Happy Sunday!!
Good afternoon everyone....
I don't have much to say today but I will start the thread anyway.
My new pain med is really helping to take the edge off my pain. I am so thankful for that!!
A friend called me today. She was 16 and had a daughter. She gave her up for adoption. Today they finally found each other!! That is a true blessing!!
I accidently took my night meds this afternoon with my afternoon meds. The antibiotic I am on makes me want to sleep all the time. That and the added Trazadone will for sure knock me out. I have no idea when I will be back to answer your posts. You all know how much I care and love you all!! I will do my best!
Love and many hugs to all....connie d Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzz
Hi Connie, Judy and OFF,
I've hardly been on my laptop today. Worked in Toddlers first hour at church, then Infants second hour. While in Toddlers, we got a new little girl who was hysterically shrieking for her Mom at first. Right next to my ear. She eventually settled down to where she sat on my lap, or stood right next to me, till we got the PlayDoh out. She got a ball of it, and then sat at the table next to me. We played with it till it was time to clean it up, and she got to be first to go to the toy closet and pick out a toy. Then, I had to go next door to the Infants. Frankie wasn't there, because Colleen and Trent stayed home to see her Dad and Rosa. They flew in Friday, and are flying home tomorrow. Lord knows why he doesn't come out for a longer visit.
Right after church, I stopped at a Holiday Market at City Hall, a block from my house. I found three new crafts I want to do. One I want to do first is sweater mittens. The lady took pre-owned sweaters, all types of colors, and cut out mittens to sew, but she lined them with the softest white fleece. I tried them on, and they were so nice. I also saw a new design for decorative neck scarves. I also learned to make rag rugs.
When I got home, Chris hooked me up with Directv online, so I could watch the Eagles game. Fun. We spent a lot of time texting about the issue I posted about yesterday, concerning our high school alma mater. We both know the principal involved. I'm just amazed it made national headlines.
Now, my right ear hurts. The one the little girl shrieked in.
Connie, I put my meds in those week boxes, and make sure not to take it till right before I want to sleep. I have my morning box and evening box. If I need to take something in between, I then go to my pill bottles.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

I made another pair of pajama pants today. I think I'm finally figuring this pattern out.
For some reason I'm very bloated today where I had my tummy tuck. I'm wearing compression garment trying to get the swelling down before work tomorrow. I've picked out something loose fitting to wear in case I'm still puffed up.
Today dh and I replaced the outer flap to the dog door and lit the pilot light to the gas fireplace. Both seemed to help in making the family room feel warmer.