Good morning Carla and sistas!
So, yesterday morning I had a nice long post just about written when Benny Bop did a drive-by with my keyboard and hit some key that erased the whole thing! I never did get a chance to get back and try again all day yesterday.
I did want to praise Nancy B for her award (60 over Sixty) and tell her how beautiful she looked in her pictures on FB!
So Butch was supposed to come home next Wednesday on the 27th (day before Thanksgiving), but he wrote me today and asked if I would mind if he delayed his flight until Thursday. The flights on Wednesday are so booked up that the only seat he can get is in economy and in the middle seat to boot! Well, it's a 15 hour flight. That just sounds like pure torture to me. If he waits and flies on Thursday, he can come home in 1st class, which makes the trip so much better for him. So I said "do it"! What's 24 more hours at this point, huh?
I had a bit of a scare last night. The phone rang and I could tell it was the overseas number from the rig. I was surprised because Butch rarely calls me during their morning hours (9 hour time difference). Anyway, I answered it, expecting to hear Butch’s voice, and instead it was the OIM (rig manager). My heart just about stopped. I thought he was calling to tell me Butch had been in an accident or something! But no. That wasn’t it at all. After he apologized for scaring the bejesus out of me, he told me that they are planning a surprise retirement party for Butch, and he wants me to send him some old photos of Butch. He wants anything I can send him, but would prefer some funny photos. In his words, “pictures of But*****ompromising situations”! I'll have to see what I can dig up. I'm having a busy day taking care of Butter Bean and trying to do a little laundry. Got to figure out what to fix for dinner, too. Really exciting day around here. Love you all!
Hi Carla and Vickie:
Not too many people posting lately. I'm having a lazy day off. Not doing a whole lot.
I had my last PT appointment yesterday and got a portable TENS unit to try out. Used it yesterday and felt it helped. Now, they're trying to get insurance to pay for it. Hopefully, they will. I can wear it at work. My only problem is what to do when I go to the bathroom. How to deal with the wires ... ya know?
I'm still trying to deal with the Louisiana title mess ... I've called her twice this week and she hasn't returned my call. I just tried calling her and couldn't get through ... too high a call volume. Don't know what to do now. I'm calling the title clerk at the dealer now. I'm going to have her overnight me the info. I don't know what else to do. Got to get registered her by the end of the month.
Glad Butch is getting home in first class, Vickie. I know what it's like flying with a replacement knee in a middle seat and it's no fun. I always try to get on an aisle seat. It's one of the many reasons I don't fly anymore.
Carla, enjoy the drive home after Thanksgiving. I'm hoping to drive into Chicago for Christmas to see Mom. But we'll see.
Not much else happening. Going to watch the Northern Illinois (my alma mater) football game tonight. Cleaned out the litter box completely today ... I lead such an exciting life.
Well, have a nice day.
Eileen Briesch
lap rny 6-29-04
Good Afternoon Carla and OFF-
Well after three weeks of no computer I am finally whole again and able to do things. I've been on the run constantly since arriving in Texas and the refuge.
My RV was full of mildew so the first three-four days was spent doing a deep clean with clorox. I did seven loads of industrial size loads at the laundromat to wash everything from the closet, cabinets, etc... Then once the RV was clean I had to focus on the Wildlife Expo that the Refuge hosted last weekend. I was running a booth that showed kids how to make a bird feeder out of recycled plastic bottles. They were predicting 700 attendees so we pre-punched 500 bottles and had them ready. My booth partner and I begged 275 pounds of free bird seed from the local feed stores.
Today I'm covering the front desk at the HQ building as the clerk had her gall bladder out on Monday. Everyone is hustling and bustling around as duck hunting season has started. I'm fielding calls from hunters wanting to question the rules.
Started back to water fitness last night. Lord was I sore. Thank god for the heated bed pad that I purchased last year. Tonight I will go back and do the class again. I'm struggling to get into some sort of routine. Yesterday I went for my 6 month followup from the hysterectomy. I was not happy with the number on the scale and I will focus on mindful eating come hell or high water. The past few weeks have been stressful family wise but that is no excuse. I'm going to focus on the positive and not the number on the scale. No more BP meds, physically able to do things I hadn't been able to do prior to surgery, etc...
Vicki glad that Butch will be able to travel home first class for his last official trip before retiring. Sorry you had the phone call that scared you!
Eileen hope the TENS unit helps. When I was in severe muscle pain I spent a lot of time hooked to my TENs unit. I just disconnected the wires for the unit and held them while pottying.
Carla glad you're getting to visit friends and will get you baby fix soon.
Everyone - I think we should have a letter writing campaign to Jennifer's neighbor encouraging him to cease and desist renovations until after she has recovered from her surgery, etc..
Jennifer hope you get your MRI results soon so you will understand the degree of surgery that you are facing. So happy you were able to survive the MRI. I have to be sedated due to bad experiences long ago of course I haven't had one since my WLS surgery. You need to send us your neighbors snail mail address so we can send him letters requesting that he have compassion for you during your recovery period.
Connie - I'm confident that you will get your apartment soon..
Eileen- Hope you get the title issue resolved soon. My mother is waiting to hear from my brother about the car she sent him so she can cancel the insurance on the car.
Jeanne- Can you send me information about the veggie cleanse that you did? I would like to try that.
Positive vibes to all of you in need. I'm going to be busy birthing the book over the next few months but will try to stay connected to all of you as you are my rock!
Love you...posting my good news separately...BTW, any chicken bones tossing, whatever,WELCOME. Asshole above drives me nuts.
as of 9 Dec will be home from convalescent place as MRI Results came in today. Nothing new, same invasive and in situ milk duct cancer, nothing in other left breast. So my lumpectomy surgery will be 2 Dec. I will then go to seniors's residence for a week full nursing, bandage changing, and meals before home on Dec 9.
Relieved at news, not as bad as could have been....will keep you posted.
love, Jennifer
Carla the traveling!!! Wish I had the money to go like you do all the time!!!
Vic sorry that you have to wait longer for your hubby to get home again...but happy that he will be more comfy for the ride home...
Connie sorry that you are in so much pain!! HUGSSSSSSS did all the mildew get in your place?? That sucks!!
Oh crap!!! CR****s and now I forget who else posted!!! Hate when that happens!!!
Having a day from hell today and anyone that gets in my path better watch out!!!!!!! Including Rick!! Already bit his head off once at the store for forgetting one of the bags!!!! Tenant that had the bed bugs her "aid" is now calling me every five minutes saying I am "rude" to her and her client and for me NOT to speak to her and to only speak to HER!!!!!!!! WTH???? Who does SHE think she is???????????? So help me GOD it took all my might to stay in my office and not go to that tenants apartment and blast that witch!!!!!!!!!! I need to find out what company she works for because I am going to report her!!!!!!! My boss told me to do it.
Tomorrow is day three for office training on the new pc. YIPPEE I can hardly wait. Head is already pounding. After that I take my car for an oil change. That is free from the guy depleting my bank account when I bought the car. After that I plan on doing NOTHING as t is MY day!!!!!
So that is it for my day today...
Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!
Good afternoon Carla and everyone......
Carla....I hope you are having fun with your friend. I am sure by now you really do need a baby fix!! They change so much week by week. Enjoy!! are so sweet. I know how much you want Butch home. I am glad he gets to fly more comfortably on his long ride home!! I think it is wonderful that the guys on the rig are having a party for him. I am sure he will really be missed!! However, you need him more then they do!
Eileen....I love my tens unit!! It makes such a difference on my pain level. I hope it works good for you too. Like Cindi said....I too just unplug it to use the bathroom. I hope you enjoy the game.
Cindi.....I agree we should all protest that idiot above Jennifer. He is making her life miserable. The least he could do is keep the noise level down while she is recovering. Sounds like you have an immaculate home now!! That was a lot of work!!
As for me....I am doing okay. My hip/leg where the surgical procedure was done yesterday hurts. It always does once the meds where off. I had a fever last night and I am sure I have a slight one now too. That always happens too. It only lasts a couple days. I will check it when I am done here.
The lady from the apartment building called. She said my rent the last several years is outstanding. She is still waiting for a couple other things. I haven't killed anyone and I already told her about my credit history. She is pretty sure I can get the place. She will let me know sometime later in the week. I will keep praying!!
I am hurting so time for me to get my leg up again.
Prayers for many in need...special requests as well.
Love you all...HUGS....connie d