Bad Maui Karen checking in!

Karen S.
on 11/18/13 2:46 am - Wailuku, HI
Aloha my friends.....Although I don't post often, I always read your posts every morning before doing anything else. It's now 8:37 a.m. on Maui and someone posted just now that it was almost noon where she must be middle of the mainland.

Last night I was "attacked" by a killer bunch of mosquitoes........couldn't understand since I never have a problem with mosquitoes....but then I got out of bed and checked my sliding glass door and screen to the lanai, and saw that I'd left it a little open, and those little pests found me!! From scratching, I now have bruises on both arms! Sigh.

So many of you are so so busy, and I am in total amazement at where you find the energy. I only work 3 days a week, and that isn't even a full day....usuallly 3 to 4 hours to test newborns' hearing. This weekend I had almost 22 babies born on Maui in the past two or three days! For such a small island, we sure do make a lot of babies!! Ha!

My son, Mark, and my grandson, Zane, were here a couple of weeks ago from Santa was wonderful having them here. They so want me to move back to Calif. and I'm seriously considering it. My grandson is 5, and his brothers are 7 and 9. I miss watching them grow up! My son wasn't even in a relationship when I moved to Maui, and now he's happily married with 3 little ones!! Decisions, decisions!!

Sure hoping each of you has a wonderful day, and that relief comes for mental, physical and life's struggles.

Aloha nui loa,

Maui Karen

Connie D.
on 11/18/13 3:33 am

Maui are not bad.....just very busy.....I always know you are there if I need you!!

Nasty, pesty, mosquitoes....they make life miserable that's for sure!! Hope you got rid of all of them by now. I hate those darn things! I too bruise so easily. If I scratch too hard or even carry a bag on my arm, I have nasty dark red bruises.They are ugly and last for weeks.  I am not on any blood thinners either. I have had this for a couple years now. They say it is because my skin is so thin. UGH!!!

You have a tough decision to make. Being near our grandchildren is wonderful and such a joy. Living in Maui is a dream come true. That is a tough choice to make. I will be praying for you as I always do. Did your son and grandson come back again, or were you hospitalized again?

Love you bunches....lots of hugs too......connie d

on 11/18/13 11:18 am

There are so many reasons to live close to our grand babies and living far away has to be painful; however, sometimes, when we do live close to the babies, we lose our grandparent status and become child care givers.   I love, love, love my grand babies and would give my heart to any one of them but I tell you, sometimes I would just like a weekend or holiday just for me.   So, when you move back and you know you will, just remember to set boundaries about how much of your time you want to give because our children forget that our lives matter outside of their needs and their babies' needs.   

Could you keep your condo there and maybe use it to run back and forth for some you time?   


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