Monday in Michigan

Patricia R.
on 11/17/13 8:06 pm - Perry, MI

Good Morning Family,

It's Monday, and it's going to be a Manic Monday for me. 

I have the kids coming over at 3:00, to watch them for an hour.  But before that, I have an appointment I can't cancel.  So, prior to all that, I'll be tidying.  Nothing major, just picking up stuff, and vacuuming. One thing I must do is lock Utley up in my room, and take a sheet off the couch.  I have it there to protect it from the dog hair and Utley's claws.  I take it off when people come over.  I also have to mop my kitchen floor, because it is filthy.  Utley and I track in dirt from the backyard, and it's rather disgusting.

I'm so grateful for yesterday.  My son lent me a Directv password, giving me access to watching the Eagles game.  It was like watching it back home.

Praying for all of you.

Hugs and Love,


Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

on 11/18/13 2:11 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning Trish and my OFF sistas!

It is just barely still morning here, but I've got 5 minutes left before noon, so it counts as morning, right?

I have been doing fun stuff like bookkeeping all morning.  SO much excitement!  NOT!

However, I'm fixing to load up my Butter Bean in the stroller and go for a walk.  Chris is trying to do some chores around the house, and believe you me, I'm willing to do anything to help facilitate that occurrence!  Besides it's a gorgeous day here.  Sunny and warm.  Yesterday we broke a record by hitting 90 F!  Not supposed to get quite that hot today, but it's really nice out.  Wish I could send some of this sunshine to my sistas up north!

Got my doctor's appointment this afternoon for my pre-op testing.  Here's hoping they don't find anything to delay my surgery on Dec 6th.  We're on a fairly tight timeline for December.  I expect to have bloodwork and an EKG and maybe a chest x-ray.  Can't think of much else they would need to do to clear me for surgery.

Eileen, I'm reading a really good fictionalized account of Katherine Parr, the 6th wife of Henry VIII.  It's called Queen's Gambit by Elizabeth Fremantle.   Have you read it?  I'm not very far into it, but I like it so far.  All except for the tense.  For some reason it's written in present tense, and that really bugs me.  All fiction should be written in 3rd person past tense, IMHO.  I can read books written in 1st person, but they often annoy me.  Anyway, I know you like historical fiction, so I thought I would mention it.

I've been doing a bit more on-line shopping.  Yesterday I bought stocking stuffers for everyone.  Since we all spend so much time in the water here, I got everyone a waterproof pouch for their cell phones and a waterproof "wallet"--which is really just a little pouch big enough to hold a driver's license, credit card and some money.  I also bought Carrie a TX Tag--which is a special tag to place on your windshield and you can drive on the toll roads without having to stop and pay each time.  She likes to take the toll road around Austin when she comes here.  I thought that she might appreciate a "free" trip, so to speak.

Baylor is hosting a science conference this week and Carrie is going to be one of the speakers this afternoon.  She will be presenting some of her research.  I am so proud of her! 

Well, I'd better get moving.  Congrats to Judy on her Bingo win!  So sorry you had to split the pot!  Darn.  Connie, any word yet on your apartment?  Jennifer, you doing okay?  Is the remodel over with yet?  Cindy B., how are you doing on the reserve?  How did the bird feeder bottles go over?  Carla, where are you going this week?  There are others, but I'm drawing a blank.  Prayers for our cancer warriors! 

Love you all!


on 11/18/13 3:21 am - Canada

Hi Trish and Vickie:

Quiet above me, slept till 9.30 am, so maybe workers are finished or didnt show up.  Keeping busy working  this week while waiting for MRI results ...accepted work  as keeps me busy and mind off what's to come in next few months.  Fingers crossed all is good  with the MRI and have cleared next week for any pre-surgery tests on assumption my surgery will be 2 Dec.

Will post as soon as I get any news.


Connie D.
on 11/18/13 4:04 am

Good afternoon Trish and everyone....

Trish....I hope your appointment goes/went well. So glad your son lent you the password so you could watch the Eagles game. I am sure you really enjoyed it!! Have a good time with the little ones!

Vickie...90 degrees...WOW....I wish!! It is almost 2:00 PM and it is only 31 degrees here....brrrrrrr!! Bean will love the walk in the will you! I am happy to hear Chris is helping out around the house. I am praying the pre-op goes well. I really want you to have that surgery over with. You will feel so much better!! You have done a great job with stocking stuffers. I am sure everyone will love the gifts especially Carrie!! I am sure Carrie's talk went well. I am proud of her too!

Jennifer...You are still having problems with noise from the apartment above you? I thought that work was all done long ago. You poor thing having to listen to that!! I am still praying that your MRI results are good. December 2nd is just around the corner. I so want that all behind you!!

As for me.....boring as always. I am going to call about the apartment when I finish here. I am so nervous and so afraid it will be bad news. I have surgical procedure again tomorrow for them to finish cleaning up the scar tissue area in my hip and leg. I pray this is the last procedure in a long time!! The pain is much better and this should make it even better yet. I have a dental appointment for Wednesday. I am going to change it.  I know my leg will be hurting too much to make it there.

Wishing you all a beautiful day!

Prayers for so many of our OFF friends and families.

Love and many hugs to all.....connie d



on 11/18/13 5:49 am - Canada

Connie, the repeat bathroom renos were over for me and my kitchen hole end of August.  Since then he decided to rip out his perfectly good  wood flooring he  switched out  5-6 years he's been switching flooring out again past 2 weeks..He told a neighbour he has put  in a million bucks in renos over the years ( i 've endured all of them) although his 3 floor apt is only valued at 1.1 million...guess he's not moving anytime soon and not interested in recouping his reno moneys....


on 11/18/13 8:31 am - Cibolo, TX


Some people just have more money than sense!  Or cents!  Or something like that! 

(I wish someone would give me a crack at too much money, don't you???)


on 11/18/13 1:15 pm - Bradenton, FL

Jennifer tell that neighbor doc to give me some money!!!!! I need gas money to fill my cars up!!!!! Been thinking about you!

This week I am playing with my friend in Ft Lauderdale! Ill be here till Saturday. 

I baked all day today! 


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