Monday in Michigan
Good Morning Family,
I've been doing a lot of shopping online for Christmas. I just remembered that I need to get Frankie an apron with his name on it, like the ones I got Izzy and Lincoln for Christmas when they were his age. Also, I need to get him an alphabet train with his name, also like his brother and sister's.
Didn't sleep well at all last night. Forgot to take bedtime meds, and only remembered it ten minutes ago.
Must scoot.
Albert Schweitzer

Good morning Trish and Carla and all my OFF sistas!
Christmas shopping seems to be the order of the day. I did some shopping yesterday too. I got Benny a "tablet" of his own. I got the InnoTech3 by VTech. He just loves my Nook, and he loves the camera on our phones. I figure he will love having a tablet that takes pictures and has stories and games. I also got him a racing car set. I had a hard time choosing between a race car set with a big track he can lay out and a train set with a big track to lay out. I wanted to get him Legos, but they're a choking hazard for little ones, and I didn't want the baby to get into them.
Not too much to get for Butter Bean at this point. I bought a couple of teething toys and a couple of little 6 month outfits. He'll never know the difference.
I ordered a new heated mattress pad for my mom. She has extra long twin beds and those are kind of hard to find mattress pads for. I'll also get her some of her favorite perfume.
Carrie wants/needs a new phone, so she'll have to pick that out herself. I'll give her the money and she can buy it. Don't know what Chris might like yet, and don't have a clue what to give Mike! Ack!
Butch and I have decided to give ourselves a new "radio" for the truck. I don't know what you call them these days. We want a radio that has Sirius radio and blue tooth capabilities. We like to listen to audio books when we travel and I'm am quite spoiled with Sirius radio in the car, so that will make the hours we spend traveling quite enjoyable. But we'll wait until January to worry about getting it installed. We'll be all tied up with our respective surgeries in December. It won't matter to us when we actually get our "present".
I think we are also going to need a new laptop for the RV. We both have a little laptop, but neither one is ideal. We'll have to give this some thought though. I hate buying computers. It's so complicated and stressful to me. I don't understand all the features and components half the time so I feel like I am buying "blind", you know? That can wait for the spring. We won't be traveling before then at the earliest.
I had lots of plans for crocheted gifts for everyone this year, but it doesn't look like that's going to happen. Oh well, yarn keeps. I can crochet all next year while we're traveling and that will be a good thing.
This is day one of what I am half-laughingly calling my "17 days of hell"! It's 17 days until Butch comes home for good. Everyone says that the next two weeks will go by before I know it, but it doesn't seem that way from MY perspective! Still Chris only has to work 2 nights this week, so that's a blessing. We'll just have to wait and see what next week brings.
Hope everyone is doing well today. Love you all!
Okay, I've just spent an hour outside in the bright sunshine watering my plants and giving myself a good talking to! No more negativity. I am going to focus on what's GOOD in my life and ENJOY this time with my grandsons. I am one lucky lady and I need to practice what I preach and COUNT MY BLESSINGS! So forget the "17 days of hell"! I should never have even thought that. And I'm sorry I put it out there in the universe. I take it back.
vICKIE when checking out insurance check out tricare coverage for veterns. We have it right now as a secondary and we have no copays. I know we have to register for Medicare and will need parts A&b but wont need D since we will still have tricare coverage I dont understand it all but if butch is a vetren then it might be of help you will need to know his SS his discharge date and branch he served in maybe more
Good morning Trish and everyone.....
Tri**** sounds like you are way ahead of the Christmas shopping this year. The kids will be thrilled with their gifts from grandma!! get more done in a day then I do in a week. You are so lucky to be able to get around like you do. Have fun shopping!!
Vickie sweet Vickie..... we all know how much you love your daughters and grandchildren. It just helps sometime to vent and get it out. God is at your side and he will help you through. God Bless. It sounds like you have your lists and things for Christmas pretty much accomplished. I am amazed by you. You always make me smile!!
As for me....I have a doctor appointment tomorrow afternoon for my yearly physical and my Mammogram. Not sure what I will do today. It is only 18 degrees with a high of 23 forecasted for today. I think I will just stay inside. I ran errands yesterday so I don't really need anything. Keeping warm seems like a good choice today. After my appointments tomorrow I am going to go shopping for Gracie's Birthday gifts. Next Monday is her Birthday. I can't believe she will be 7 already!!
Wishing you all a great day!!
Prayers for many of our OFF family!
Love and hugs to all.....connie d
Thank you, Connie. You are my cheerleader! But it occurred to me (rather belatedly, but better late than never) if I go around saying I'm in for "17 days of hell", then that's exactly what I'm going to get! Sometimes I'm so dumb I amaze myself. Instead of setting myself up for two weeks of misery, I ought to be focusing on the good stuff in my life and enjoying my two weeks. Duh.
But I do appreciate more than I can say the safe place we have here on OFF to vent and spew and complain and cry. I agree, sometimes that is what is needed and that's what friends do for one another. However, I do NOT need to bring such misery on myself on purpose! LOL! Enough of that sh*t happens all on it's own. Ha!
Any word on the apartment yet???