. We have early deadlines again tonight and probably tomorrow too. The storm is over for now but we are still snowed in. We got about 10 inches here yesterday ... snow on top of ice. It was dicey driving to work, but I'm a Midwesterner so I know how to drive in snow. Just slowed down and took it easy. 

It has been a crazy week with the layoffs and we are super busy at work. I think my eyes are sore from reading so much. It's not going to get any better.

So sorry to hear about Vickie. Hope she will be OK. 

Connie, stay warm while moving. You're much colder up there than we are here (it's 19, feels like 5). 

Well, got to get ready for work. Have a good day. 

Eileen Briesch

lap rny 6-29-04

[email protected]




Judy G.
on 12/7/13 5:16 am - Galion, OH

OMG Eileen!! 10 inches??? WOW!!!! Guess we lucked out with only a tad of ice and MAYBE 2 inches of snow if that much!!!! BUT they are talking of another storm coming here tomorrow!!!

Sorry about the layoffs at your work. That has to suck right before Christmas!!!!

Keep warm and be careful out there!!!


on 12/7/13 3:23 pm - Bradenton, FL

Prayers for Vickie. Chicago just got the 2 degree cold! No snow yet!


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