Ambivalent Sunday
Good morning sistas!
I'm trying to hold onto a good attitude today, but it's slipping. We have to leave for the airport around 1 p.m. this afternoon. I'm trying to enjoy our last morning together, but I have a very heavy heart today. I don't think I'm going to be able to hold off the blue funk altogether. It's gaining on me.
I have planned some retail therapy after I drop Butch off at the airport. I'm going shopping at Sam's on the way home, and possibly make a few other stops at Barnes and Noble and Tuesday Morning and some other stores. Nothing cheers me up like spending money. Ha! No, truly, I need to do some Christmas shopping and buy our ham for Thanksgiving, etc. Might as well do some of it today.
Chris took the boys into New Braunfels to meet her friend Andrea at IHOP for a pancake brunch. Andrea has a little boy, Jared, who is a couple of years older than Benny, but they get along well together. Andrea also works at Hobby Lobby and is another young single mom, just like Chris, so they have lots in common. I'm glad she's made a friend here. She was too isolated when she lived in San Antonio with John. I always felt like that was a big part of the problem. She was too dependent on him for everything.
Butch and I had several long talks about retirement and income and economics and health insurance and other scary things that are looming large in our immediate future. I still think if we can get Chris moved out of here and living independently we will be okay. I mean, we saved and planned for OUR retirement--just the two of us. It's a whole 'nother ball game right now supporting a family of FIVE instead of a family of TWO. But we are cautiously optimistic that Chris and Mike may just make it as a couple. Butch has come to admire Mike, same as me, and we think he will do his best to support and take care of Chris and the boys. If they are both working, it will be tough for them to afford the necessary childcare for the next several years, but I think if we can help them with their housing costs, it might just be possible for them to make it with careful management.
I guess there's no real way to tell unless we take a leap of faith and try it. Butch can always do consulting work moving rigs if he needs to. But I sure hope it doesn't come to that.
I've been exploring my health care options for 2014, and it's very grim. This issue has been weighing heavily on my mind for the past few months. Without getting into politics (because I would have had to do this with or without Obamacare), I think I am going to take out a catastrophic illness plan. I would have a huge deductible ($7500-$10,000 depending on the plan I choose), but after I meet it, the plan would pay 100%. It's not likely I would ever meet that deductible unless I did have a catastrophe like a major illness or operation or car accident or something, but at least I can pay my monthly premium with this plan. I get a little retirement check from the state each month. It would be just enough to cover my monthly premium (less than $200/month), and I can save the remainder of my check in a fund to pay for my occasional doctor visits. I think it's the best I can do right now while I'm healthy. If my health changes, then I'll need to probably change my insurance plan. But no more than I go to the doctor, I probably won't spend $1000 a year on medical costs. There's no way I can afford the monthly premium for a plan with a low deductible like that!
It's a scary thing to give up our good health insurance, but it must be faced. I've got 10 more years to go before I'm eligible for Medicare, and Butch can't possibly work that long just to keep me insured. He'll go on Medicare in January after he retires, but we'll still have to pick up a supplemental plan for him, too. Anyone have any suggestions as to which supplemental plan is best?
Sorry to spill all of this, but like I say, it's weighing heavily on my mind right now. I so want my husband to retire, but it's a bit unnerving to think of our future without that monthly paycheck!
Ah, well, something will work out. It always does. We just have to have faith and trust in God.
Hoping that all of you are feeling well and doing well today. Prayers for our cancer warriors and all our sistas battling various ailments. Also prayers for Judy's mom and Trish's mom today.
Love you all!
Good morning Vickie and all to follow.....
Vickie.....I know it will be a hard time for you when Butch leaves. I am glad you have time for yourself to do some shopping. I am happy that Chris and the boys are getting out and making new friends. I am sure the housing situation will work out just great. I am so glad Butch and Mike are more relaxed with each other now. INSURANCE.....what a nasty word...LOL!! I hate dealing with all that mess. Good luck sweetie!!
I went out this morning for a walk. I only lasted 20 minutes as I am worn down from being sick. At least I tried!! I then went to but some fruit and granola bars. How exciting huh? I plan on resting more the rest of the day.
Many prayers for those battling critical illnesses. Also, prayers for many of our other OFF family members!!
Wishing you all a really beautiful day!!!!
Love and hugs....connie d
Hi Vickie, Connie, and Everyone Lurking,
I appreciate your health insurance concerns right now, Vickie. When I made the decision to apply for Social Security Disability, I learned I wouldn't be eligible for Medicare for two years. Prior to retiring, I had an awesome Blue Cross PPO plan. I was eligible for COBRA from the school district, and the premiums for the same plan was way too high, so I went with the Blue Cross HMO plan. All my docs stayed the same, I just had to get the referrals. In addition to those premiums, I also had to purchase my prescription, dental and vision insurance, from the teachers union. My monthly COBRA payments were $750 a month. Plus, I had co-pays for everything, and my dental coverage sucked.
When I was going on Medicare, I checked out the supplemental plans offered by the company that works with AARP. Right before I signed up for them, my teacher friend told me about the supplemental insurance available to Pennsylvania's retired teachers. The plus side of it is that the state retirement system pays half my monthly premium, and they take my half out of my retirement check. I also found out I can get a special continuation of my union benefits, especially the prescription plan. The premium is low, and I didn't have to sign up for Medicare Part D. My co-pays aren't very high, and it covers mail order, 60 day supplies of my regular meds for either an $11.25 or $22 co-pay. I had priced all my meds with the help of a representative of the AARP company, and almost freaked out at how much I'd be spending with Part D.
For Butch, I'd suggest calling around to the various companies available and ask their premiums and plans. Right now, you are very blessed to not have any serious, chronic illnesses. My main reason for applying for Disability was that I kept getting threatened with disciplinary action, and I was written up several years in a row, because of my numerous absences from work. Most of my absences were to see specialists, who never had office hours after work. Even though I had doctors' notes for every absence, I'd be threatened with suspensions without pay, and possibly being fired. No matter what, make sure he has a Plan B, supplemental plan. One of my friends doesn't have one, and her medical bills have completely destroyed her.
Sorry to babble. Today, I made a visit to the ER. During the night, I woke up in excruciating pain, where my left leg meets my but, right on my panty line. The pain didn't go away no matter when I did. At the ER, they did bloodwork and a CT scan. Both came back normal. Tomorrow, I call my primary doc, after I do my babysitting at church. They gave me an Rx for a mild pain med. So, now I'm resting.
Albert Schweitzer