Day 26: Today I am thankful for . . .
Today, I am thankful I got to play with Frankie, and four other kids at church. Part of the time was spent holding Frankie, and his 16 month cousin, Livie, on my lap. They were so snuggly, I took a picture of the three of us, and sent it to Colleen and Jenn in a text. They were in the next room. The kids and I had a good time together.
Albert Schweitzer

OK...I think I am missing day 25 here....or did I have way too much Apple Pie???????? LOL
Today I am SOOOOOOOOOO thankful for such a wonderful boss!!!!! She asked me what was wrong...she could tell by the sound of my voice...I told her that she gave me 6 months before I hated my job...well I do NOT hate my job...its just getting to me right now!!!! She said she KNOWS what I am going through and was shocked that it took almost 2 years for it to hit me!!! The people here are mean and nasty beyond belief...SO TRUE!!!! Not all of them but a few and they are the ones that make it hard to be happy all the time. She also said to LOCK the bathrooms up and only open them IF and WHEN there is a function in it. Today I found out who it might have been that left the mess...mailman saw who came out of there while he was sitting in his truck...he said when he went inside to get the out going mail it stunk really bad in there...and out comes this woman...really????? OMG I never would have thought this about her...but I guess she is the one...she never cleans up her dogs poop and now this!!!! SO getting back to being thankful...GOD BLESS MY BOSS!!!!!! It means so much to have one that really cares about you!!!!