Too busy Tuesday!
Hello sistas!
Well, I'm really too busy to be sitting here at the computer today, but I'm taking a break. My mom and Carrie will be here this afternoon and I am trying to get at least some parts of the house in order. Budder is sleeping and I should be cleaning, but what the heck. I'll take 5 minutes to say hello!
Had to go have more blood work done this morning. My GYN's office called and said that my GP didn't do all the pre-op testing required by the hospital. Really? I mean, really? I think I'm going to have to change doctors. I've given this young guy several chances, but I am not impressed. So back to the lab I went this morning for yet another stick and HOPEFULLY I will finally be ready for surgery next week.
Butch is off the rig now, and hanging out in Bahrain and Dubai, drinking and eating and enjoying his day of freedom in the Middle East. Everyone wants to take him out for a drink and a meal. I hope he has a good time. He's certainly earned it. I was upset at first about him not coming home until Thursday, but now I think it's probably a good thing he delayed his flight. The weather is supposed to be awful in Atlanta all day tomorrow, but clear on Thursday. I think he would have spent the whole day tomorrow trying to get out of Atlanta.
I am ready to see him, though! Golly, I am so anxious! I bought signage materials this morning while I was out and we're going to make him a big Welcome Home sign to hang in the dining room. I looked for a Happy Retirement banner, but couldn't find one. So we'll make our own.
Well, I've got to get back to cleaning now. Doing the 2 guest bedrooms and the second bathroom first. Then I'll try for the dining room table and then the living room if I can. I'll have to go get Benny in a little while, so we'll see how far I get. My mom will just have to be {shocked! horrified! disappointed!} over the state of my house. LOL!
Love you all!
Good afternoon Vickie and everyone.........
First of all.....I signed the lease for the new is all MINE now!! If I could do cartwheels I would be doing them!!! A huge ton of weight is now lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I can finally breathe again!! I get my keys on Friday. I can't move in this weekend because everyone with trucks are either gone or having family/company over. I will take a few loads with some friends in our cars. Enough so I can sleep there. I need my space!!
Vickie....I am so glad your mom and Carrie will be there today. I am sure your home looks fine. It is very hard to get things done with two little ones around!! Your doctor needs a lot more practice. Please get another doctor!! Sorry you had to go back for more blood work. That was uncalled for. Sending special prayers your way.
Wishing everyone a lovely day! Prayers for many of our Off family.
Love and lots of hugs to you all.....connie d
Good Evening Vickie and OFF Sisters,
I had an early morning appointment with the Physician's Assistant at my hematologist's office. She is wonderful. Very contientious and thorough. I've been seeing her pretty often because we couldn't get my PT/INR, Coumadin, at the therapeutic level. Now that it's therapeutic, I have to go off it, because I'm getting a shot in my back for the horrific pain I had a few weeks ago.
After my appointment, I hit Joann's for some fabric, and baskets. When I got home, I took care of stuff in the kitchen, and tore through my DVD collection. Colleen read "Little House on the Prairie" to Isabel last year, and then borrowed my copy of the first season from me. I have four more seasons to lend her. I like going through my DVD's and watching the Christmas episodes of the different shows I have. I have a strange collection. "JAG," "NCIS," "Criminal Minds," "MASH," a series that was on USA for three seasons, that right now I can't remember the name of it, and "The Waltons." I only have complete collections of "NCIS," and "Criminal Minds." I have most of the other series.
Anyway, I got an easy recipe for pumpkin pie, which I'm testing, by having my daughter taste it, to see if it's okay to take on Thanksgiving. I already have a great apple crumb pie recipe, which can be made with Splenda.
While at the IGA here in town, I spoke with the father of Colleen's sis-in-law who's pregnant. He owns the store. He told me the doctor moved up the due date for his daughter. I have to spend the rest of today working on that baby blanket. I want to give it to her when she has this little guy.
Prayers and Love to all,
Albert Schweitzer

Busy Tuesday for me too.....left home 8 am as at 9 am had preop tests at hospital , having preop and surgery of course at furthest away hospital, way in East end of city....was there ahead of time and was lucky the pharmacy tech who assessed my various meds and supplements was ready, ditto the nurse who weighed and measured me and took BP( asked if I had white coat syndrome as I was way too high, redid and had dropped half an hour later but still above normal, so I answered not white coat but Cancer Syndrome), met an anaesthetist not necessarily the one I will have at surgery, then went off for an ECG and blood test. Was done 2.5 hours later, and get this, ok to take all my pharmacy meds right up to and after surgery, but my supplements for gastric bypass have to be stopped at least a week before surgery "because they are supplements and not prescription meds" I told her because of my RnY I had to take those supplements daily for life as malabsorbant for minerals and vitamins and they are not self inflicted because I feel like taking them....obviously she knows nothing about gastric bypass and need for daily supplements just like my Synthroid or Cymbalta....because the iron supplement is on prescription , can take that, but not my B-12 nor my Calcium Citrate or my Vitamin D or daily Vitamin....( how ridiculous! My good health depends on taking them!)
I decided to swing by my hairstylist, told her I was having cancer surgery and needed a wash trim and blowdry as am having surgery Monday and may not be able to drive to her for a while until my hair gets stragly again...I told her if I am to have chemo in the new year, I will come to her to have my hair shaved off before it falls out in clumps...she gave me a spontaneous hug and said I will not look good bald, my skull is too lumpy to be a gorgeous much for a nice shiny oiled Kojak look with artsy dangly earrings ...I guess I will have to wear headgear If it comes to chemo.
Also went to opthalmologist for 6 month check-up on my very dry eyes, she too gave me huge hug and said to get lots of OTC natural tears and gels for eyes in addition to my prescription drops from her as can expect more dryness even with just radiation, plus suggested buy lots of heavy duty body lotions and creams, as all this plus our winters and indoor dryness is going to make me as dry as sandpaper .
Then did a grocery shop for some fresh fruit, but mostly frozen fruits, sealed cheeses and frozen meals, and bulk milk so I can freeze and have food in house when I come home one week after day surgery, as am going to respite/convalescent care at a senior's residence so I don't have to worry about nursing, meals and can relax knowing I am being watched over and have wound care for a week ( tax deductible as my GP will sign letter I need it as "live alone and have no family to look after me " as my insurance wont pay for convalescent care).
Then bought some Xmas presents as wont be able to go driving or shopping after surgery, withdrew cash for emergencies , and decided I needed some wine in house in case people drop in...Got home after being 9 hours away, so am having a glass of white now, toasting my productive day, and hunkering down for a big snowstorm starting shortly and lasting 36 hours....glad I was a busy bee today, get to sleep in tomorrow, go to pool for a swim , and read a book and watch TV while we have a whiteout tomorrow with strong winds, and I will be safe at home!
Judy, why were you in such a funk over your birthday and for several days? By posting and saying you were not going to post, you got us all about being a tease!
Vickie, maybe your Mother's eyesight is not all that good and she cant see dust?
Connie: Super news about your new apt...hope you will be pleased with it and find the allergen-free haven you need.
Can't remember who else posted, doesn't matter, wishing a better day tomorrow to all of us and the lurkers...
Hi Jennifer..I have been thru breast cancer twice,(both sides now) & both times with 25 plus radiation each side.
Do NOT buy all kinds of lotions and creams yet.
Speak to your RADIOLOGIST first.
They are very explicit about what KINDS of creams/lotions that can be applied to your radiated skin. Some cause excess burning and you do NOT want that!
Aldo, I suggest getting an old cotton t-shirt and make a tunnel hem with elastic thru it. This makes a gentle-on-the-skin "bra" as your skin will likely get very tender and you still want SOME support. Hubby's old undershirts were perfect for me...nice and soft, no bleach/dyes/starch to irritate your skin.
Sending loving & healing energy,
Nancy B
Hi Nancy,
What great ideas for Jennifer. I have a dear friend who went through radiation treatment, and had no clue about the need for lotions, or alternatives for bras. She never said a word about any problems, as she is always such a positive person, and role model for me.
Great ideas. So good for you to share your experience, strength and hope with Jennifer. Also great to see you here.
Hugs, and love,
Albert Schweitzer

Thanks Nancy, I realize for the radiated area(s) will not be using regular creams, and will be told what to ophthalmologist was referring to rest of my body which is super dry normally, for example even in summertime I dip my fingers into jar of vaseline, and rub it into feet around toes and soles and heels.....I use tons of moisturizer on my face, arms and legs....I have abnormally dry mouth and eyes, nostrils and lips, cuticles at best of times, and it will get worse with cancer treatments ...that was what she/I was referring to.
Went to mastectomy boutique and bought 2 special very soft bras, one is a zipped up camisole, both closing in the front, one with velcro, recommended at the 2 hour info class at breast cancer centre. Will look through my 5x large T shirts I kept for sleeping or car cleaning ( yep, kept some of my fat clothes ) to adjust for wear after my surgery as loose, soft and comfy.
I love that you can give me advice , reading Dr. Marla Shapiro's book right now.
Than you Nancy