chilly Thursday from Michigan.
I just want to wish all friends here a good daY! The terrorist tots are up and running. Prayers still going up for all friends facing health issues and those dealing with cancer> You ladies astound me with your courage and will to fight the evil disease I dont know if I would have that courage, Prayers also for the one who just had surgury and the upcoming procedures!
Good morning Jo and everyone....... wonderful to see you starting the thread today!! I was getting worried thinking the terrorist tots burned you at the stake or something!! Glad you are still with us!! I hope all is going well for you. Any word on when and with who the boys will be going to?
As for me....up at 8:00 to clean off my car and move it to a plowed area. They ladies here are just a hoot. They have me laughing all the time. God knew what he was doing finding this home for me!! I thank him everyday!! I still haven't had time to get my NOOK up and running. I had friends and family stopping over all afternoon and evening yesterday. They all wanted to check out the place!! Tony was here all afternoon until he went to work last night. Good thing too. He cleaned all the snow off my car and opened my doors. We had quite a storm. Good thing he opened the doors. A lot of people can't get into their cars because of frozen doors. The sun is out now so that should help melt the ice.
That is about it for me. I need to shower and get ready for the day. I hope to have a quieter day today!! Still working on figuring who that Santa is a slow process. I am so thankful, what a wonderful and amazing person she/he is!!
Jennifer, I continue to keep you in my prayers. Hope each day is a little bit easier for you. Prayers for Vickie as she has her surgery tomorrow...good luck my sweet friend! Prayers for my precious little Annette....hope you have some better news soon. HUGS!!! There are so many others in my prayers everyday as well. I have a list! You all mean the world to me! I was thinking about Nan this morning and praying for her family. She is so missed.
Wishing you all a beautiful day!! I will check back in later.
Much love and many hugs to you all...connie d
Good morning Jo and Connie and all my OFF sistas!
Jo, I'm so glad to read your post this morning! I know how hard it is to keep the little ones, and sometimes computer time is just a far-distant dream! LOL! Apparently you had 3 extra minutes to yourself this morning. And you chose to spend them with US. Wonderful!
Connie, best of luck with your big move this weekend. I watched the weather this morning and it sounds just dreadful up where you are. I surely do hope and pray your move goes well. So glad your family is coming to help you. You are going to have the best Christmas ever in your new place. Just think--all clean and tidy and arranged just the way YOU like it! Glad you are making new friends there, too. God is good.
I am busy again today. I've been up and playing the "this time tomorrow" game all morning. "This time tomorrow I'll be (at the hospital, being prepped, in the OR, etc.)" Getting a wee bitty bit nervous, but doing okay. Staying busy helps. Yesterday I got the guest rooms cleaned, all the laundry done, and made a big pot of ham and bean soup for next week. Also got all my bookkeeping done. Today I have to wrap presents, make a turkey/noodle casserole, and clean the bathrooms. Also pack my bag for the hospital. We'll be leaving super early tomorrow morning since my surgery is at 8 a.m. I'll have my phone and my Nook with me, so I'll check in as soon as I'm able. I appreciate the prayers and good wishes. I know my sistas have got my back!
Everyone try and stay warm during this awful cold spell. We're already down in the 40s here, and supposed to dip down into the 30s for today's "high". Ha! I know that sounds damn balmy to some of you, but it's cold to us here.
Love you all!
Greetings Jo and OFF Family,
Jo, I totally agree with the courage that so many of the women here show, as they battle cancer. I stand in awe of that. But, don't sell yourself short. I am also in awe of you, fostering triplets so young. Actually, fostering any child, at our age. I could only take in my grandchildren, or my nephew, if the need were to arise. I don't know how you do it.
I went to Colleen's early, to watch Frankie for an hour. He was getting antsy, so I put some Christmas music on my iPhone, and we were dancing and having a great time. I'll be watching him longer tomorrow. I'll take some laundry over to Colleen's tomorrow. Trent's home this weekend. I really, really hope he finishes installing my dryer. I'd wash my clothes here, and just use her dryer, if I had the strength to carry the wet laundry up the steps from my basement. I just don't.
Today will be spent finish my popcorn garland, knitting the baby blanket, and crocheting Christmas stockings.
Albert Schweitzer

Evening OFF family!!!
Can I say crap to this weather????? OK...CRAP!!!!!!!!!! It went from 59* this morning and its dropped so far to 36* now. Storm alerts all over our area and do you think my POS pc will let me go to any of them? NOPE!!!!!!!!
Had training again today IF you want to call it that!!! My trainer once again forgot all about me!!! WTF????? I called her again and asked if I was training today...she said ummm I forgot!!! That makes it 2 times now!!!! She turned me over to another woman to "watch" me this morning...HELLO.......been sitting there stuck once again and NO HELP to move me when I finally got ahold of SOMEBODY to help me she said my session ended at 1:30!!!!!!!! HUH???????? She said to make notes and pick up where I left off today...she shut my pc down from the "training" so I can't go to the part to explain where I need the help!!!!!!!!!! I am sooooooooooo upset over this!!!!!!!!! I was in tears today because I am so pc dumb!!!!!!!!
Crappy weather for us tonight into tomorrow and hard telling IF I will have Bingo or not for them. Made some macaroni and turkey with grapes in it for them...we will be eating a lot of that over the weekend I am betting on that!!! Good thing I like it!!!
OK time to get dishes done then eat supper.
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!