Oh Friday is upon us!
Thoughts out to Vickie this morning.
Yesterday my daughter and I were busy! we ad my nephew who is two. He wanted a play datewith his cousin Vinnie!!!!!
It is cold here in Chicago!!!!!! Surely not the 75 degrees that it is at home! Ill be here till at least the 22nd.
Jennifer I hope u are recouperating ok.
Connie I hope u r enjoying your new apartment.
Annete hang in there!
Nancy thinking of u!
I didnt sleep to well, I guess im thinking to hard about the snow coming!!!!!
Talk on the day is new!
Good Morning Carla and OFF Family,
I've been up sine 5:00, but haven't accomplished a thing. Mornings are not my best time of day.
I have to clean up the Christmas tree decorating stuff, bring up some of my Christmas stuff from the basement, etc.
After I do some chores, I'm heading to the bank, and then to play with Frankie, and knitting at Colleen's. I'm determined to finish the blanket by the time the baby arrives next week.
I worked on baking cut out sugar cookies last night for Christmas. It was a disaster. Either they rolled out too thin, and burned, or too thick, and thin in different spots, and burned in parts, and were perfect in parts. I've never mastered rolling out those darn things. Plus, my cookie cutter for a Christmas tree looks more like a space rocket, instead of a tree. It's pitiful. Now, I have a mess to clean up in the kitchen.
I also have to look for a Gingerbread House Kit. Every year, since Isabel's first Christmas, we've made the gingerbread house together, if we've seen each other. Now that we live near each other, I must find one.
Thanks for all the snail addresses. So far I have four. I'd sure appreciate a few more.
Albert Schweitzer

Trish...did you get my address? I did send you an e-mail.
The Gingerbread House will be so fun for you and Isabel to do together. I cheat on cookies to decorate with the grandchild (when I did). I go to a good bakery and buy the baked cookies and their wonderful frosting. It always was a lot less stressful, and they were so good, and no clean up mess from baking!! My hands have been just too bad for years to even try to do the mixing, rolling, and cutting out the cookies.
Love and hugs....connie d
Yes, Connie.
I got your snail address. Thanks. I thought I replied, but may not have.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Carla and everyone.....
Carla it sounds like you had your hands full yesterday!! Two year olds can be quite busy little ones! At least your daughter was there with you to help. It is so very cold here in MN too. I am in so much pain. My body has to adjust to this change of weather.
As for me....gearing up for the move tomorrow.....brrrrrr! I will be glad when it is all over with!! I am just going to relax today. One load of laundry to do and that is it!!
Keeping my thoughts and prayers with Vickie that all goes well with her surgery today.
Jennifer....I hope you are feeling better each day. I keep you in my prayers too. are in my thoughts and prayers daily! Love you so much my friend!
Judy....hope you are managing to hold it together with that bunch of yours in the apartments. They don't deserve someone as wonderful and caring as you!!
Trish....hope you are getting all you needed to get done. I know how busy you are with the children...although that is the best part of your busy day!!
Cindi....keep putting one foot in front of the other...what else can we do.
Cindy....where are you and what mischief are you getting into?
Debbie....are you still frantically trying to get more quilts made for the holidays? Glad you are home with your family again!
Maui Karen....sending many hugs and lots of love to you in that beautiful home in Maui!!
My mind is blank as I know I have missed others. Know I care about you all!!
Blessings and prayers for many of our OFF family. Nancy B, Jeannie,and many others.
Has anyone heard from Caroline or Karen C, and Susan, just to name a few that are missing?? I would love to hear from some of them again!! You are missed everyone!!!
I need to go for now. I will check in later.
Wishing everyone a lovely day!!
Love and hugs to all....connie d
Hi Carla and my OFF family:
It has been a roller coaster of a week here. We have ice turning to snow (supposed to be 6 to 12 inches of snow on top of the ice). Yesterday, 12 people got laid off at work, including two on the copy desk (including my boss and the old guy who kept calling in sick). So now we are down three people (because we were down one when the one person left to go California). I just feel so sad for my boss. He has no one here, no friends, nothing. He doesn't even have a car ... I have been his transportation. Now he is stuck at home all day with no reason to get out. That stinks.
We had early deadlines last night and will have them tonight because of the snow. With the change in personnel, my duties have changed this week. Plus, they're asking for people to work overtime. Strange, because higher-ups wouldn't authorize OT before and now with layoffs they're allowing it.
I also finally got the La. Office of Motor Vehicles to release the hold on my title, so I should probably get my license plates from Indiana next week. The woman called me last week to say she got the info from the dealer in Monroe finally (after I threatened legal action) and apologized for the hold-up.
Well, that's about all from me. Couldn't sleep much last night. Got up at 6:30 a.m. and couldn't get back to sleep. Now, of course, I'm getting tired again. I need to get to work by 11 a.m. so I should get in the shower, have lunch and think about getting my car uncovered. There's a woman outside that has been working on her car for a good hour, scraping ice off her windshield. Now it's turned to snow. Well, we won't have any local sports to worry about.
Feeling great, on my last Percs today, and they were wonderful for my arthritis and fibro pains, never had any of those pains at all since Monday...(guess they wont let you take Percs daily for the rest of your life!)...wish I had something as efficient for all my chronic aches and pains.
Headed for lunch and whatever surprise awaits on menu. Last night had bundles of filet of sole and mediterranean veg sauce, instead of the pork cutlet, with salad and multiple veggies, and opted for frozen yogurt instead of black forest cake. It is unfortunate but food is becoming the highlight of the day after so many years since WLS, and it is obvious seniors have a sweet tooth as every meal has its desert....and it is tempting as the plating of the food makes everything look good. Will behave when I get home as don't have anything sweet waiting for me...
cheers, jennifer
Evening OFF much to say here tonight...just cold 25* and SNOWING!! Still under watch/advisory and warnings all over the place. Not sure how much snow we will get as each weatherperson tells HIS thoughts on how much we will its wait and see.
Anyone hear how Vic is doing? Hope she is ok!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!