Happy Thanksgiving!
Good morning Carla and everyone.....
Carla...I could read this just fine!! Three weeks with your sweet little Lavinia sounds wonderful. Enjoy all those wonderful baby cuddles, snuggles, kisses, coo's and sweet baby scents!!
As for me.....I have decided to just stay home today. I don't feel like dressing up and going anywhere. I am going to just snuggle with my blanket and watch Christmas movies all day!! I spoke with both of my daughter's this morning. Carrie was disappointed that I wasn't coming down but understood why. It is so cold and snowy right now. Who wants to drive in that...not me!!! I need to make up some lists of things I have here at Pam's to take to my place. I want everything to go over to my apartment Saturday.
Wishing everyone one a Happy Thanksgiving or Happy Hanukkah!!!
Much love and bunches of hugs to all....connie d
Happy Thanksgiving OFF family!!! HUGSSSSSSSSSS :-)
Got word last night that one of my old bosses wife died. She was a pistol but I really loved her!!! She was out shopping and having lunch and getting her hair done with her son...they got back in his mini van and she passed out and he held her and she died in his arms...so sad...he is alone now. No more parents or sister. She is not suffering anymore...she also has been in and out of the hospital last few months...yesterday was a good day for her with her son. May she rest in peace.
Well yesterday we had the tenant thanksgiving dinner...about 24 people showed up and that included us...the SNOBS stayed home and man we had a good time not worrying about the SNOBS talking about us!!!! Got a lot of praise on the doings I had to do to get this dinner ready and Rick's turkeys were a hit!!!! A lot of good food and company yesterday for sure!!!!! I am still tired from it!!!
Today Rick is cooking OUR turkey......again!!!! LOL I know one thing for sure is I can NOT eat a lot!!! Might graze rest of night after its all done but it really is NOT that much that I am eating!!! So that IS still a GOOD thing!!!!
Rick wants to put the tree up either tonight or tomorrow. We are off tomorrow again and the weekend...so I have 3 trees to get up soon because our tenant Christmas dinner will be on the 17th and I have lots to do before that!!!
Dr appointment went well the other day...don't go back til Feb 4th. Told me to keep working that arm!!! Doing great!!!! YES!!!
Watched the parade this morning...disappointed in not seeing many horses in it! And WHEN they showed some they went fast into commercials!!!! WHY???????? GRRRRRRRRRRR I love seeing the horses and their glitter and all that goes with them...oh well come New Year's parade I WILL see a lot of horses!!!! ;-)
OK turkey almost done...need to do MY share...lol
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!!
Hi everyone and Happy Thanksgiving and Happy Hannukkah:
I'm still at work. We had a nice dinner brought in by my employer. Talked to my mom and brother earlier today. We're just waiting on lottery numbers to get in the paper. It's been a nice slow easy night.
Hope everyone had nice dinners and good fellowship with friends and families.
Better late than ever.
I had a lovely day with Trent's aunts, uncles, cousins, and Grandpa. Ages ranged from 92 to 18 months. Good food, good fellowship, and making new friends.
I'm exhausted, and have indigestion. I don't think it's anything I ate.
Colleen is heading out, well actually she's out shopping. She's mostly shopping for kids clothes, and toys for them. I'm not going out till later tomorrow, if at all. Probably will shop online.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Hanukkah.
Love and Hugs,
Albert Schweitzer