Groan. It's Monday.
Afternoon sistas!
I just spent two long agonizing hours in the dentist's chair. Ugh. My goodness, how can they charge me such unreasonable sums for making me so miserable?
Just popped in to check on everyone, but no one's here, so I'll come back later. I think I'm going to lie down for a bit.
Please remember prayers for Jennifer today!
Good afternoon Vickie and everyone.......
Vickie.....I just read about your Thanksgiving days. It sounded wonderful. Glad your mom and Carrie were there too!!!! And even more exciting, Butch was there!!!! Sorry about the desserts. I never make deserts unless I am going someplace or having someone over for dinner. I haven't done that for almost two years now. Living with others, I made my own meals. No baking. Sorry about the dental charges. I know they can be pretty spendy!
As for me...OH MY.....getting moved was so much work for me. I had to pack everything and figure out movers. It was very stressful. I still have a mess and that was only things from Pam's. Sam ( I am good friends with his wife), his wife Carol, and my ex-boyfriend, Dwayne, went to my storage and got my mattress and box spring. I was so thankful to haves my bed here. I was planning on sleeping on my air mattress. They said "NO Way". My bed has felt so good!!!! I knew I would love it!! I am so happy here all I do is smile!! Everyone treats me so nice. I am already added to the puzzle group!! I was doing laundry this morning. Older little ladies kept dropping in to say hi and to introduce themselves. They keep saying I am the youngster around here. They make me laugh. Everyone is so helpful too. What a weight lifted off my shoulders!! This next weekend all my things from storage will be here. I miss my furniture and things all around me. I patient!!
I hope and pray all went well for Jennifer. If anyone gets an update please let me know.
Judy....STOP doing all that work!! They can put up the trees or not have any. You are injured. They need to do it themselves. I agree with others, to hell with the ham dinner!!
Eileen....hope all is going well for you. I know you have been in a lot of pain too. Thanks for thinking of me!
Trish.....I know you are so busy with Christmas things and your sweet grandbabies!! ENJOY every wonderful moment with them!!
Jennifer...I will keep praying for you!!
Jeannie and all the rest of you are missed!! Love you all!!!
I am sorry to say I won't be able to send out Christmas Cards this year. I really have to watch my money now. I feel really bad about that but, it is what it is. You know I am sending Christmas greetings from my heart to yours!! The unpacking will consume my time this year!! Love you all!!!
Wishing you all a great rest of the afternoon!! Prayers for many of our OFF members at this time. God Bless you all!!!!
Much love and many hugs to all....connie d
Evening OFF family...OMG I AM SO SORE!!!!! BUT...I have all 3 trees up and decorated!!!! Bring Christmas on!!!!!!!!!! I am READY...well almost...LOL Need to wrap the gifts now and also buy a couple hams. Then I am done!!!! YES!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boss is coming here tomorrow...we will have a nice chat about the things going on around here for sure!!! :-)
Tried that new portabella mushroom bacon burger from Wendys...YUCK!!!!!!!!!! Maybe if it was on a regular bun...not going to buy anymore of them.
Vic, hope you are feeling better by now. I know how it is after going to dentist for teeth work!!! HUGSSSSSSS
Connie, so HAPPY for you to be in your own place now and the neighbors friendly!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSS
Hope Jennifer is doing ok after her surgery today!!! AND I also hope they didn't find anything bad!!!! Get well soon Jen!!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS
OK Bandit wants to go for a walk...then after that I am going to go lay down and rest my sore body!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Good Evening Vickie, Connie and OFF Family,
What a crazy, busy, blessed day. First thing this morning, I went to breakfast at Colleen's sis-in-law's, Jenn. She hosted it as the final gathering of the young Moms Bible Study, where I've been watching their kids at church since September. They planned a healthy breakfast of eggs, toast, pancakes, sausage, and fruit. The eggs and toast Colleen made she calls eggs on a raft. She cuts a hole in buttered bread, grills one side, flips it, then cracks an egg into the opening till it's cooked. The kids had pancakes, sausage and fruit. I opted for the eggs on a raft, fruit, and a couple of pieces of sausage. They were the tiny links. After the kids ate, we chatted. Then, they presented me with gifts and a thank you card. I received a Christmas cactus, which is about to bloom, a Joann's gift card, and a McDonald's gift card. I mainly get coffee, unsweet iced tea, and salads there. The burgers make me sick, since my gall bladder surgery. McDonalds is right behind Colleen's house, and I only live two seconds from there. I was shocked. I did not volunteer to watch the kids expecting anything. I enjoy it. The Moms told me that before I volunteered, they couldn't really concentrate on their discussions or study, since the kids were in the next room unsupervised.
When I got home, I made a pot of turkey soup, but didn't have any noodles. Colleen called to ask if I could watch the boys while she went to get Izzy. I scooped out a huge amount of the soup, and headed there. I took some science projects, that the kids and I started last week, with me. They were thrilled to see what was happening. We are rooting sweet potatoes, to make vines; coloring celery leaves with food coloring in water. The carrot ends haven't rooted yet. The coolest thing was what we did with the lima beans. We filled a mason jar with wet paper towels. Then, we put the lima beans along the side, where we could see them. In the past week, they've split open, and the roots and green plant have started to grow. It's pretty cool to watch.
Well, what was supposed to be a twenty minute visit, turned out to be an hour an half. Colleen's been tutoring once a week. I'd been watching the kids here, but since Frankie normally slept during that hour, she's started keeping the kids home. Well, turns out, he woke up, and she asked me to just stay there with him, rather than schlep him here. After a little while, the boys and I went out for the rest of the hour. Unfortunately, what started out as a gorgeous day, got really cold as the sun started to sink. I got practically frozen very fast. I didn't want to upset Lincoln by dragging him indoors when he was running around the yard, tackling Frankie. The more they ran around, in the fresh air, the better they'll sleep tonight.
Well, I have babbled long enough. I believe I got my exercises chasing the boys outside. My food has been iffy today. Breakfast was okay. Lunch didn't have sufficient protein. My soup, tonight, will.
Praying for Jennifer.
Albert Schweitzer