Somebody tell me it is Tuesday already!

on 11/12/13 12:38 am - Cibolo, TX

Good morning sistas!

Well, I made it through the first day babysitting solo, although I had to grit my teeth a few times and remember to thank God for the privilege of spending time with my grandsons.  Oh the whole, the day went pretty well.  Poor little Butter Bean went to the doctor yesterday morning and got 3 shots!  Ouchey.  So he was a very cranky baby all yesterday afternoon.  I mostly just held him and gave him baby Tylenol every 4 hours.  Benny did pretty well until bedtime.  Then he had a little meltdown that lasted about 30 minutes.  He kept telling me, "Don't want to!" (meaning don't want to go to bed).  I just had to be very firm and resolved to listen to him crying for awhile.  But we made it!  And Chris will be home tonight, so that will be good.

Still waiting to hear from Butch this morning and know that he made it to the rig okay.  I did hear from him yesterday when he got to Dubai, so I know he made the trans-Atlantic flight okay. 

I finally got my surgery date for my hysterectomy.  It will be on Dec 6th.  I thought I would be having it at the hospital in San Marcos, but instead they have me scheduled for a hospital in San Antonio.  That's okay with me as long as I still get the robotic surgery.  Now I just have to work out all my babysitting issues for the few days Butch and I will be tied up.  I'm hoping maybe Carrie can come down to help out, but if not, my SIL in Austin said she would come. 

I am ready to get it over with.

It is going to drop down near freezing here tonight.  That is a mighty big cold front pushing down from up north today.  Good thing Butch got that little greenhouse built before he left.  I have to get out there and move all my ferns and things in for the next 2 nights.  Then, as is typical here, it's going to warm back up again.  I would hate to have all my flowers die this early in the fall.  They are so pretty right now.  Some years I can keep them all the way up through Christmas.  Oh, well, I will do what I can to save them.  It's not the freezing temps so much as the frost that kills them.

Want to say some special prayers for our sista Annette today.  I saw on FB that she has been having some bad days.  She is battling hard against the cancer monster and the treatments are taking a toll on her.  Also prayers for Nancy B and Jennifer as they do their own battles.  God bless you all and give you the strength you need to get through each day with its special challenges. 

Connie, have you heard anything back about that apartment yet?  Praying for you, too!

I'd better close now and get some things done while lil Butter Bean is napping this morning. 

Love you all!


Patricia R.
on 11/12/13 8:25 am - Perry, MI

Hi Vickie and OFF Family,

Where is everyone?  We're missing a lot of regulars, and it concerns me that I might have scared them off.  I sure hope not, but if I did, I'd love to communicate privately, so I can find out, and apologize, and make things right.

Anyway, I started posting twice, and both times, I got called away and couldn't get back for good till now.

I had the cable guy here, and then scooted to the post office and hardware store.  After that, I went over to Colleen's to watch the boys, while they napped, so she could go get Izzy.  I also did some laundry.  I'll be so grateful when Trent installs my washer and dryer hooked up. 

Utley is making me crazy right now.  There was some sort of bug, or who knows what behind my corner hutch, and he's been barking at either it or me for about an hour now.  Argh!

Must scoot.



Seek always to do some good, somewhere. Every man has to seek in his own way to realize his true worth. You must give some time to your fellow man. For remember, you don't live in a world all your own. Your brothers are here too.
Albert Schweitzer

Judy G.
on 11/12/13 8:26 am - Galion, OH

Hi Trish!!!!! I have just been so darn busy lately!!!! You didn't scare me off!!!!


Judy G.
on 11/12/13 8:25 am - Galion, OH

Evening Vic! WOW nobody posted today?? WTH????? I have been so dam busy that I am just to dang pooped to post when I get home!!! Had the tenants bake sale today. Made $60.00!! Nice for not many showing up to buy!! Had several bring their baked goodies and only a handful show up to buy them!! Have about half a table left over yet. Will set those out tomorrow when I get home from the chiro dr. We had some icy walks and cold temps so that is what kept most away today. Guys salted the walks so they would be clean by 1pm when sale started. Didn't matter. Still nobody came from the other side. Only one guy did!!! Some days I just want to say the hell with them all!!!!!! But me being me...sighs.....I am a glutton for punishment I guess.

Had two new tenants move in last week and I will have another one Friday. On a roll for sure!!! Guys are working hard to get that blasted apartment ready in time for her!! Seems the paint wants to bleed all the time...grrrrrrr cheap ass paint!!! Boss said they are changing companies because of the "thinned" out paint!!!! GOOD!!!!!!!! Tired of listening to the guys ***** about the paint bleeding all the time!!! Will have another transfer to a 2 bedroom also soon as he gets the new deposit ready.

Going to stop taking my pain meds. They are not helping me anymore. Can't see paying $38.00 for 20 pills anyhow!!!! So tonight I am not taking anything but Tylenol pm!!!!!!!

Tomorrow we go to the chiro dr and get re-evaluated. Me the 2nd time and Rick the 3rd time. If no difference for the good this is it for what we already paid for!!! I am so far in the hole now I am afraid. I have NEVER gotten this far in debt before!! We will finish what we paid for and be done!!! My neck hurts really bad since going there also. Feels like a stiff neck to me but its not.

It is 28* here right now and chance of more snow?? YUCK!!!!!!! All I can say is I AM FREEZING!!!!!!!!!!! BRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!!!!

My mom is still not doing well...neither is my sister. Ricks mom called last night and his aunt is in the hospital with congested heart failure. His brother still has not had his MRI for the tumor in his head. I am just plain worn out with worry...Mom wants me to wait til Christmas to come home again. I asked her if she was going to still be here then. She said she wasn't planning on going anywhere!!! Sighs....I hope she hangs on that long!!! So worried about her and her passing out all the time. Her BP keeps bottoming out as my sister tells me. Not good.

Well I made some chicken noodle soup for supper tonight. Came out very good!!! Hope it helps Rick feel better!!! He has been coughing a lot especially at night. He said he feels like ****yeah ok I hear that. Wish he would stop smoking!!! Even the dr told him he should stop or atleast slow down!! Does he listen? Only if he is sleeping!!!!!!!

OK I rattled on long enough here tonight. Back and neck hurt going to go lock up club houses and laundry rooms and then settle in for tv and sleep...yeah

Thoughts and Prayers for ALL that need them!!!


Connie D.
on 11/12/13 9:13 am

Good evening Vickie and everyone.......

Just checking in ....not feeling well. My mammogram and yearly physical went well. I have a really bad sinus and respiratory infection. I am on strong meds so it should clear up fast. I am also on a new pain med. It is making me drowsy. I just don't feel well enough to type anymore. I did read everyone's posts and will reply tomorrow.

Love and many hugs to all....connie d

on 11/12/13 10:41 am - Cibolo, TX

Hugs sweet Connie!  I hope you feel better tomorrow!


Connie D.
on 11/12/13 11:22 am
On November 12, 2013 at 6:41 PM Pacific Time, Vickie P. wrote:

Hugs sweet Connie!  I hope you feel better tomorrow!

Hello Vickie......thank you honey...I have been sleeping a lot. Hugs!!!!!
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