Debbie A.
on 11/21/13 11:52 pm - Discovery Bay, CA
RNY on 08/15/12

Morning OFF family!

Hope this post finds you all well. I'm finally home from Carmel and I don't want to go any where for awhile. It was hard leaving my girlfriend but she is doing so good I know she'll do fine when her husband is away on business. 

Hope you all have a great day, thoughts and prayers for all,




      "Nothing is impossible. The word itself says I'M POSSIBLE!!!"

"No one said it was going to be easy, but it will definitely be worth it"

Connie D.
on 11/22/13 1:21 am

Good morning Debbie and everyone.....

Debbie....Welcome Home!! There is nothing like being home in your own surroundings. It sounds like your friend is making good progress. Thank God for answered prayers!!

As for me..... my daughter is taking good care of me. I love having a comfy bed to sleep in. We had a wonderful dinner last night. We talked about old times with my grandchildren when they were little. Lucas (grandson) was rolling his eyes sometimes but most of all just laughed. Especially about the stories involving his sisters!! Greg (son in law) told some stories about his son as well. That was funny too.They aren't letting me do anything!! I slept just wonderful last night. I laid down yesterday at 2 and didn't wake up until 7. That is only because it was time for dinner. I swear I could have slept right through to morning. I went to bed at 10:30 last night and slept until 10 this morning!! Some of this sleeping is from the pain meds too.

Wishing you all a beautiful day!! Prayers and love for so many of our OFF friends and families.

Love and hugs to you all.....connie d

on 11/22/13 2:46 am - Cibolo, TX

Good afternoon, Debbie and Connie and all my OFF sistas!

Debbie, it is so nice to have you back with us again!  You have been missed!

Connie, I am so glad someone is finally taking care of YOU for a change!  You need some pampering.  I'm glad you are getting it this weekend.  I can only imagine how nice it must be for you to sleep in a bed instead of a recliner.  When do you think you might hear about your apartment?  I know you are anxious to get moved out into your own place.

The Bean and I are having a quiet day snuggling together inside our warm house.  It is a COLD, WET, and BLUSTERY day out there.  Now mind you, yesterday it was 80 F.  Last Sunday it was 90 F!  But today it hasn't gotten up out of the 40s yet.  I guess winter has arrived in South Texas.  The rain is very welcome; the cold, not so much.

I woke up sick this morning, but now I've decided it is just sinus.  My throat hurt and my head ached and I was all stopped up.  But now I feel just fine.  Go figure.  I don't have time to be sick, anyway.  I still have full time babysitting duties today and tomorrow and then Monday/Tuesday of next week.  So go away cold and sinus: "Ain't nobody got time for dat!"

I'm crocheting the Bean some more booties.  He's outgrown all the newborn size ones I made for him.  I'm making size 6 month now.  Our baby weighs 14 lbs!  He is just 10 weeks old, but he is growing so fast.  He's so tall, he's wearing size 6 month onsies and sleepers.  He's a very healthy baby!  I swear I am not overfeeding him!  He's just growing, that's all.

However, I am overfeeding me.  Oh, all this stress is playing havoc with my eating habits.  I'll be so happy when Butch gets home and I get past this surgery.  Then maybe I can relax a bit and quit stuffing carbs in my face!

Hope our cancer warriors are all doing well today.  I know Annette is having some bad days.  I imagine Nancy is too.  And Jennifer is just gearing up for her fight again.  Hugs, love, prayer and support to all of you.  Also hugs and love to everyone dealing with the normal crap life throws at us--money woes, job woes, health woes.  But to all of that I say "WHOA"!  Let's be thankful for our blessings and focus on the positive aspects of our lives, not the negative ones.  I wish I could post a picture here.  There was a beautiful one on FB this morning that said:

When you focus on problems, you'll have more problems.

When you focus on possibilities, you'll have more opportunities.

I love that!  So to all of my beautiful sistas, I wish you all more possibilities and opportunities than problems today!


Connie D.
on 11/22/13 11:39 am

Hello Vickie always make me smile and giggle a lot!!

I know you will have a rough few days....still keeping you in my prayers.

I was supposed to find out about the apartment today. I haven't heard a word. Lori doesn't work on Mondays. Tuesday we have an appointment to meet to sign the lease. Now I will  be worrying until Tuesday!! I  will keep praying about it!

Much love and many hugs.....connie d



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