Good morning Cindi and my OFF sistas!
Thank goodness for our phones, huh? How did we ever manage without them? LOL!
So glad to see more posts yesterday. I was beginning to think we were dwindling away to nothing!
I have the morning off and the another one of my "Thank you God for all these blessings" evenings! Chris will go to work at noon and won't be home again until around 11 p.m. Ugh. But Benny does not have school tomorrow, so if he stays up past his bedtime, it won't be that big a deal.
I wi**** was easier to post pictures here on OFF. I post them on FB, but not everyone does FB. I also wish we had a "like" button. My posting time is so limited these days, but I do read everything. I wish I could just hit a "thumbs up" button on so many posts. It's hard to type with a baby in your arms.
Anyway, yesterday I changed my FB profile pic to a picture of Butch when he was in the army in 1969. One of my good friends asked me if that was my dad! LOL! In 1969, Butch was 24-25 years old, but I was only 12! She's not the first person to ask me that over the years, but no, Butch is not old enough to be my father. At least, not unless he was a very precocious 12 year old boy! Ha! When we met, I was 23 and he was 36. That sounds a bit better, aye? Still the age difference has never bothered us. It's bothered some OTHER people, but who cares what they think. We've always been just fine with it.
Got to make a run to the storage building this morning, and also to the feed store to buy more dog food. Then I'll be home the rest of the day with the Bop and the Bean. Tee hee! Chris and I like that. Benny Bop and Butter Bean.
Praying for our cancer warriors today, along with all our other "aches and pains" sistas. Winter is here, I guess, for most of you, and that makes it hard for so many. We had our cold snap, and now we're back up in the 70's and even 80's again. Might be cold again in December, but for now, we're back in our short sleeves again.
Love you all!
Good Morning OFF Fam,
My day started out with Trent coming over with Lincoln, to start installing my washer and dryer. He is starting Lincoln's apprenticeship as a contractor, and has Lincoln helping him. After they left, I tidied my kitchen up, and now, I'm checking in here. He was able to get the washer installed, but needs to replace a part needed to install the dryer. He had to leave to help Colleen.
I'm heading to Rite Aid, and then going to make some homemade apple sauce. I got some apples on sale, and they should make a yummy applesauce.
Not sure what the rest of the day holds.
Must scoot. Praying for everyone.
Albert Schweitzer

Hi All,
I've only posted here a few times. Don't think I have much to say put decided to try to participate more.
I had my revision plastic surgery on 10/16 so I'm just over 4 weeks out. One of the incisions became infected and still hasn't fully healed. The worst of it is the adhesive of the bandages to keep it from oozing onto my clothes. When I'm home I usually wear loose old clothes without covering it and then treat the stain with peroxide before washing. I'm really having to watch what I eat because my activity has greatly decreased since my first surgery on 8/2. I think I went back to work too soon after my second surgery. I'm exhausted by the end of the day and have been going to bed by 8:30. I slept well last night and have today off.
I bought a sewing machine and took a class during my first FMLA. I have made 3 pairs of pajama pants learning from my mistakes along the way. I think I have the pattern figured out now. Joann's has flannel on sale this week for $2.99 a yard and is offering an additional 20% discount for Veterans through today. DH is retired Air Force. So the flannel for a pair of pajama pants is about $7.50.
Today I'm washing and drying the flannel so that it has shrunk before I make the pj pants and organizing my sewing stuff. I bought a thread holder yesterday and noticed today that one of the spool prongs is broke so I will be going to Joann's today to exchange it and likely will buy more flannel.
I hadn't been paying attention to the weather and found out today that a snow storm is coming so I will go to the grocery store while I'm out.
I hope everyone has a great day.
Good afternoon Cindi and are all such amazing friends!!
Cindi it is wonderful that you finally got your new computer. I am sure you will enjoy it very much. What kind did you get??
Vickie...I too am so thankful for your "Thank You God Blessings". As for Butch and you...age is only a number. Love, trust, and caring means so much more. I wish my family would have understood that. But then I am a woman and women just aren't supposed to be the older then men. Love your sweet names for Benny (Bop) and Reese (Bean). I have so many for Gracie. I call her "peanut butter" and she calls me "jelly"....then of course we giggle and giggle!! This is definitely a favorite. Hope all goes well tonight with the boys.
Trish....YAY....Trent and his apprentice are there to hook up the washer and dryer!!! I know how grateful you will be to have your own.
Pix....glad you came back to post. We love to have more friends!! I was told by my surgeon to only apply peroxide once. If you do it more then once it kills the healthy bacteria and you can get infections. It wouldn't hurt to ask your doctor about that. Find out what he suggests you use on it. Good luck...hope you heal quickly. You are so lucky you can sew. I did many years ago but can't do it any longer. It is a good craft and good therapy too, not to mention all the savings!!!
As for me....Pam spent the night here last night. She was still up at 5 AM on my computer playing Farmville and other games. The cat kept meowing at her to get off the computer. I slept but not solidly until she went to bed. Then a package was delivered for her first thing this morning. The intercom is right above the recliner where I sleep. I knew the package was coming but it still made me jump when the buzzer went off. I have had a very hectic week. I will be glad to have some days to be alone!! I wish they would call about the apartment. They said not to worry, but it is hard not to. I decided I will call Monday afternoon if I haven't heard anything by then.
I really am not planning anything for the weekend. It is supposed to be cold with some snow coming as well. The antibiotic and pain med are working great but one makes me sooooo drowsy. I guess I need to listen to it and just sleep as I can.
Wishing you all a wonderful evening!!
Prayers for many of our OFF friends and families. Special prayers for Annette, Nancy B, Jennifer and others dealing with cancer and other horrible illnesses.
Much love and many hugs.....connie d
Hi Connie,
I'm using the peroxide on my clothes not the incision to get out the stains from the wound bleeding and oozing onto my clothes when I'm not wearing a bandage to give my skin a break from the adhesive. I appreciate the advice though. I remember when we were told to use peroxide on all cuts, wounds, abrasions before it was learned it kills the good with the bad. Peroxide works wonder as a stain lifter. I have used it on carpeting and my fabric car seats to get out blood when my dog's nails have been clipped too short.