Day 21: Today I am thakful for . . .
Today I am thankful for not crying when I got stuck on the "learning" business on PC...GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR Woman that is "supposed" to be watching on the other end at corporate seemed to be eating lunch and there I sit waiting for her to "show" me where to go next and I call her and find out she is at LUNCH!!!!!!!!!! WTH??????????
I need a vacation away from this place soon before I explode!!!!!!!!
Today, I am grateful that I got to spend an hour playing with Frankie. I love that he comes running when I get to their house, laughing and smiling. Isabel and Lincoln always were shy with me at that age, because they didn't see me but a few times a year.
I'm also grateful that Utley and I were able to take a 45 minute walk. It would have been longer, except I had to he home, to wait for the cable guy.
Albert Schweitzer