Mondays can be GOOD days
Good morning sistas!
Yes, it's cold and rainy and freezing outside, and it's also MONDAY, but today is a good day, too! Today is Butch's very last day on the rig! I am waiting to hear from him this morning. I know he had his "surprise" retirement party today. I can't wait to hear all about it.
It's also Budder's 11 week birthday. My, that little fellow sure has us all wrapped around his darling little finger! Such a smiling happy baby. He's flirting with me right now, trying to get my attention, and it's working! I can barely type for grinning back at him.
Y'all remember how I told you I ordered Christmas pjs for everyone? Well, damn her hide, if Chris didn't stop at Target last week and buy Christmas jammies for Benny and a pair of silky pajamas for herself! But that's okay. The jammies ordered for the guys are red plaid flannel--not just necessarily for Christmas, you know? I was thinking I would go get gift boxes and a special design wrapping paper and wrap all 7 boxes the same, and then give them out on Christmas Eve. So we can all enjoy wearing them together on Christmas morning.
Benny saw me making new booties for Budder, and he wanted me to make him some too, so I have been slowly figuring out a pattern for red crocheted slipper socks for Benny. They're a little big in the toe area, but I got the cuff to fit around his ankle. Now he wants a pair of WHITE ones. I keep trying to explain to him that white is NOT a good color for slippers (especially on MY floors! LOL!), but he is pretty insistent. Oh, well, I guess I will make them. If I'm embarrassed by the state of my dirty floors, I can always clean them, huh?
Mom and Carrie will be arriving tomorrow. I can't wait. Except I know my mom will roll her eyes at my housekeeping. But it is what it is. I have been babysitting full time. I can't also be cleaning house full time, too. (Hell, I do good to keep up with the laundry and the dishes these days.)
Yesterday I went to the store, along with about 1000 other people, to shop for Thanksgiving dinner. Holy cow! They needed traffic cops to direct the shopping carts on some aisles. It was crazy. But I have everything I need and don't have to go back again this week. Whew!
Chris and I were talking this morning and somehow we have managed to live together for 18 months now. I would never have believed it, given our volatile history, but we've done it. However both of us are really looking forward to the spring when we can divide our households again. I keep looking at all the baby JUNK in my house and thinking, next year I can get rid of all this stuff! Next year I can have this (closet, cabinet, bedroom, bathroom) back again! You know, Butch and I might actually LIKE living here if it's just the two of us in this house. Ha!
My lil Butter Bean is talking to me. I think I'm going to have to go pick him up. He's getting pretty vocal about things! LOL!
Love you all!
Good Afternoon, Vickie, and OFF Family,
Vickie, are you getting that winter storm I keep hearing about? We have Arctic temps here. Today, though, we've managed to get to a high of 32 degrees today.
I babysat at church again this morning. These are the kids whose Moms are doing a Bible study. I actually enjoy my time with those kids.
After I left church, I hit Rite Aid, and IGA. Picked up some AllegraD on sale, which is great.
I'm going to spend the rest of the afternoon repairing Lincoln's baby blanket, which he still uses as a snuggly mostly. It came apart in the middle, and of course being a typical four year old boy, he kept pulling on a piece of yarn, which made the whole bigger. I've never done repair on such a big hole, but since I have a whole skein of the yarn I used for it, I'm ready to tackle it.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi I just got back from the bulk food store! Got my nuts, dates,raisins , Chocolate cgips. Im a baking today!!!!!
i already made A ton of pumpkin breads.
Im leaving to see my Vinnie Pie on Friday. I hope I dont get into any storms! But we shall see!
Ill be gone three weeks.
Onward with baking!
I make my toddler grand babies some really easy house slippers by simply making a chain as long as their foot. Then, I either SC or DC in each of the chains…if I SC, I chain one at the end before turning and SC in second stitch, if I DC, I chain two and skip. Anyway, when I get the work wide enough to fold over and meet in the middle of the top of the foot, I sew, using a slip stitch (crotchet) from what will be the toe area to the middle where the foot slips in then sew up the back the same way. I make the toe by weaving in and out around the toe area in every two stitches a piece of yearn and pull it taunt and tying it. Then, if the child has trouble keeping house shoes on, I simply crochet up the side of the sides of the ankle to make a sort of sock. These are so easy to make and I've made them for my grandkids, the adults, and even for my sister's dog who had surgery on one of its paws. If you need better instructions, let me know and I will write them out.
Evening OFF family...well the weather is going to be a ***** again to my plans!!!!!!!!! GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!!!!!!! We picked this Wednesday for the tenants thanksgiving dinner and now a winter watch/warning is out for us!!!!!!!!!!! WTH did I do to **** that mother nature off this year?????????? Every BBQ has been rained out and or cold on top of it!!!!!!!! Now this!!!!!! WHY???? We have two turkeys THAWED out plus ours and if the weather gets nasty the tenants will NOT come out!!!!!!!!!! So we will have turkey up our gazoo!!!!!!!! Sighs.........I have 3 people already backed out...another 2 said if she wasn't already committed to making the dressing they would stay home also!!!! Like I said after the Christmas dinner...WE ARE DONE!!!!!!!!!!!! NO MORE!!! I/we bust our butts to make it nice and this is how we are repaid. I give up!!!!!!!!!
So anyhow I go see my pain dr at 1:30 tomorrow. Hope he is happy with how my arm is. It doesn't hurt much anymore, I stopped taking the dam pills unless it REALLY hurts. Still have the last script sitting here unfilled. So if he will not give me another shot to help me get it to move MORE...I am done going to see him!!!!!!!! Sick of drs and paying their overpriced office calls!!!!!!! (even with help) See the dr for MAYBE 5 minutes and they charge you over $200.00!!!!!!!!!! WTH is wrong with this?????????? And that is the discount for those without insurance!!!!!!!!!!!
Still going to the chiro dr...neck hurts like hell yet but he says it IS getting better...whatever. Never had neck pain til he started cracking it!!!!!!!!!!
I need a vacation and soon!!!!!!!!!!! I am in such a foul mood.....its not fun to be near me anymore. I don't even like myself being like I am.
Well it is getting close to locking up time here...wonder if Bandit will let me put his sweater on to go with me in the cold...haha he is such a brat not being a sissy dog!!!! But once its on he is ok with it...til it is time to take it off him...GRRRRRR!!!!
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Good evening Vickie and everyone.....
Vickie....Benny Bop is quite the little scamp...I just love hearing about what he is up to!! Shopping must have been awful. I know it was for me!! People are in such a rush and so crabby!! I am glad things are going better with you and Chris. I hope that dream of living apart comes true soon for all of you!! Cuddle that little Butter Bean for me!! I am overjoyed that Butch will be coming home for good real soon!! I will keep praying he has a safe trip home to you!!
Judy...the way those people treat you I wouldn't even bother to have a Christmas party! They don't appreciate what you do so heck with them!! For those that treat you right take them a plate of food. They will be so happy!!! I am glad your boss treats you right!!
Jeanne.....You are so talented. Is there anything you can't do. You amaze me!!
Carla...wishing you safe travels!! Your precious little Vinnie will be so excited to see you!! sounds so happy these days!! I know what a blessing your little ones are to you!
If I missed someone I am so sorry!! My brain is all scattered these days!!
As for me....I decided to go out and pick up some vitamins and also some birthday cards for Pam and my SIL, Greg. I wrote them out and mailed them today. I then stopped at a couple grocery stores to pick up some good sale items. When I was done, I was so tired I could hardly get up the stairs. I should have used the motorized carts. That was very dumb on my part!! I really hate using them... people look at me why can't she walk??
Tomorrow I have that appointment to sign my lease at 2:00. I still haven't heard a thing from Lori. I am praying that means it is a go!!
Wishing you all a good rest of the evening! Prayers for many in need.
Love and many hugs to all....connie d