Moving and Munching
Today is going to be a busy day. I got up this morning, early, and did Yoga and had three of my four cats trying to crash the Yoga mat. I also have two meetings that will be on the other side of campus, which is about a two mile up hill/down hill walk, so I know I am going to get a good workout in the walking area.
I wish I could do the raw vegetables only another day, but my belly wants something cooked, so today, I am eating cooked vegetables. I cooked beans in the crock pot last night so today I am eating beans with some of my raw vegetables.
B: avocado and apples--not eaten together. LOL
Snack: banana
Lunch: beans, yes beans that are cooked...I can hardly wait in fact, I did have a little taste of the broth this morning
Snack: Turnip slices and lotus root
Dinner: Beans and cooked brocolli
Snack: steamed soybeans
Let me just repeat how much energy I have since cutting out meat. I know I cannot stay on this diet long because of the lack of protein, but I do feel so much better.
So, what are you eating and how are you moving.
Since beginning the cleanse, I've lost seven pounds. That's why I have opted to hit the cooked foods today and move quicker to meat broths...that's a lot of weight and I am happy to have lost it but I don't want to get into a bad cycle of muscle wasting...that may be what's happening.
Hi Jeannie!!
Nice to see your post today. You are doing really well on your cleansing diet. Do all these vegetables cause you to have a lot more gas/ stomach cramps?
L-Turkey beast lettuce wraps with just a bit of mayo.
S-cherry tomatoes
D-I am going to try to have a little salmon and a few veggies. I just am not feeling like eating. I will do my best. If I can't eat it I will have a protein bar (20 gr)
S-frozen yogurt bar ??????
Love and lots of hugs to you....connie d
I'm just posting yesterday's exercise. The weather was pleasant, so I walked Utley for thirty minutes. It would have been longer, but the 15th is when the water bill is due, and I remembered I hadn't paid, so we rushed home so I could get the bill and the check. Then I went back to city hall, where I had walked him, and paid my bill. Today will be a longer walk.
Albert Schweitzer